ooo what a lovely day I'm having today, jigging about from room to room, getting all excited about my home and the way things are slowly but surely getting straightened out around here. Tis very pleasing indeed I have to say, and my heart feels skippy and light.
Today I've been having some very excitable moments doing bathroom-styling and am delighted to say that it's nearly-oh-so-very-nearly finished. Which is Big News here at Attic24. To have one room out of seven finally nearly-oh-so-very-nearly finished is really, hugely exciting, well for me it is at any rate. The rest of the family are playing it cool, but me, oh I'm love-love-loving this housey progress! It's only a light fitting that's needed now, so if one doesn't bother to look upwards then one can easily overlook the bare-light-bulb thing and view the room as Finished. Have to say I am really pleased with how it's all come together, its exactly as I envisaged it all those months ago in January when the renovation first began.
So anyhow, you can expect an official "Bathroom :: Ta-dah!" post anytime soon, I just need to take some decent photographs which is proving quite tricksy, but I'm trying hard. I am quite desperate for you to see it.
In the meantime, I'm making today a Blankety kind of a Ta-dah day.
Working on this blanket has been a total pleasure from start to finish, its been just wonderful. The yarn is delicious to work with, soft and luxurious and easy to hook. And the simplicity of using a basic Granny Square pattern has given me a great deal of pleasure because it's been so easy, theraputic and relaxing.
The colours, which are softer/paler than I'm used to, have surprised and delighted me. You can find the specific yarn info in this post which I made on 9th October....cooeee, hasn't this been a Quick blanket?? A little over four weeks to complete, which is pretty speedy I'd say.
I used my Bobble Shell edging pattern to finish off the border of this little blanket, and I am pleased with the way it turned out. It's a neat and snuggly type of edging I think.
In fact, the whole blanket feels rather Neat and Snuggly to me. Yes, as you can see I've been carrying out essential Quality Control tests on it this week, you know, road-testing it, trying it out, wearing it in, making it feel at home.
And I can report that it is indeed a pretty first rate snuggle-blankie. It's quite light, but deceptively warm and very soft.
And this newest addition to Attic24 does indeed seem to love hanging out down here with all the other hooky goodies about the place. Looks right at home on the sofa there doesn't it??
Well do you know what, I originally began this blanket with the intention of it being an Upstairs Blanket, not a Downstairs one.
I wanted it to be a bedroom blanket.A baby cot blanket no less.
For when Bump24 becomes Baby#3.
But you see, I somehow got a little bit carried away with making this blanket and it ended up being quite a lot larger than I anticipated.
Too large for a cot really.
So you see, now I'm thinking perhaps this Granny Blanket can in fact stay downstairs for the time being, and then that officially gives me permission to make Baby Cot Blanket v2.0.
Hmmmmm yes, I'm thinking a striped one this time.
And smaller, yes it needs to be smaller.
Cot sized.
Baby sized.
Must not get carried away this time.
Anyhoooooooooooow..........lovely chatting to you and all, but maybe we need to get on with the actual Ta-dah???
One Hundred and Seventeen five-round Granny Squares.Joined using the fabulous as-you-go method, then bordered with eight rows of grannying and a bobble-shell edging.
I chose the colours (16 in total) completely at random as I went along, with no planning whatsoever. It's often harder than it seems to successfully do Random-with-no-planning. I did have to keep a constant eye on the overall colour balance as I worked. Had to check the balance between the lighter/paler colours and the deeper/saturated colours as well as the balance between the pinks/purples and the greens/blues.
And I think I've managed to create a very pleasing well-balanced blanket colour-wise. Well I think so.
So.....time for the Baby Granny Blanket Riveting facts...........
Measures :: 110cm x 150cm
Squares :: 117, each made up of five rounds, measuring approx 10cm square
Time :: quick!! Each square took me eleven minutes, I kid you not. Smokin'
Balls :: 22
Weight :: 1092g
Cost :: oh, I just don't go there anymore
Mileage :: 22 balls @ 125m each ball = 2750 metres = 1.7 miles of yarn (!)
Photo :: me snuggling on the sofa
Blanket :: soft and gorgeous
Me :: happy and smiley
Where can I find the pattern for this please
Posted by: Patricia Bryan | May 01, 2023 at 02:54 PM
Hi where can I find the tutorial/pattern for the baby granny blanket, please? I’m new to crochet and absolutely love this blanket x
Posted by: Clare White | May 28, 2019 at 09:39 AM
I am baaaack. Am finishing a big blanket that I just enjoyed so much that it kept on growing though no fault of mine. I have started finishing a pair of sox I started long ago and now hooked into that. Love looking at your blog and love your colors. They are just my style of colorways. Please stay well and keep up the good work.
Your friend from across the pond
Posted by: Faye Faraldo | March 17, 2016 at 02:07 AM
Hi Lucy: I am from Edgewater, MD a little town 7 miles south of our state capital of Annapolis home of the US Naval Academy. I have a stepdaughter who lives in Manchester England though I have never been there even though it is a beautiful places from all the photographs I've seen. I want to look around your blog awhile and will get back to you. Crochet is the next love of my life after my two sons. So far I am so impressed with your beautiful work
Posted by: Elsie Hrina | February 03, 2016 at 04:08 PM
I like the granny blanket but i hate the many ends i must work into the final blanket because of the many colours in use . Do you have a sugestion how to do this fast ?
