![20231129_073729 20231129_073729](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a49367200b-500wi)
In my humble opinion, the end of November should really still have an autumn feel to it, because in all honesty our winters are long enough when they span from December to March. This year however, winter came howling in at the end of November and snatched away any hope of a gradual seasonal shift. Yes, it's safe to say there's been nothing remotely gradual about the early arrival of winter this year, and the sudden icy freeze came as a bit of a shock.
![20231129_090118 20231129_090118](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a09a11200c-500wi)
Despite the freezing chill, it's been beautiful out there, a real gift to have days (yes, multiple days!) of blue sky and sunshine.
![20231129_090100 20231129_090100](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a49371200b-500wi)
These photos were taken in the middle of last week during the final days of November, and as you can see it looked and felt very, very much like winter. The temperatures stayed on the low side, and waking up to a minus four icy start was bracing.
![20231129_090230 20231129_090230](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a49378200b-500wi)
You've probably gathered by now that I walk a lot in my day-to-day life, and I am not generally put off by the weather. I mean, I much (much, much) prefer walking when it's bright and sunny but getting outside to walk at least once a day is a non negotiable part of my wellness routine, rain or shine. I usually have two walks each morning, the first one is a fast "wake-up walk" at 7am with J, and then the second one I usually take on my own as I head out to do our daily grocery shop.
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This second solo walk is much slower, and I love to take my time. I find that walking is a wonderful opportunity to practice mindfulness, and for me personally, my morning stroll is often a time of mental clarity and creativity. It's a time when I absorb my surroundings, often stopping to really look at things in detail....
![20231129_091151 20231129_091151](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a4f7c5200d-500wi)
....it's a wonderful practice, to consciously slow down and spend time appreciating the seasonal details of nature.
![20231129_091151 20231129_091151](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a4f7c1200d-500wi)
Taking daily photographs has become a way of life for me now, after so many years inhabiting Blogland. I just can't imagine going through life in too much of a hurry to stop, appreciate and photograph the things that inspire me.
![20231129_091506 20231129_091506](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a4f7e3200d-500wi)
Frost is such a beautiful thing, a sparkly dusting of winter magic which makes even the dullest plants look enchanting.
![20231129_091608 20231129_091608](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a09a30200c-500wi)
On this morning I was actually on route to the supermarket, with a spur of the moment detour around the meadow and along the canal bank. I am so thankful that I have such freedom in my days that allows me to spend time outside....
![20231129_092737 20231129_092737](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a09a4f200c-500wi)
....I'm someone who needs a regular sun/light fix and I feel my whole soul craving it if I go too long without.
![20231130_110007 20231130_110007](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a493b2200b-500wi)
We had our first dusting of snow last week, it wasn't much, just a soft sprinkling that made the landscape look beautiful.
![20231201_085740 20231201_085740](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a4f80d200d-500wi)
The canal froze over too, always a sure sign that winter is most definitely underway. I took a slow, slip-slidey walk to Coopers café on Friday morning, it's a highlight of my week and I always wake up on Friday's with a happy heart.
![20231201_142727 20231201_142727](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a4f831200d-pi)
It was extra special last week because I had friends visiting, so my stripy Starbright was not alone for long.....
![20231201_142933 20231201_142933](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a493cc200b-500wi)
.....awwww, I had the best kind of yarny company! I LOVE the above photo, it's the three of us sat around the table laughing and chatting and eating caramel shortbread and yarning along all day. In case you are curious about my visitors, the sock-in-progress belongs to Christine Winwick Mum, and the delicious granny squares belong to the lovely Emma Varnam. We try and get together every few months if we can (out last meet up was early September), to chat all things yarn and design and blog and creative living. We can quite literally talk all day long without pausing for breath, it's just the best thing having friends who are totally on your wave length.
![20231201_142933 20231201_142933](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a493c8200b-500wi)
Our days are so short now as we head through December, but it does mean that I often get to see the most beautiful light in the late afternoons.
