I was thinking yesterday about all the many, many weekends I've written about on my blog over the years, and how they are mostly a visual celebration of ordinary, domestic life. Nothing outrageously exciting ever happens on my weekends, they are made up of mundane routines, gentle chores and slow living, and I am honestly full of gratitude for the uncomplicated ease of them. I was saying to a friend the other day that I think living a slow, contented and ever so slightly boring life is very underrated in terms of the happiness it delivers.
When the Little People were young, my weekends looked and felt very different. All three of them were seriously early risers (especially at this time of year when it's light in the mornings) and it was such a full-on, rather cray-cray time in my life parenting three Littles. I remember wondering what life might feel like in the future when I could wake up before them and spend my days doing pretty much what I wanted to do while they did their own thing, I could hardly imagine the total luxury of it back then. Fast forward to now, and I'm living and loving my once longed for quiet morning starts, and fully enjoying my leisurely weekend days where I have plenty of time to relax and do things that make me happy.
It's a funny thing looking back to those days (and I do often read back through my own Attic24 archives to help me remember), because I really did love parenting through the toddler and young school ages....and yet....I am SO HAPPY that I'm beyond it all haha!! Of course I do still have my three offspring at home so I'm still parenting, but at ages 20, 19 and 13 it's a totally different kind of gig these days.
Anyhooo....where was all this leading, I really don't know.....I hadn't meant to wander off down memory lane!
I was at Coopers café on Friday morning which isn't strictly the weekend but often times those hours at the tail end of the school week do have a delightfully weekendish feel. I had a lovely time chatting to my friends while knitting up some stripy rows, eating toasted crumpets and slurping a frothy cappuccino. I cast on these "frost" socks at the start of March and they are great to have on the go for when I'm at that faffy, unsociable stage with my crochet project.
We went out for a walk in the woods on Sunday morning, notable because a) I spotted the first bluebells in flower and b) we had both Little B and Little Lady walking with us. I've worked out that I can encourage them to walk with us on a Sunday morning if it's not too early (10.30am is the sweet spot) and if we detour via their favourite coffee chain on the way. The lure of a Sunday morning coffee and a pastry works wonders, I wonder where they get these ideas from (??!)
The woodland is absolutely bursting with greenery and lushness right now....
....fresh green leafage everywhere you look.
Spotting these teeny tiny fluffy ducklings dancing along in the reflections made me quite weak at the knees, the cuteness was almost too much.
It takes about ten minutes to walk from the coffee shop on the main high street to the woodland, isn't that something? Such a lovely combination of pleasures to enjoy on a sun dappled Sunday morning.
It's three in the afternoon on Sunday now, and things are happening out on our street. For once, the weather got the memo and there is blue sky up above, yay! Bunting is flapping in the breeze, and down below there are tables all set with cloths and napkins ready to be piled with all manor of sandwiches, cakes, fruit platters and savoury snacks.
I didn't take in any of the Kings Coronation on Saturday as I was busy doing other things, but on Sunday it was a lovely chance for our little terraced community to come out and celebrate. I live on such a friendly street where we know most of our neighbours up and down on both sides. There are thirty houses in total, and being terraced I think it's safe to say that we have no choice but to be close knit! It makes for a very jovial atmosphere when the children are all out to play (we had a permit to close the street so there were no cars for a few days) and everyone brings chairs and benches and gets down to the happy business of chit-chatting and having fun.
I snapped the above photo on my phone and it did make me laugh just now when I uploaded it - a jug of Pimms next to a half empty bottle of bubble mixture, kind of sums up the afternoon rather nicely! The kids varied in age from small toddlers up to teenagers, and the activities included bubbles and chalks (so nostalgic), a little bit of football, some jump rope skipping (huge fun, nearly wet myself laughing when the adults got involved after a whole lot of Pimms had gone down), and later s'mores on the barbecue, music and dancing well into the dark of the night.
As a result of the enormous quantity of Pimms which ended up in my system, Monday was spent mostly horizontal in a recovery position. It was worth it though, such a happy and memorable day.
I hope you had a good weekend, whether it was mundane or something exciting, do tell me what you got up to? I'd love to hear..
Good morning Lucy
I’m sorry to bother you with a very outdated request but I wonder if you could help me with an issue I have with the Blooming Flower Cushion.
I have made it several times and it is a great pattern but my petals always come out curved inwards rather than facing outward like yours.
It isn’t a bad look but I would like to know why I can’t achieve the same finished article as you.
Are you able to help please? I would send a photo but it doesn’t seem possible through this message.
Thanks for continuing to lighten my life with your friendly blog, gorgeous photos and fabulous patterns.
