I am becoming an expert at utilising the incy-wincy windows of opportunity in my days ie the little snatches of time that do not require me to housekeep/cook/look after offspring. I am learning to act fast when these windows open and get busy very quickly. It means that the chosen activity takes on a bit of a frantic, frenzied feel to it as I am compelled to work at speed. It's exhilarating and frustrating in equal measures.
Take today for example. An after lunch window created by Little B being away in the Land of Nod. I had a sudden and overwhelming impulse to be creative with fabric, to cut and stitch and make something lovely. The frustrating thing is that my kit is not easily accessible, so the simple act of creating with fabric becomes rather complicated. But today I felt so determined, I really would not let anything stand in my way. I crawled into the attic eaves to pull out my box of fabrics (above) and the crate containing my sewing machine paraphernalia. I set up a temporary workstation at the end of my bed, using the ironing board as dual purpose ironing/cutting/sewing table.
I manged to locate my cutting mat, clever ruler thingy and rotary cutter, scissors, thread and bobbins and I was all set.
I spent a very happy hour playing with fabrics, pulling out crisply folded fat quarters, steam ironing them and gliding my cutter up and down to create 2.5 inch strips.
A bit of trimming, some happy fun arranging the strips and playing about with the colours, ooooo just look how vibrant this is going to be, my heart is all skippy and excited and then BANG. Window slams shut. It's all over.
Little B awakes from his nap all warm and cuddly and scrumptious and in need of big cuddles. My sewing window is no longer open. Sigh.
6pm and dinner is finished, I've cleared away and cleaned up the kitchen. Little B is having some time with Daddy, the Little People are playing out in the street on their scooters and....ah ha!!! I see the window has unexpectedly re-opened for me, and I guess I've maybe got just 30 minutes before it closes again. So I rush upstairs, quickly set up my sewing machine and there begins some frantic piecing and stitching of colourful strips.
Pheewwwww. That was fun!
Tomorrow I'm hoping to snatch some more time to conquer my irrational fear of zips. This stripy, patchy article needs a zip and I am going to Make It Happen. Can't wait to show you!!
توسعه تجارت مواد اعتیاد آور که هرساله زندگی تعداد زیادی از مصرف کنندگان را به ورطه نابودی میکشاند، میتواند بزرگترین و ترسناک ترین تهدید برای تمام جوامع بشری باشد، تریاک قدیمی ترین و مشهورترین مخدری است که بسیار اعتیاد آور بوده و اکثریت از عوارض کشیدن تریاک با سیخ و یا تزریق آن بی اطلاع هستند
Posted by: آیا شیره تریاک سرب دارد؟ | June 29, 2021 at 12:13 PM
Hi Lucy,
What fun colorful sewing projects! Today while online I found something. A pattern and I thought of you. There are times while out shopping or when I see something I often say to myself "Oh Lucy would love this". Though we have never met your warmth, sharing,and care enough to comment on things we say, makes me feel quite connected to you and your world in England, miles away. I know it has been quite sometime since you have worked this pattern, but it was the pattern that had me first find you and Attic24. The Hexagon. Online today I found another way to put them together. So I thought I would share the link and it's free pattern. Happy Hooking Lucy if you choose to make this or another project. Maybe it will inspire you on some new found project. Sending you love & Sunshine from FL Donna
Posted by: Donna | May 01, 2012 at 07:26 PM
Lucy, you're an inspiration. My little workroom is easily accessible but I still find excuses not to make anything when my toddler's asleep - y'know, hoovering, dishes etc. etc. etc. get in the way. I'm just going to get stuck in and leave the housework unattended for a bit... love your creations!
Posted by: Lorna | April 27, 2012 at 04:37 PM
Wonderful job Lucy! Zippers still scare me, but you give me faith! Thanks for sharing :)
Posted by: Claire | April 26, 2012 at 11:53 PM
Hello! I have that first bit of fabric too :)
Here's something I saw on Pinterest that may be of use to you regarding zipper fear:
I really like reading your blog full of happy colourful family life and crafting!
Posted by: Eve | April 25, 2012 at 10:15 PM
Your fabric collection is so lovely, and I'm excited to see what you are making! Good luck finding windows!
Posted by: Hannah | April 25, 2012 at 08:48 PM
I can't wait to see it! I LOVE to see the things you make, it gets me going on my own stuff (when I have a window or two :-)
Posted by: Tess | April 25, 2012 at 06:48 PM
I recently found your blog while searching for crocheting projects. Love your blog!! Your pictures are beautiful and I love how colorful everything is. Thank you for sharing it all with us!!
