One of the upsides of having a sort out is that I've been coming across some long-forgotten and much loved objects. Look what I found at the weekend! I found my basket! Yaaaayyyyy!! Might seem an odd thing to have misplaced, but misplace it I did, until I went a rooting through the Attic eaves looking for _________ (insert random object) and there it was. Hiding. It was still holding the balls of yarn left over from when I made my bag, and if you go here you can read about the basket makeover and see the beginnings of The Yarn Bag too. Cripes, it seems a long time ago don't you think? Well I suppose it was more than three years ago now.
I've absolutley L♥VED being reunited with my basket, I've been so happy carrying it about the place with my ripple tucked up inside. I've found that if I just keep the blanket, hook and current ball of yarn in it, it makes it very easy to do a little bit of hooky in between doing other things. Cos it's there and it's on view and I can instantly pick it up and work a few stitches whenever. I can also instantly drop it safely back into the basket mid stitch when I'm needed by the Littlies (which I frequently have to do).
Thinking about my sweet little yarn basket reminded me of the above picture, which has forever embedded itself in my memory banks. I know, isn't it just? Just SoOOOOoOooo beautiful?? I kept seeing this image in my mind since my own basket made a reappearance, and yesterday I rooted out my Japanese crochet books to indulge in a little Visual Upliftment.
The yarny basket image comes from one of the above books, I think it's inside the one with the red and white motifs.
If you've not already come across these delicious books, you can read more about my love for them in this archive post. I bought both books from a great Etsy seller called Pomadour's Craft Café, the one with the red and white motifs on the cover can be found here, and the second volume with the red chair can be found here. In my experience, these books tend to sell out quickly but are also replenished regularly so if you bob along to Pomadour's shop and find them out of stock, give it a day or two and try again OK?
Ahhhhhhhh I really love these books, so so much. They never fail to delight and inspire. I must've looked at these pictures dozens of times, but never tire of them.
My eyes breeze through the pages, my heart flutters and my mind begins to buzz.
Ideas begin to fizzle and pop and before I know what is happening, something takes hold and I am reaching for my hook and yarn bag to try it out.........
I have this idea to crochet some sort of sweet decorative trim to add a touch of prettiness to something. It's such an unnecessary, silly little idea really, but I am incredibly excited by forcing it into reality. I am making the creative fluttering and buzzing come alive and it feels wonderful.
Heeee-heeee!!! This is what I came up with after a few hours of frantic hooking, frogging, hooking and frogging. Looks a little silly I know........
.....but I just need to start darning in all those ends.
There, that's better!!!!
Do you like it, my sweet little piece of colourful hooky trim?
I need to join it into a ring in order for it to trim the object I have in mind.
So shall I show you what this pretty trim is for?
It's a little bit of colourful decoration for my new Home Blessing Candle.
And I'm so happy with it!!
I treated myself to a new candle on Friday, as I felt the tealight-in-the-peanut-butter-jar wasn't quite up to the job. I found this simple little glass jar candle in the supermarket (Tesco, £3), it's vanilla scented (not overly so) and now with it's hooky trim added it's beautifully at home on my table.
Hmmmm, please do try and ignore the Shelves of Doom in the background. My Decluttering Mission is going through a short hiatus, although I do really need to try harder at getting myself back on track where that's concerned.
Oh yes, that's much better, lets just zoom in and concentrate on the pretty little bits in close-up. Ignore the big messy bits in the background.
ps I'm sure you'll let me know what you think of my potty little creative buzz and if you think it's something you'd like a pattern for? I'm thinking these would make sweet gifts. Right, off to find my basket now, it's coming upstairs with me for a little bedtime rippling xx
The pattern for the trim is here if anyone is still looking for it!l
It’s such a lovely idea ❤️
Posted by: Nicki | October 08, 2020 at 11:30 AM
i love your trim..its so beautiful. I would love the pattern please xx
Posted by: nicole setton | March 23, 2020 at 01:21 PM
Hi Lucy
I love your trim (and all the things you crochet)! I would also love to have a pattern for your trim! Enjoy your site! Thanks so much!
Posted by: Kaos Islami | September 15, 2017 at 02:24 AM
Oh Lucy,
It is so beautiful, I would love to use it as trim on some pillowcases. I do hope you decided to post the pattern. It is so beautiful on the candle.
Suryono Igeno.
Posted by: Yanis Gallery | September 15, 2017 at 02:22 AM
Hullo, Lucy! I love the colours you choose. I have a question regarding the "Moodboard" postings in "Simply Crochet" issue 35: I am unable to get to the websites with the information given, seems incomplete? Hoping you can fill in the missing parts, I really want to look at the whole project.
Thank you!
Posted by: Alison Hutchins | August 29, 2015 at 05:45 PM
Hi Lucy when will you have the pattern for the harmony blanket. Tks nuala
Posted by: Nuala mc Hugh | August 08, 2015 at 10:24 PM
Hi. I would love the pattern for this trim. where can if ind it?? Also, do you ever answer any questions?
