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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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October 07, 2023


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So sorry things are so hard for you at the moment, I am sending all my love and best wishes. I quite like a long train journey as well. Keep on walking and crocheting, I know they are things that are good for the soul. Sending all the hugs, CJ xxxxx


Your strength and optimism give me courage. Thank you for sharing this.


As someone mentioned above, I'm not surprised you have been unwell recently with everything on your plate. Finalising your gorgeous blanket, travelling often to Dorset to see your dad and having those sad, important discussions and decisions with your brother and Lady B. Occasionally our bodies just say 'STOP!' and plop us on our butts. I have also been plopped on my butt with a nasty cold over the past week. At the most inconvenient time! By the way my favourite smell is the sea breeze early in the morning. xox

Carolyn Jackson

Hello Lucy, I too love your column and love seeing all the photos too. You started my crochet journey and I will always be grateful. We too have been through caring for parents, it is never easy but happens to us all. My lovely Husband and I are in our 80's now and hope we will stay as we are a few more years. We have visited the UK wld love to see Yorkshire so love you photos. We are in NZ, we have lovely walks and craft groups too. Best wishes, Caro take care.

Jill in Oz



You are right, Lucy, I bet many of your readers can identify so well with what you are experiencing with your dad. It is so hard and sad. Dementia thrown in makes it more so. Sending a prayer up for you. I love the sweet blessing of re-connecting with your brother in the midst of this challenging time of your lives.


I'm near Dorchester with friends this week and will be thinking of you. Its all so hard but so good you have Lady B and your brother around you. It's easy to say, but do take good care of yourself too! xx


Feeling for you Lucy. But I love the way you take joy when you can.

Donna S

Such thoughtful, kind and gentle responses. I love reading your posts and all the replies too. We all have our challenges, the common thread is to accept gracefully and look for the sparkle in every day, even though the light dims sometimes, it never goes out. Finding gratitude in nature is very restorative. Take care everyone and save a little kindness for yourself x


Seending you a big squishy hug x
I love love love v stitch and all those beautiful colours yes my favourite craft is crochet because of the portability and the restful qualities of doing row after row.


You've got a great big heap of stressful stuff on your plate. No wonder you came down ill. It will pass -- that's what I always tell myself, that it will pass. It seems to help. I sense some closure ahead for you, and perhaps a little less worry too. That would be welcome. How nice to spend time with your little brother, despite the circumstances. And how wonderful to spend time at the beach. Those blustery days are my favorites too. You take sensational pictures! Truly. It's a keeper. You look so happy and so at peace, despite everything. And I never noticed before that you have dimples. Just adorable. I like traveling by train too. I find it relaxing. Usually the scenery is pretty and there is not much more to do than enjoy it. Hope things are working out well. Take care of yourself.


My thoughts and prayers go out to you. It's hard having to deal with such things. I know from experience how you just keep going until you can't. No wonder you're feeling low. Look after yourself. xx

Winwick Mum

I think that at these times in our lives, we just have to take each day as it comes and try to look after ourselves as best we can so that we've got enough reserves to help look after others. Sending you a big hug xx


Yes, we know the heartache, and ours go out to you. Appropriate stormy weather for the momentous decisions and upheavals...but there will be a calm after the storm. Hang on in there, Lucy, and keep hooking. Cx

Fiona T

I live with my ailing parents (and wonderful hubby) and it can be so stressful watching them become more infirm and incapable.
Today hubby and I took a time out and visited a garden which was still teeming with Bees and flowers. Just sitting in the Autumnal sun listening to the bird song was such a tonic. As we age-so do they and thus the wheel turns xxxxx

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