Before I start chatting, I just must say a huge, massive, giant, supersized THANK YOU for all the love that you've shown for the Yuletide blanket, my goodness, I have been quite overwhelmed and so, so thankful for all the happiness and joy that has surrounded this latest crochet make. Thank you so very much!!!! I've soaked in all the feelgood and felt it right down into my soul, which has honestly made me feel like my feet aren't even touching the ground. I've been floating around all week with a ridiculous smile on my face! The folks at Wool Warehouse have been working their socks off to keep up with the demand and we've never seen yarn packs fly out so fast before. The kits completely sold out on day 3 which really took us by surprise, so now more yarn has arrived from the Stylecraft mill and there should be a restock later on today.
I think it's safe to say that so many of you are feeling the need to have something joyful and comforting growing on your hook, and I totally get it. There is much healing power in cosy, nostalgic colours and the soothing rhythm of gentle stitches. Not to mention the warmth and comfort as a blanket slowly forms in your lap with each passing day.
Anyhow, I'm bobbing in to let you know that as promised I've been working on a Yuletide stripe order for you this week. I picked up on social media that not everyone likes the idea of making a giant square blanket (although I would urge you to try it if you haven't ever done one before, it's wonderful!). Stripes are familiar aren't they, and I've really enjoyed having another play with the Yuletide colours to see how a stripe might work.
Oh. My. Word. The Yuletide Stripe really is something special, and I am so excited by it! If I wasn't already working on my next project (oh yeah, I really am) then I would be seriously tempted to create another Yuletide blanket for myself, just for the stripy pleasure of it.
As you can see in the above photo, I crocheted up a sampler made up of 105 stripes. J then created a PDF worksheet which you can download by clicking on the following link >>
I figured you could use any of my existing patterns (I've listed nine below) to create your own Yuletide Stripe blanket. All you need to do is use Claret to start and follow the relevant patterns for the number of starting chains, then use the worksheet to know which order to work your colours. Depending on which pattern you choose, you will need to be mindful as to when to stop! You can of course make your blanket as long or short as you like - my patterns generally aim to make a 4ft x 6ft twin size bed blanket, and the following list gives the suggested number of stripes to work up >>
Trellis Stripe (Sweet Pea) : 83 stripes
Neat Ripple : 84 stripes
Cosy Stripe : 90 stripes
Granny Stripe : 90 stripes
Meadow Stripe : 90 stripes
Spike Stitch (Dahlia) : 99 stripes
Seashell Stripe (Dune) : 100 stripes
Neat Wave (Moorland) : 105 stripes
Woodland Ripple : 105 stripes
I hope that all makes sense, and I'm really looking forward to hearing from any of you who are fancying a bit of Yuletide stripyness. One of my good friends here in Atticland is starting out on a Yuletide Ripple, so I'm going to ask her if I can share photos of her progress so that you can see. I can't wait to see it myself, it's like Christmas coming early!
Thank you again for all your lovely comments and for being part of my "yarny tribe", I'm so grateful to have you to chat to and share with. And for non-yarnies, thank you for indulging me - normal blogging will resume shortly. Have a fabulous weekend you lovely lot.
I have literally just finished the last border round of the beautiful Summer Harmony blanket (so enjoyed this one) and it feels very appropriate to turn to the lovely wintery-feel yuletide next! Never done a square blanket before like this one, excited to watch it grow over the next few months! Have bought one for a friend too, I think she is going to do the stripes version! Thank you Lucy!
Posted by: Mary Ferguson | September 26, 2021 at 09:26 AM
Lucy! I just love your pattern and colors together! But I’m not a big granny square lover. So…I’m going to try and use your Yuletide crochet pattern in the stripes. It just compliments the theme andI love the mini hearts it makes. I’ll let you know how I do. I’m feeling brave and confident. Lynn
Posted by: Lynn Dee Butler | September 24, 2021 at 08:55 PM
Your blanket looks lovely
Posted by: Anne | September 23, 2021 at 03:44 PM
Hello Lucy, I just love your blog and am getting ready to start the Yuletide blanket! I ordered my yarn on day one and am so glad they delivered it pretty fast. Because I live in Honolulu we see no snow and is always warm. So I am very happy you created this blanket to give me my wonderful feelings for the Yultide. Thank you so much Lucy!
