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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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June 23, 2021


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Mary W

Really enjoyed your spontaneous blurbs! It also caught me up on the lives of your children.

Elizabeth Grey

Oh! So refreshing! Thank you for sharing. I feel as though I have been on a wee vacation too. Looking forward to your post about "Yarden." What a nice space -- not too big, not too small -- the perfect spot for a nice end-of-the-day cocktail. Cheers!


Thank you for your lovely blog Lucy. So glad you had a lovely family staycation your photos are lovely and I feel I have been there to we love walking always lifts the sprits, your yard and plants look beautiful love bedding plants in pots they really cheer a space up. We are back to grey skies again today after lovely sunshine yesterday hope you have sunshine enjoy your family times they are so special our daughter is all grown up now with little people of her own to make memories with , but the memories we have when she was younger are very special. Lovely to hear all your news and look forward to your next blog
Take care and thank you for sharing your photos and your family days xx


I loved reading your account of your staycation, it sounded heavenly. Except I couldn’t walk that far if I tried! I love gardening and tonight I’m moving my flowers to another house we are moving into soon. All my plants are perennial, faithfully arriving at various times during the spring and summer. I live in a definite 4 season area smack dab in the middle of the US and right now it’s rather too hot. But my plants have been with me now since1996 and will move once again. I was gifted a red metal park bench and I’m putting it in the middle of my flower garden. I also have a tremendous yard (garden) of just grass and various flowering trees. I think I will enjoy sitting on my bench next year amidst all my flowers enjoying some type of cold drink, probably iced tea. Enjoy your summer Lucy.


I love your photos Lucy and, like you, I love this time of year. Did you know that some snapdragons are beautifully scented? They self-seed freely in my garden, including in cracks in the paving, and I love the variety of colours. They’re also much loved by bees of course.
It sounded like a a wonderful staycation, I hope you have many more memorable days.

Ellie Williams

Hi Lucy,
Really enjoyed your post, lovely photos
We too, years ago had caravan holidays when our kids were small and your right they do build wonderful memories, such happy times.
We have a small backyard where we live that used to have an outside toilet which we knocked down and planted with an Acer and various tubs etc, the old toilet cistern is used as a planter! We call ours the Yardio 😊


Hi Lucy, like you early summer is my favourite time if the year. I just love the long light evenings, though here in Exmouth the sun sets about 9.30 pm. Now we’ve had the solstice I feel slightly down about the fact that the evenings will start drawing in again. For several weekends my husband and I were able to get outside for early morning coffee, we really enjoy the quiet as the sun is starting to warm our back garden. As a grandmother I know how you feel about children growing up so quickly. My daughter is now experiencing that with our 9 year old grandson. On Friday evenings he likes to play on his ‘Switch’ with his friends or be out in the nearby park with them after school or weekends. My daughter is starting to feel redundant. I think you lose them for a while when they are teenagers but later they want to spend time with you again.


What a wonderful staycation you've had Lucy!
Our staycation will be mid August, we are lucky enough to live just 30 minutes away from Devon, so picnics and beaches are on the to do list.
I love your Yarden it does feel great to have a declutter, I think it's important especially as this year most of us will be spending more time at home.
Your photos are a delight, beautiful countryside, flowers, blankets and more, you are so very creative with colour, which leads me on to say I'm currently working on your Summer Harmony, each square is a absolute delight to finish, so thank you Lucy.
Thank you for sharing your staycation with us, your blog is a little ray of sunshine.

Abby from Peterborough

Silverdale looks great for a walk with all the different scenery. Glad to hear you enjoyed your holiday. Would also like to see your clearing out and declutter pictures which I’m sure will motivate me.

Kristine S

❤ Love to Lucy, always❣
Naked ladies in a meadow‼️ 🤭😋
Tiny chubby toes... 🤗
Stay well & Happy❣


Thoroughly enjoyed Lucy and thank you for sharing and I remember your first van trip.

