Hello!!! It's really good to be back here at my desk catching up with a few things and being still and thoughtful for a while. We came back from our week down in Dorset late on Sunday and my feet don't feel as if they've touched the ground since. We had a lovely time away, a whole mixed bag of weather and activities, mixed emotions too if I'm honest...it wasn't the most relaxing or harmonious family holiday we've ever had!! But yes it was mostly good and I'll be sharing the story with you in a few days.
It suddenly occurred to me this morning that we've all of a sudden reached the last day of August and that tomorrow I'll be turning my calendar pages. I've soooooooooooo enjoyed August and feel like I want to stamp my flip-flopped feet and protest that it simply didn't last for long enough. I want it to be August for at least another three weeks!! Woooooaaaaaaaaaahhhh!! I'm not ready for September, for the onset of Autumn, I really am not ready!
I've LOVED this month. My time spent with the Little People at home this summer has been a true delight, as has time spent hanging about with friends and neighbours. It's been relaxed, easy going and fun. Lots of fun. It's hard to take photos to represent these times spent with friends, I must give that little challenge some thought for the future. The Little People do not remain still enough for photographs these days, they are so active and physical for so much of the time (which is nothing but Good). I was thinking back to a blog post I wrote three summers ago, documenting our summer holiday activities....ahhh how fabulous that I can now look back across Three Whole Years to recall and remember! Summer this year hasn't been very different really. The chalks and bubbles never came out, but scooters and water fights were still very much in evidence. The scootering is faster and more competitive these days, the water pistol fights are bigger, louder and more strategic. Yes, I'd say the Little People have enjoyed a terrific summer holiday at home, full of play and laughter and activity and friends.
Thinking about bloggy archives has reminded me about this post written two years ago. One of the things that delights me about blogging is the evidence it throws up of Repeat Patterns in ones life. The rhythms and cycles of nature which become inextricably linked to home and family life. The past few weeks we've noticed that "Sugar Stealers" are dancing on the breeze again, and we in turn have been dancing about after them. Capturing, wishing and releasing. Just as we did last year, and the year before that. So precious.
We celebrated a ninth birthday yesterday. Nine. How??? How does nine years pass in the blink of an eye?? Little Man went with J and three of his best street buddies on a day trip out to do Boy Things. It involved gazing at weapons followed by eating spicy things. They returned home at tea time full of excitement, telling tales of samurai swords and hot chili sauces. I laid out a simple party tea for anyone who wanted to come and eat (it was suddenly very busy at number 24 yesterday!) and we had cake with nine candles to blow, it was lovely. We are blessed with a wonderful neighbourhood here, such lovely families, such friendly, good people.
There've been some quiet moments during August too, contented times that I've spent pottering and pootling about in my own little world. I've had such a huge amount of pleasure from my little back yard this summer, it's made me very happy to be able to pick flowers and bring some of the outside in. Some of my pots are looking decidedly past their best now, but the sweet peas are still flowering their sweet little hearts out. I don't want them to end.
Yes, I know. You do indeed see BROWN yarn on my table. Two new balls of Stylecraft have recently been purchased, and with much trepidation I might add. I find it incredibly hard going into a shop to purchase Brown Yarn. On the left you can see the colour Walnut (ehh??) and on the right is Parchment. Pfffffff. That walnut colour is not just mildly brown, but very incredibly brown I think you'll agree.
Want to know what I'm up to with the brown stuff?
Weeeeeellllllll, I'm making a baby blanket, a gift for a very good friend who's baby is due in less than six weeks. So I can't show you too much of it as I know she does peek in here from time to time. It's a ripple blankie, and as you can see the brown is only a small part of what I'm up to colourwise. It's been very, very interesting working the browns into my colour scheme, I can't wait to ta-dah it with you!
This month's Attic Views have been spectacular in their diversity. I've really been aware of the changing light during the past few weeks as summer slips gently towards Autumn.
We've had our share of bad weather this month.
Rain, mist, drizzle. Torrential downpours.
The temperature has dropped too (we had some thoughts of lighting the fire this week, although it never came to pass), and the days are noticeably shortening. Sadly I can really feel the summer slip-sliding away (waaah).
But there have been glorious days full of warmth and summer sunshine in August too. And I am hoping very much that as we move into September we'll be treated to just a little more of Summer. Here's hoping. If I mange to catch a sugar stealer anytime soon, you can guess what my wish will be.