Posted by: Mary | April 25, 2012 at 06:24 PM
Ooo-la-la! Can't wait to see what you are stitching up with those yumm-o fab-fabrics!! You are an inspiration to me as to all you get done...and with such a loving heart. I don't comment very much but do not miss a episode of your wonderful blog...Thank you.
Posted by: Debbie Johnson | April 25, 2012 at 04:51 PM
You describe perfectly how I feel at the moment, exhilarated and frustrated.
Posted by: Regula | April 25, 2012 at 04:41 PM
Gloroious fabrics Lucy! have fun making , sure it will be lovely whatever it is
Posted by: Dot | April 25, 2012 at 03:30 PM
Gorgeous fabrics, such yummy colours! Can't wait for the next instalment!
Victoria xx
Posted by: Tangled Sweetpea | April 25, 2012 at 03:24 PM
I have all of those fabrics - weird moment seeing them on screen as just playing with them in real life! x
Posted by: grace | April 25, 2012 at 02:36 PM
What a bright spot in my day when you snatch moments to share with us too! Can't wait for the reveal! Always inspirational and happy.... Thanks for that. :D
Posted by: Victoria Brewer | April 25, 2012 at 02:28 PM
Mummy's need playtime too, looking forward to seeing your creation.
Posted by: Julie | April 25, 2012 at 02:13 PM
A caravan cushion is my guess. Could you imagine cutains to match! That would brighten up a rainy day.
Posted by: Helen | April 25, 2012 at 01:39 PM
You're so good at seizing the moment! If ever I do that, it's so frantic that I end up not enjoying a minute of it!
Posted by: Kirsten | April 25, 2012 at 01:32 PM
Crafting is much easier when you have a dedicated space for said craft and it is organized to function well.
I'd love to do some sewing, but have no place to set up permanently at present. When things change I will have a place to leave my machine out and at the ready.
Good for you for not allowing the obstacles to prevent you from crafting. When there is a will there is almost always a way.
And who knows?...just maybe someday you will have a wonderful space to do it all, have it all. Believe in the possibilities.
Posted by: Dinahsoar | April 25, 2012 at 01:21 PM
It is looking good already! I remeber the frantic activity when the window opens- amazing how much you can get done in a focussed half hour! We hd a floor put in our loft so i could leave my projects out up there, but we got a dog and now I don't like to leave him alone downstairs so I'm back to sewing on the dining table and having to clear it away every time they come home from school:S
Posted by: Dotty | April 25, 2012 at 12:48 PM
Ahh, dear Lucy,
As a mother of three with a toddler I understand your 'window of opportunity' feeling. They are always welcomed with open arms, often come at unexpected moments, and, - this is the downside - you never know how long exactly they may last!
Hurray to your makeshift sewing table! The fabrics are indeed delicious.
Posted by: Stephanie | April 25, 2012 at 12:14 PM
Looking forward to seeing what your stitchy bit of happiness becomes! :) I know about windows... I just need to take a leaf out of your book more often and make the most of them!
Happy stitching! :)
Posted by: Seaweedandraine | April 25, 2012 at 12:13 PM
Your stash of fabrics is absolutely delicious!
Posted by: dottycookie | April 25, 2012 at 11:27 AM
Eck....zips, something I stay away from but I know you can conquer them!! Can't wait to see the finished result!
Posted by: Justine | April 25, 2012 at 10:59 AM
How weird, you and I have very similar callings. I too have a pulling towards fabric at the moment, I really, really want to create a cathedral windrow pincushion, inspiration from here http://www.etsy.com/listing/91727428/happy-little-pin-cushion-cathedral this little cushion makes by heart skip, skip, skip a beat. However I am a bridal jewellery design and maker and since I had this pulling I have been inundated with orders. I cherish every order but cannot wait for a couple of baby free, tiara free hours to make a pretty little pin cushion. Can't wait to see your finished article, I'm guessing scatter cushion, am I right, am I, take care.
Posted by: jennie | April 25, 2012 at 10:24 AM
Ooooohhhh so beautiful. Know exactly what you mean about having to grab little windows of opportunity. It's very annoying when you can see one opening ahead of you then something else fills it. I find myself dreaming of whatever I'm doing in between the little windows and longing to reach the next one! It works though. With enough little windows you have a finished project :D
Posted by: Trish | April 25, 2012 at 09:34 AM