Posted by: Bobbie French | September 23, 2021 at 01:33 AM
Belle journée de Solstice d'automne pour demain, bises
Posted by: Nadine G | September 21, 2021 at 03:01 PM
I'm so happy I placed my order day one! I can hardly wait for it's arrival. I showed my husband the blanket, and he's excited for me to bring it to life in our house. Thanks for being such a wonderful resource as well as a friend. Even though you don't actually know me. I feel like I know you and I think you're pretty awesome!
Posted by: Mitzi | September 20, 2021 at 09:31 PM
Bravo pour ta nouvelle création, généralement des couleurs de printemps, d'été mais cette dernière couverture est festive avec des odeurs de sapin, d'oranges......d'hiver d'où l'envie de la réaliser et de se lover dedans pour se réchauffer. Bises
Posted by: Nadine G | September 20, 2021 at 05:00 PM
A beautiful Yuletide blanket with colours of the season. I love it. My crochet hook has been idle for a while, maybe it's time to pick it up again. Thank you for your inspiration xx
Posted by: Beverley | September 20, 2021 at 11:12 AM
Thank you very much Lucy for a wonderful colourful blanket in the round. I can't wait to get started on this latest creation. I am one of those crocheters who prefer to work in the round rather than in rows!! Your photo tutorials are always helpful and I appreciate all your time and effort making everything so straight forward.
I always look forward to reading your blog and seeing your photographs. I am a lover of Yorkshire, the coast and the south west of our beautiful country. I am grateful, too, for your honesty in sharing your daily experiences with us. Your positivity and creativity, even when times are tough, shine through.
Thank you so much. You are an inspiration. Take care. Jx
Posted by: J | September 19, 2021 at 12:32 PM
Hi Lucy, I absolutely love the stripie pattern. The more I look at it the more I want to start it but I'm afraid its the UFO Christmas bits first. I shall look forward to begining it in the new year.
Hope you are enjoying the nice bit of sunshine we are having at the moment, I'm just south of Leeds.
Posted by: Gill Compigne-Leaney | September 18, 2021 at 12:09 PM
Dear Lucy, thank you for the valuable content you offer on your site and for your courage in sharing your recent experiences with the dreaded 'M'. It is horrendous in the devastating effects it brings and there is a wide variety for all of us, though many are common. As people share we are informed but also feel supported - we cope better, even though we can't change it. I have resorted to herbal remedies, supplements, diet change, melatonin etc. but even though they bring relief, it is an effort coping and some things are never the same, it is a grieving process too, over the loss of strength and function! I value your positivity and joy in artistic and natural things, I enjoy them too and your posts are lifting - but just so your realistic sharing too. Glad you are feeling more your own happy and positive self. Always enjoy your posts and photographs - what a lot of work. Only just caught up with the last few months - we have had a hectic year in education, as a teacher I have never worked so hard - but hopefully we are nearing the light at the end of the tunnel!
Posted by: Felicity | September 18, 2021 at 11:57 AM
My favourite colour combination so far!! really lovely, thank you for sharing this. And hats off to Wool Warehouse who got my wool delivered within 24 hours!
Posted by: Mary | September 18, 2021 at 08:01 AM
Congratulations on such an amazing pattern and colourway! I love how you have taken the time to provide sequence charts etc for different styles of Yuletide blankets. That's what is so wonderful about your blankets. Each one is about the stitch, but mostly about the unique colourway you create and also the story of those colours. Imagine a moorland blanket colourway in a Yuletide square or vice versa! You've got such an amazing eye and brain for designing these beautiful pieces that its no wonder you have such a massive following! Xox
Posted by: Louise | September 17, 2021 at 11:06 PM
I'm not surprised the blanket has done so well, it's lovely and I think everyone is looking for something warm and comforting and homey for the winter. Hope you have a good weekend. CJ xx
Posted by: CJ | September 17, 2021 at 08:57 PM
Thank you so much Lucy, can’t wait to start this lovely blanket. Thank you for sharing your creative mind and wonderful world of colour. Never has it been more needed!
All best wishes to you for a happy healthy and colourful autumn xx
Posted by: Claire | September 17, 2021 at 08:22 PM
My pack arrived yesterday, and I have completed the first five rounds this afternoon, Another great pick-up-and-put-down project, the colours are glorious :)
Posted by: Sarah Matthew | September 17, 2021 at 04:51 PM