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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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« Cut and Stitch | Main | Homespun Cushions part II »

April 25, 2012


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excellent work or patchwork and multicolor cushions. I have a suggestion of traditional Asian Sindhi cushion covers with mirror as well as patchwork
Relaxing is very important in our lives. Adding cushions on the sofa makes it more comfortable to sit and relax.it will not only make it comfortable but much more attractive. These are made with different patches of cotton clothes, linen, slightly rough texture, and lightweight. Please visit:


Love your designs. Beautifully showing tradition and culture. Excellent way of showing creativity. I have suggestions for Sindhi traditional cushion covers with patchwork. Check them out

We saw BC Digital Marketing Indianapolis

This is the second book by Ms. Lake that I have gotten. I love just sitting down with a cup of tea and looking at them. I cannot decorate my home with all the ideas here, but enjoy that they are fresh and cheerful interiors! Colorful, creative and fun!


Just come back to your site and spotted your lovely cushions. I bought some of the pink floral backing as babycord some years ago but the supplier no longer exists. Where did you manage to get it? It's soooooo gorgeous. I had made it into a dress for my little one, but now it's too small....boohoo....she'd love another.

Loving Connievan... can't wait til we get a house with enough space for an old wreck of a vintage caravan to use as a playhouse (for me and my wee girly to get away from the boys!)


Love , love your bright cushions. They go perfectly with all your crochet creations. What a happy and fun place Connievan is becoming.
Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Carol xx


inspiring as always, I love reading your blog!!!


Hi, I have spent today cutting and seeing my own homespun cushion cover (with zip), thanks for the inspiration and pictures. I also used the sticky tape zip trick and it worked wonders. I'm so pleased with my new cover, thanks again! Fay x


Congrats on your cushions and your continuing great blog - I visit regularly every day or two to see if you have put up a new post...
Come back Lucy! I'm suffering withdrawals!
Regards Sue

Stephanie M.

I adore the cushions, as well as every other cutesy thing you make!

Anywho, I love making random quilted items and I find that the best way to score happy, vintage, and just plain unique fabric for my projects, are buying top sheets from consignment shops. Typicially I pay no more than a dollar for a sheet and I get around 4 yards worth of fabric.

It really works out well if you are crafting on a budget.



lovely pillows!

Phyllis Modgling

I love the cushions! I just got book "Homespun Style" and want to step into every photo and stay there! I long to make the throw on the chair the cover of the customize section. Then I'd have to find the chair to put the throw on! Thanks so much for the tip! Now on to "Crochet Edgings and Trims"!


I am so proud of your zipper accomplishment. I have had similar hopeful, determined moments when you kind of just shut your eyes and sew and hope it comes out right. lol. That's how I felt about the welt pockets I had to make for the purse I stuck together over Christmas break. =)


I must say Lucy, with your eye for color, I am quite surprised that you don't do any quilting. :) Love the cheery pillows. Your blog always brings a sense of calm happiness to me when I visit. Thank-you. :)


Ha! There is an IKEA cushion in the book image, the sofa image one right under the last shelf image. The long dark blue on the left side with graphics designs on it I use daily when reading evening books to my little lady... :-)
But great book, will try to buy and must do cushions!
Thanks for the inspiration...


Congrats on your first zippy zip! the colors are wonderful, and the craftsmanship is as always excellent. Always a pleasure to visit your blog.


Hello, I stumbled across your blog while browsing crochet sites and I fell in love with the bright vivid colors you use! Thank you for sharing some of your patterns and I look forward to following updates. Wonderful work that comes alive in color!

Lynn Holland

But have you ever seen Dottie Angel's book even the shape and feel of the book is beautiful ....... You have got to check it out if you haavent already got a copy. I got mine and then 4 of my friends order it.
One I made earlier today


Those are beautiful! I love it all together!!

Pom Pom

Love the fabrics. Itching to go to the quilt shop now!


I am really loving this book too- I was lucky enough to find out about the launch party which was a craft market with some of the people featured in the book selling their creations.

I have started a couple of projects since getting this book- it's really inspiring and motivating because as you said it's just good fun and not pretentious or stuffy like some can be.

Love those cushions you made too.


You are so encouraging with your crafting! Love your post...read them daily. I'm working on the Hexagon right now...making a blanket out of 100% cotton and it's slow going, but love working on it. Thanks for your inspiration!!!

Deb in Australia

Thanks thanks thanks! I am so inspired by the fact that you grab your idea and make it happen with tiny windows of time. Love your blog.


Fantastic & colourful! Great cushion!

Kate - The Garden Bell

Wow... I know I've been busy and away for a while. Sporadic on posting too. But, then you know how it goes after all this time. Sometimes we just need to take a break to pause for a moment in life. But, Lucy my friend you do have a way of bring me back to life. Just adore all the wonderful colors of your pillow. And god bless you for taking on a zipper. Courage is the word that comes to mind. OK, off to step out and enjoy a spring day here. Looking forward to a fun summer full of color on both sides of the ocean.


I love the pillow, and all of your creations! Your site always brings a little sunshine to my day. Thanks!

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