![20231202_085428 20231202_085428](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a09a8b200c-500wi)
It's Saturday morning now, and I'm out walking the hilly streets of my neighbourhood with J and the Peeps. Well, two of the LP at least - the eldest Giant Child lives a very independent life these days. I so appreciate still having our 19 year old and 13 year old come out with us though, and more and more often they are asking to come without an ounce of bribery or coercion needed. It's just before 9am in the above photo....
![20231202_090105 20231202_090105](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a493d1200b-500wi)
.....and yes, it was proper cold and frosty still.
![20231202_090452 20231202_090452](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a4f827200d-500wi)
We walked along the farm track...
![20231202_090452 20231202_090452](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a4f823200d-500wi)
...stopping often to oooo and aaaaah over the beautiful iciness of everything.
![20231202_093138 20231202_093138](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a4f839200d-500wi)
It was lovely and still in the woodland, a gentle, chilled quiet as we strolled along and breathed in the cold air.
![20231202_094024 20231202_094024](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a09aae200c-500wi)
I love that we get to start our weekend in this way, it makes me SO happy. It might seem a bit odd to walk up hills and through woodland and around a castle on the way to do a grocery shop, but adding on that extra hour of time is worth so much and I love that the Little People are living this kind of life with us.
![20231202_110658 20231202_110658](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a4f863200d-500wi)
My flowers for this week came from the market which I'm delighted about - a wonderful lady who is fairly new to the market, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be a regular customer. She had some mixed bouquets and wreaths for sale, but it was her buckets of floristry blooms that really caught my eye. Buying individual stems is not something I get to do very often because I am usually just buying the standard cheap bunches that the supermarkets sell. But just look at these flowers, aren't they spectacular? The flower lady told me they are a chrysanthemum variety called "fuego" which is Spanish for "fire" and I fell instantly in love with them. She wrapped them so nicely for me in brown paper tied with rafia, and I could not take my eyes off them all the way home.
![20231202_110658 20231202_110658](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a4f85e200d-500wi)
I only bought two stems as they were quite expensive, but I am so enjoying them on my table. Such beauty right there. Love 'em.
![20231129_092737 20231129_092737](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a09a53200c-500wi)
Something else I'm loving right now is the return of the leafy clems, a regular seasonal supermarket purchase which always makes me glad for winter.
![20231130_124117 20231130_124117](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a09a68200c-500wi)
The leafage is a bit extra on this batch (more leaf than fruit) but I love the look of them on my table, and the fruits themselves are just sooooo sweet and juicy.
![20231203_152642 20231203_152642](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a49e57200b-pi)
I've been feeling quite tired of late, kind of like my body is naturally wanting to send me into some sort of mild winter hibernation state. I took a nap on Saturday afternoon, it wasn't planned, but I found that I simply could not keep my eyes open. I was on the sofa with the kitty (you can just spot her in the above photo) and what with the cosiness of the blankets, the gentle weight of the cat, and the rhythmic rows of gentle v-stitches on my hook, well, I was tipped over the edge into a deep and restorative power nap. I woke up a bit disorientated but felt so much better for having the extra zzzz's.
![20231203_153120 20231203_153120](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a4f7b1200d-500wi)
All this talk of winter, and we are in December of course, but I just can't quite bring myself to face up to the idea of Christmas just yet. All over social media it seems like Christmas things have been happening for many weeks already, but here in the Attic I'm still weirdly embedded in Autumn.
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I did hang up my one solitary strand of tinsel.....
![20231129_152421 20231129_152421](https://attic24.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551101c54883402c8d3a09a70200c-500wi)
.....and I've been eating mini mince pies which is about as festive as I can manage this early in the month. The Little People are nagging about the tree, so I guess I will have to rally myself quite soon and get on my hands and knees and into the attic cupboards to perform the annual drag-out of the Christmas Boxes.
How's it with you, are you all decked out or are you taking your time like me? And do you do a real tree or a faux job? We'll have our usual ancient old tree-in-a-box again this year, it must be at least twenty five years old, an old friend. I really should get a move on and let it see the light of day.....