I am now working on the cosy blanket and i love it!Every 15 rows I work the ends in so it is not to much work in the end.
Posted by: Marleen Staessens | September 17, 2015 at 12:10 PM
Hi Lucy, I love your Baby Granny Blanket. I want to try and make it too, but am unsure about ordering wool. Which colours did you use two balls of? I see there are only 16 colours but 22 balls. Help!! Thanks
Posted by: Jody | May 01, 2015 at 12:53 AM
Another glorious project! You have an amazing eye for color and balance. Enjoy your page so much!
Posted by: Teri Sullivan | April 01, 2015 at 02:08 AM
I love reading your blog and looking at all the lovely things that you make. I love the look of your town. It's just a picture perfect setting to live.
Posted by: Valerie Hill | July 23, 2014 at 01:49 AM
Posted by: Laksh | July 22, 2014 at 11:21 AM
So lovely...as usual! I've never done a blanket without the same border around each individual square, I must try it. I wish mine were so perfectly square like yours! Beautiful! xx
Posted by: Julie Mack | April 04, 2014 at 06:15 AM
hi, I'm just starting out learning to crochet and I'm looking for something easy to start with. Can you recommend anything? I looked for your tutorial for basic granny squares, but can't find it. Can you help?
Posted by: sonya | November 13, 2013 at 02:17 PM
Have so enjoyed the granny squares. I really love these color combinations. like doing grannies because they finish so quickly. Thank You
Posted by: Ellen Stevenson | October 13, 2013 at 07:48 PM
Loveley blanket. At present Iam trying to crotchet a granny square and can't get my head around the corners of 3rd row.
Do you have any tips?
Posted by: Esther Bray | April 15, 2013 at 06:57 PM
Extra! super beau...bravo!
Posted by: bernadette | March 05, 2013 at 06:54 AM
You've really inspired me. I've bought a pack of assorted coloured yarn(17 colours in all ) from Deramanores. I'm making granny squares (5 rows) and am using a different colour for each row. I love seeing how the colours play off against each other. I'm using clashing colours as well as matching colours - it's riot of colour but working out well. Many thanks.
Posted by: Valerie McKinlay | February 25, 2013 at 06:46 PM
How lovely, lovely, lovely - your blog and you and this blanket. A snowflake pattern led me to you from Baltimore, MD and I'm so pleased to meetcha! :-) Looking forward to lots more fun on your blog. Cheers!
Posted by: Liz | December 18, 2012 at 12:05 AM
I've just learned to crochet to help me get over my fear of knitting with color. Your blog has been such an inspiration to me. Can you direct me to a tutorial on how to pick colors that will work together and also how to join a new color and weave in ends.
You really are giving me endless hours of joy just looking at your fantastic creations.
With great excitement
Posted by: Jane Courtland | November 16, 2012 at 07:17 PM
Hi Lucy,
I just simply love your website and the beautiful items you've crocheted! I'm very much a begginer at crocheting ,however, am going to attemp making this adorable baby blanket for my 10 week old daugher.
Thank you!
Gill x
Posted by: Gillian | September 23, 2012 at 08:25 AM
I love your blog and blankets, especially the colors. Do you have the pattern for this granny blanket? I would love to make one for my newborn niece. Thanks and keep up the great work!! :)
Posted by: Elena | May 15, 2012 at 05:05 PM
Hi Lucy I am asking this on behalf of a friend she has made a granny square baby blanket and is devastated because it is leaning to the right and it is so obvious. What did she do wrong? If you could help her out with this we both would really appreciate it.
Posted by: Brenda Jones | March 18, 2012 at 01:41 AM
Just surfing; I found your BLOG at the beginning of 2012 You are talented and I find you sense of colour, design etc. enchanting and easy on the eye's.Keep up the Great work (kids, house and home) take care, ttbfn your new follower from "Across the pond"
Posted by: Susanne Ferreira | January 25, 2012 at 11:52 AM
Cute. I love it. so i tried to do it. but the stitches r not coming so cute as yours. yours is small, even and beautiful. But mine are big. Any tips to improve please!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Saranya | February 02, 2011 at 07:11 PM
elle est vraiment très jolie !!
vous faites des choses sublimes au crochet, bravo.
j'aimerais avoir autant de talent.
Posted by: sarah | September 29, 2010 at 04:39 PM
Its lovely and attractive. Everybody want to buy this type of beautiful blanket.
Posted by: Home Theater Seating | May 17, 2010 at 07:56 AM
You have been my inspiration to crochet granny square baby blankets. I'm up to three now, all met with great admiration. I did two using the slip stitch join, but the last with your on-the-go technique: so simple &so satisfying!
Posted by: Nancy Hariani | March 22, 2010 at 02:43 PM