Kerry Ryan

I really enjoy your blog and posts. You do live in a great part of the country and your photos are a delight to see. Your staycation sounded like fun, especially the mojitos and I like that you end your walks with a cuppa. I am a little envious of the late evening walks, it is winter here in oz at the moment, but despite the mild evenings (18degrees C) in the tropical north it is dark by 6pm so not much chance of a stroll, though the stars are amazing at this time of the year.

Marylin Ollivier

Hi Lucy Thx for sharing your staycation. Enjoyed your blog as always. This will be our 2nd year having a staycation. I live 4 min from the sea by car, so I am so thankful for that always. Walking the beaches and the forests here on Vancouver Island and in my area, is my fav thing to do. Couple that with a good meal at a local restaurant, makes me content. Tourists will be arriving soon, as they have already, so we will continue our staycation vibe sometime in Sept. after things slow down. Would love to see some of your 'decluttering/downsizing' adventures to spur me on in that. Take Care, Hugs MO


We use one of these type of juicers for limes and lemons. Super easy with no hand strain and it gets every drop of juice.


Also, we bought our outdoor furniture at the end of the season when it goes on clearance. You don’t have has many options to pick from but for me the trade off of getting a good deal was worth it. We lives in the states so I’m not sure if they put things on clearance like that there or not.


I really enjoyed this story of your staycation week and those summery flowery pictures are beautiful.
I'd love it if you would do a post about the food you pack for your picnics, I love the idea of picnicking but I get all anxious about the food, overthink it, make it way more difficult than it needs to be and so cancel the whole idea.
cheers Kate

Heather Bentley

Thanks for a truly wonderful blog, yours words are so descriptive and I always feel like I’ve been on your journeys with you!! You’ve a real way with words and as I can’t string a sentence together I’m always in awe of anyone who transports me, so keep the blogs coming they are appreciated. Sending love to you and your family xxx

Gillian Compigne-Leaney

So glad you had a lovely holiday with your family, it brings such pleasure. I too had a wonderful surprise as my son and youngest granddaughter came to stay for a couple of days from Huntingdon, near Cambridge. I live near Leeds in Yorkshire. I hadn't seen them since last August and I can't express how happy I was to be able to cuddle them both. Wishing you many happy cocktail hours in the yarden this summer.


Makes me crave a visit to England even more. Every post of yours that I read, I add another little town to the list! Thanks for these lovely posts.


Hmmmm I love a summer cocktail! My favourite is Gin & elderflower. Unfortunately it's still miserably winter down here in Kangarooland. But your beautiful summery photos have warmed me up! I also have a long, leggy, adulty child at home. 20 yrs old. Works, does his own thing but still comes and chats with me. One day he will fly the coop but for now (after getting thru those grumpy teen years) I really enjoy his occasional company! So I'm soaking up every precious minute! :) xox

Eileen Lees

I really enjoy reading your posts Lucy and looking at all your photographs. You live in a really beautiful part of the country and your life sounds so relaxed and simple. So nice. I'm looking forward to the next one!


The long light evenings are glorious aren't they. And your staycation sounds lovely. The backyard is looking good - I have a very dodgy bench that is probably no longer safe to sit on, but as you say, garden furniture is pricey. What I really want are a couple of steamer chairs, but they cost a fortune and really, when would I ever have the time to lounge around on them?! Snapdragons are brilliant, I love watching the bees open them up and push their way in. And yours is a very good colour. Still waiting for my orange sweet peas here, unless the pinky red ones I picked yesterday are it. CJ xx


I actually went looking because I was sure you had three not-so-little people, I should have just read the next paragraph!! :o) Also, what happened to Connievan?

Christine Summerhill

Wow Lucy I enjoyed that walk! 😆 absolutely beautiful pictures and words, I felt as if I was walking along side of you. You see things so magically, I LOVE the willow sculpture too. Xx


Lovely to catch up Lucy. So glad you enjoyed your Staycation, and feel energised. Hope it rubs off! Thanks for sharing - much appreciated.
Take care
Dawn x

Carol Birl

Always enjoy reading your posts. Love your little backyard space with your lounge chair. Also love your chrochet.

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