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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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December 03, 2009


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Casa Roca

so nice and so beautiful! drives me, to try it - you do a good job ;-)


Dear,Lucy!Thank You very much for ideas and inspiration you give us!Please,say,what kind of yarn do you use?

so yon

I like you^^


OHHHH! May be one of the cutest things I've ever seen! How can you take that down after Christmas? LOVE! Now there's another thing to my "learn how to do" list!


hey, i love your work! but i have a question.
After i washed my acrylic creation several times it starts to pill, so i wonder what type of yarn you use?


Belmont Yarns

Hi Lucy,

Just a quick question. Just wondering if you used a standard word font for the numbers and if so which one and what size? I'm working on a different type of advent calendar and really like the look of your numbers. Maybe you did them free hand in which case I am even more impressed!!

It's not too early in August to be thinking of christmas is it?

I hope you don't mind me bothering you with this question and you've been so kind in the past replying to me which I really appreciate.

Thanks as always for the inspiration

Helen xx

Susan Osborn

My goal for Christmas 2012...get 5 sets of these made! Think I can do it if I start right after Christmas 2011!!

Susan Osborn

Thanks so much for this, and so many of your other inspiring projects! I'm off to find my tote of leftover wool!!!

Angie Goodrow

Adorable!! I love reading your stuff!! So bright, fun and beautiful!!

Sheila Wood

I've just found your site and have been trotting through your ta-dah moments,and that is exactly what they are! Wonderful, colourful and inspiring. It's nice to see someone as enthusiastic about all things crochet as me! Keep up the good work!


Hi Lucy, I love this so much I'm in the process of making one. Stars, check. Felt circles, check. Looking at your numbers and wondering if chainstitching them would be easier, lol!! I've never used bondaweb (new to this craft thing!) did you cut out the bondaweb as numbers as well as the red material??? :O or, just come to me, bond a large piece to the red material, then cut out the numbers from the bonded red, peel off and then iron onto the felt circles?
thanks :o)

Olive Appleby

wow.. what an original idea, you are clever. how can I fit making that in to my schedule... doh dont think I can! it gorgeous... xxx

Kelli Woodall

I love how you've decorated. When my son moves out my daughter and I are going to make ourselves a craft room. You've got the kind of look I would like for my area. Just beautiful!

Mimi and Tilly

This is gorgeous! I am in the process of learning how to crochet via youtube videos, and would love to be able to make a glrland like this once I've got the hang of it all! Sending smiles, Emma x

djamila malki

Ton site est magnifique j'admire ce que tu fais moi aussi je suis artiste je suis berbere je m'inspire de ton site je te souhaite rencontrer un jour


I am new to attic24 and love it. I found my way here via posy gets cosy. I've managed to read back to October and I look forward to cozying up on the couch with your blog for many evenings to come.


Happy Xmas Lucy & Family from Titchfield Nr. Southampton. No snow but nevertheless big and little people are V.excited !! Your house looks gorgeous, thankyou so much for all your inspiration, and go careful in the snow !!! We don't want a real live Attic 24 Snowman now do we ??!!! Enjoy the rest and time with your family xxx


I love love love it too! I wish I had seen this a few months ago, so pretty.


WOW, it's absolutely beautiful. Brilliant idea!!!

charlie pOp

Hmmmmm !
beautiful !


This will be on my to do list for next year for sure...love it!!!


I like it so much this stars(my english is so bad :'(...)

Thank You four your blog... its cool!

Greedy Nan

It WILL be mine ... eventually! I have started crocheting but am presently making the garland on Dottie Angel's blog [because it looks easier for my meagre talent in crochet-world] and I'm LOVING it. Slow-going but it will be finished which means the next project will be your one. Roll on Christmas 2010 to see the results ...


Your garland is beautiful!! i do one too, in red, thank you for sharing!!


I'll have a try too.

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