All good wishes
Lesley x
Posted by: Lesley Drayton | May 23, 2023 at 10:32 AM
In all the years I have been reading your posts and enjoying your sense of the world - the colors, sights, and sounds around you - you have never failed to make me feel peace and calm. Thank you for the enjoyment you provide to us all!
Posted by: Maggie | May 18, 2023 at 04:14 AM
I have read your post for years. Love seeing you come up with new patterns and color choice. Especially like enjoying what you see on your walks. I cannot believe the children have grown up so. But there are still walks on the canal. Did you quit camping? Or no time for everyone to go? Thank you so much for sharing your corner of the world. One day when I get to visit your area, I will say. Oh, I saw this on Lucy's blog. Thank you again.
Posted by: diane willard | May 17, 2023 at 12:29 PM
Hello Lucy, like many others before me your blog has opened the door to the joyous activity of crochet. After taking some time to choose (very tricky!) I’m making the Cupcake Blanket for my daughter. Thank you for your work.
Posted by: Lottie | May 16, 2023 at 07:03 PM
I love your opening thoughts about the goodness of a slow, boring life. :) So encouraging!
Posted by: Ashley | May 16, 2023 at 04:59 PM
Your first paragraph sums up my very happy, contented mundane life. I love the gentle ease of everyday simple pleasures. I cook, I clean and of course crochet. I’m almost 70 and so enjoy the calmness of my life. There is something to be said for the simple life.
Posted by: Brenda | May 14, 2023 at 08:50 PM
My hubs and I are a few years ahead of you and are truly empty nesters. We enjoy their visits and visiting them however; are also enjoying this slower living!
Love your colorful pics.
Posted by: Gwen | May 13, 2023 at 02:20 PM
A truly beautiful post to be remembered. Exactly echoed my own opinions of life as I've also lived it.
Being now retired from teaching 5/6 year olds while bringing up my own four children I truly appreciate all you have said...spent an hour in our little Victorian park in Llandudno yesterday admiring the wonderful copper beech trees in full blossom and never even noticed the time passing. That's contentment.
If everyone all over the world lived little boring but contented lives how good would that be? "Imagine" as John Lennon put it. Keep "boring" us with your life please!
Posted by: Megan Drennan | May 12, 2023 at 10:27 PM
I absolutely agree about enjoying the normal days. It's a gift to appreciate them so much I think. I can be ridiculously happy about a very ordinary day, especially at this time of year when everything outside is so green and glorious. I hope you have a lovely weekend, CJ xx
Posted by: CJ | May 12, 2023 at 09:10 PM
Dear Lucy, it really is the simple things in life that make me happy too.
I watched the Coronation on the tv with my wonderful friend and we had food and a drink to mark the occasion. It was so lovely to have her company, we really enjoyed the footage.
Enjoy all the fresh greenery of the season. I absolutely love this time of year. All the best Claire x
Posted by: Claire Hayden | May 12, 2023 at 04:56 PM
I love reading your stories Lucy, they make me feel relaxed. Life is so hectic these days, it's great to be able to slow down and catch our breath. Love gathering together with friends to knit/crochet, drink coffee and eat cake. So good for the soul. Keep up with your beautiful blogs.
As for the Coronation, watched it on the telly, which was on all day ! Found parts very emotional, loved it. God Bless The King and Queen x
Posted by: Gill | May 12, 2023 at 08:41 AM
Ah, Lucy, you have written a lot of posts, and I have read every last one of them. But this one? This one has to be my favorite. It resonates. For years I have said that I lead a very boring life. But I like my boring, peaceful, quiet life. I make things. I read. I garden. I work on my house. I love doing all those things. And I'll tell you a secret. I'm not boring. Almost no one is. Everyone has their stories and their experiences. I find those stories and experiences fascinating. Remember the old Chinese curse? "May you lead an interesting life"? Well, I want no part of it. I'll take peaceful and contented any day. Thank you for a wonderful post with beautiful pictures. The stream (below the paragraph for Caffé Nero), almost made my heart stop, it is soooooo pretty.
Posted by: Elizabeth | May 12, 2023 at 05:13 AM
I love the way you describe your life Lucy - it's a life I aspire to but haven't yet managed to attain! Partly I think down to where I live and needing to get in the car to reach the woods or a café. ☹️
Unfortunately I spent most of the Coronation weekend feeling rough, so despite managing to share watching the ceremony at a party with friends (including several Americans who were intrigued by all the pomp & tradition), I missed the chance to have a go at bell-ringing in our local tower and our Big Help Out litter pick on Monday.