Posted by: Leonie | March 16, 2015 at 01:10 AM
Oh my goodness!! The colours!!! I love it!!
On another note I just wanted to tell you how good your instruction/pictures are!!! I love to chroche, but have been a "little" challenged as I feel I have to cope with 3 languages, uk,us,Swedish! I have just MADE your Daffodil flower (not quite finished yet but have to go to bed soon!
Im not a single bit religious, but I feel "blessed" that I have found your site. Ive been on Pintrest for about 6 months, and believe me Ive seen A LOT of sites...yours the best in my opinion!!
Thank you!, Thank you! Thank you!
Hugs Gilly Mellström, Sweden xxxx
Posted by: Gillian Mellström | May 09, 2014 at 12:21 AM
Dear Lucy, love your attic :-)
My daughter got a room for herself and now we are decorating!!!!
We still have to decorate a lamp. I saw both your posts: Lamp Yarnbomb and Candle Trim and thought of putting them together. I would like to get the pattern from your candle trim to apply it on the lamp ;-) Could I get the pattern from you?!
Thanks for your creativity it really makes me :-)
Posted by: Catarina | January 14, 2014 at 07:19 PM
I love your trim (and all the things you crochet)! I would also love to have a pattern for your trim! Enjoy your site! Thanks so much!
Posted by: Sherrill "Casey" | December 08, 2013 at 09:25 PM
Was a pattern ever made for this? I just saw this and love the trim!!
Posted by: Susan Gross | September 10, 2013 at 01:49 PM
Wow! These are incredible, so simple and SO elegant. This project make me want to run to my desk instead of sitting here on the computer looking at things! Brilliant!
Posted by: Candles | March 09, 2013 at 11:11 AM
Hi lucy - just love this little trim - it has really inspired me for christmas gifts (I don't do cards).
Julie x
Posted by: Julie Devine | August 28, 2012 at 11:50 PM
Love your style! Please post pattern for this trim!!
Posted by: Robyn | April 27, 2012 at 03:05 PM
Your design sense makes my heart sing! I love, love, love the bright colors in your designs.
I am currently making the Wall Flower Decoration as a spring gift for myself. (I'm sure I will make more for others, too.)
Please keep making patterns for us to crochet the "Little things" that make our homes and lives a little brighter.
I have one request of you...please include in your tutorials a plain pattern without the photos. I like to keep printed copies of your patterns handy for the late night "hookies". Thanks and keep up your great blogs.
Posted by: Sally (NY & TX) | April 02, 2012 at 12:10 AM
hi lucy,
i'm haniey from Malaysia...i'm very interested with this, i hope u may email me the pattern please..
Posted by: haniey | March 04, 2012 at 10:01 AM
Hi Lucy , i love it! I wonder if you could make the tutorial of this one? It would be a good gift for my mum.thanks for your blog its brilliant!
Posted by: rachel | February 24, 2012 at 10:40 AM
Dearest Lucy, Thank you so much for all of your inspiration and information. Is there a chance that you would be willing to share your pattern...or at least stitch name/information?? I made a small basket today and the entire time I was working on it, I envisioned hooky trim!! I look so forward to each and every one of your posts.
Posted by: Dina | January 28, 2012 at 10:40 PM
Oh Lucy! THANKS for the trim tutorial. I have just finished my first one and it's been a while since I got so excited about lighting a candle! Thank you! I have shared your blog with my dear Stitch and Bitch mums here in Zurich - they all think you, your designs and ideas are fab! Right.... on with trim number 2 (or should I whip up a few snowflakes because it's getting cold here or maybe keep working on my blanket???) xx
Posted by: Em | November 25, 2011 at 08:39 PM
Hello Lucy. My copy of this lovely lovely lovely book arrived today and I've looked through it QUITE A FEW TIMES!!! By the way.... did you ever do a post about how easy it is to follow the crochet diagram instructions? Y'know, just wondering....
Posted by: ZebAlex | November 23, 2011 at 01:21 AM
I have discovered your site a few months ago and I love it, the things you make as well as the things you show us.
I'd like to buy one of the two books you present in this article. Can you tell me in which one is the page nammed : Part 1 on the image above? And the "belt" you made for your candle?
Thank you so much for sharing so many lovely things...
Dominique, from France
Posted by: Dominique | November 22, 2011 at 01:32 PM
That trim is adorable, looking forward to a tute! Kara xxx
Posted by: Kara | November 20, 2011 at 01:58 PM
Pattern please, please!! I have just bought a new dresser for our new kitchen and I NEED to make those to run along the shelves on the top. It is truly beautiful.... and I did vote!
Posted by: Joanne | November 18, 2011 at 07:33 PM
Hello- What is the pattern for the nit of afghan showing in your profile picture? The one that looks ruffled? Thanks!
Posted by: Lorraine | November 16, 2011 at 04:58 PM
I think your Shelves of Doom are quite lovable and friendly looking actually - we all have Corners of Doom that haunt us, just keep on foucussing on the pretty bits!
Posted by: Stitch This | November 16, 2011 at 01:02 PM