Still struggling to recover from this cold, and the damp, chilly weather isn't helping! Hoping the sun and warmer days arrive soon. In the meantime, thank you for your lovely blog posts. I do so enjoy reading about your life. 😊
Posted by: Corinna Mazzotta | May 11, 2023 at 11:33 PM
" I think living a slow, contented and ever so slightly boring life is very underrated in terms of the happiness it delivers. "
Yes, this! You have expressed so beautifully what I feel, and this is why your blog resonates so clearly with me. For so many years I was too busy by necessity, but now I can relax and enjoy each day as it comes. Who cares if I'm not doing anything others would consider impressive? I feel content and satisfied with my life, and reading your blog and seeing your amazing photos contributes to that. Thank you!
Posted by: Lee | May 11, 2023 at 06:31 PM
I'm a first time commenter on your blog but have followed you for quite some time. I just love the honesty and simplicity of your post today. I do not work outside the home and try to lead a very simple life, why do I feel guilty about it? Most of my friends still work and when they ask what I've been up to I feel guilty telling them not much of anything. Your post tells me it's OK to live a simple life. I live in the US and have traveled to France, Germany, Austria and Hungary. Reading your blog takes me back to all of the wonderful places I've visited. Thank you...
Posted by: Robin | May 11, 2023 at 01:25 PM
Hi Lucy! It's lovely to hear about your wonderful weekend. So glad that you had a great time at the street party. I'm just loving those tulips on your table! Unfortunately my weekends for the last 3 years have been spent studying all weekend every weekend 😭 I'm so grateful that I've got an opportunity to study my passion which will give me the ability to have a profession that I'm passionate about but it is oh so hard! To finish on a positive note I'll tell you what I'm looking forward to when I graduate next month. Well first and foremost I'm looking forward to being able to spend more time with my 23 year old daughter. We are best friends and always have a great laugh together. I'm looking forward to picking up my knitting and crochet 🧶 again as well as looking after my garden 🪻🌸🌻. I'm also looking forward to a slow pace of life again such as what you spoke about 😊 Not long to go now, the end of June is getting near!!! Thank you for your lovely post Lucy 😍 Have a wonderful week 😊🥰
Posted by: Angela | May 11, 2023 at 09:49 AM
I love the slow pace of life once the children hsve fled the nest. I have neighbours busy all the time with young children even aftet school whizzin off to clubs. Even the fsmilies with babys go to clubs these days. It wears me out just watching them.
We were glued to the tv on saturday watching the coronation was so lovely love our history.
Pottered in garden Sunday talking to neighbours about the coronation snd more walkies was lovely.
Posted by: Jacqui | May 11, 2023 at 06:26 AM
Absolutely agree re the slow, contented, ever so slightly boring life.
My partner and I retired from the workforce somewhat early at the end of last year, and despite having to be careful with money since no pension or other income yet, I am LOVING my slow, gentle, not very exciting (to others) life.
There’s oodles of time for walks, bike rides, slow cooking and baking (the kind I never had time for before), and lots and lots of making - quilting, stitching, and now crochet, thanks to your lovely colour combinations and patterns!
I have never been happier, and my simple but very rich life makes me count my blessings every day, and wonder why more folk don’t try it instead of chasing more, more, more…
Posted by: Jen | May 11, 2023 at 12:32 AM
I love this post so much...I love seeing people being completely honest about their lives.....we live in such a busy world and it sometimes feels that you have to be so busy to have a content life....I think if more people saw the wonder in their slower way of life it would be a great thing especially on social media.
Posted by: Judy from Australia | May 11, 2023 at 12:05 AM
Sounds like you are enjoying life & when you mention Coopers Cafe, memories come flooding back of meeting you there. Wow, a street party, how lovely. Glad your weather is warming, just as ours is behaving miserably. Take care & hugs from down under.
Posted by: Susan | May 10, 2023 at 10:43 PM
I felt there was going to be
A blue bell wood,with a duck pond, together with a Pimms streaked evening sky blanket....!
I haven't finished the current blanket, now my daughter hints at Sweet Pea one.
Gawd I'm hooked. 😘
Posted by: Janice Fox | May 10, 2023 at 10:03 PM
We arrived to our airbnb cottage near Cambridge towards early evening just as the residents of the street including our hosts were packing up from their street celebrations and many of them were pleasantly sozzled! Including a farmer making his way home in a slightly wibbley-wobbley fashion! Glad to hear you all had a lovely afternoon of community fun together! Xox
Posted by: Louise | May 10, 2023 at 09:57 PM
There is nothing wrong with slow, contented and slightly boring. If it makes you happy then go for it. If more people enjoyed that kind of life then it would be a much better world I think. Love reading your blogs Lucy. X
Posted by: Sheila OMarah | May 10, 2023 at 09:44 PM
The best thing I've heard for ages is of someone living a slow, contented and ever so slightly boring life with happiness and gratitude. Thanks for making my day, Lucy!
You're right, it's VERY underrated! Cx
Posted by: Charlotte | May 10, 2023 at 09:21 PM