:: MARCH ::
At the end of March when I'd finished my fortnight of continuous daily blogging, I decided to make a little montage of photos to capture the essence of the month. I used to make these nine-square monthly photo montages all the time and I've many years worth of them here on my blog and in my photo archives. I started them right at the beginning of my blogging journey in 2008 and continued them for five years (you can find these "monthly mosaics" in my right hand side bar →, or click here). I always featured a photo of my hill view as seen from the Attic in the centre of each collage, a beautiful record of the changing seasons and weather each month.
Eventually life got too chaotic to keep up with a review at the end of each month, but for a few years I did continue creating monthly collages at the end of each year for my annual "yearly review" : {2014} ♥ {2015} ♥ {2016}
Anyhow, after creating the March square, I remembered how much I love doing them and how there is something very comforting and consolidating about reviewing a month in this way. I went on to create squares for January and February and then had the idea that this year I'll create four Quarterly Review posts as a way to remember 2021. I feel ridiculously excited about doing bloggy things like this again, especially seeing as I'm now into my fourteenth year of old school blogging. I still get such a buzz from creating my blog posts, the pleasure of it hasn't diminished at all across the years it seems.
So...January, February, March :: Winter giving way to Spring.
Looking back, I honestly did enjoy this winter because to me it felt properly seasonal for once. It was cold (bitterly so for much of the time) and we were gifted some beautiful icy, snowy wintry weather. I LOVE when the weather plays out according to the seasons, it makes me feel as if all is right in the world somehow. I found this year I didn't suffer with low mood as much as I have in the past, and the times when I did feel low I think it was due to pandemic life and the severe lockdown we were (are) living through rather than the fact that it was winter time.
I had my Meadow Blanket CAL to keep me creatively busy through January and February, and as always that really went a long way towards keeping my sprits up. Having that sense of purpose and the weekly postings to concentrate on was such a blessing and without it I think I might have fallen into a bit of a dark hole for a few months. In March I felt my creativity begin to really return, and I enjoyed my flowery crochet project and some cross stitch too.
There were zero outings in this quarter due to the fact that the whole of the three months have seen us in lockdown. We took one or two walks at Bolton Abbey, and one walk around the reservoir and that was literally it. Extremely uneventful, but it's not like we had any choice.
I tried hard to shift my mindset this winter and think about the time as being restorative and replenishing as I hibernated a little and kept myself introverted for a while. I made sure to prioritise self care, keeping up my daily exercise and gentle routines and resting/retreating when I needed to. Even though we celebrated the Spring Equinox in March, it's a month that still feels very much more like winter than spring here in the north of England. But I've loved watching the wild garlic emerge in the woodland, and the first early blossom appear in the hedgerows. I've also really enjoyed having daffodils and tulips on my table throughout these past months. I've appreciated the cosy warmth of the fireside and many (many many) cups of hot milky coffee - little daily pleasures that have felt so good in these strange times. It's been a gentle period of rest for me and quiet homely days, and now I'm more than ready to dance through this next quarter which is my absolute favourite by a country mile. Spring giving way to Summer.....oh, yes, yes, I am so so ready for you!
Just finished dahlia blanket and loved it. Your patterns are so easy to follow, even for an 84 years old!
However, do you have a square pattern for a blanket with different stitch rows as I only know the grannie and spike stitch. I need this to go over a white doona cover.
Thank you from West Australia.
Posted by: Margaret Mary Edwards | August 08, 2021 at 08:07 AM
So great job already!
Everything is wonderful and your photos are so nice.
You're such a talented person.
Posted by: virginie paczek | April 14, 2021 at 09:51 PM
Hi Lucy, I enjoy tremendously your 'old fashioned blog'...I love the written word and am a reader as opposed to an viewer ie, Youtube. I thank you for the journeys you take us on, for the craft that you share, and just for being you in such a charming way. Finished the Meadow Blanket and now am on the journey of the Dahlia Blanket...the colors are so vibrant and alive! And condolences on the lost of the Prince...tis a dying era it seems. Hugs, MO
Posted by: Marylin | April 14, 2021 at 05:23 AM
Thank you for keeping your old fashioned blog, I enjoy reading about your life (because I'm a confirmed sticky beak!) and following your crocheting adventures. I love your patterns and have made many, although I keep returning to the ripple blanket as a favourite.
In Melbourne (Australia) we are heading into winter but I don't feel like we have had much of a summer so I'm a bit disheartened about it. I'm not ready for the cold yet! And of course hoping that the authorities have got all the measures in place to ensure we don't get any further COVID-19 outbreaks and the vaccine program is rolled out efficiently. Lordy me I feel for you guys over there in what must seem like never ending lockdowns!
SO thank you for sharing your cheery corner of the internet :)
Posted by: Judy | April 13, 2021 at 07:44 AM
It's so nice to see all the lovely photos and I absolutely agree about having real seasons! I love reading your posts they are so peaceful and its therapeutic, so thank you x
Posted by: Alice | April 12, 2021 at 08:59 AM
Dear Lucy, finally I got to write you a note to say that I am a very big fan of your blog. The way you give me a look into your life it makes me feel that you are a very close friend and you always give me such a good feeling. Thank you for your honest look into your live, it’s a real joy to read. I am living in the Netherlands so when I am reading your blog it’s like I am on a little holiday, a journey that takes me away from my life. Your photos are a real joy every each season year round , soooo wonderful. I’m a crochet fan, it’s a hobby for life! I hope you’re keep on blogging and know that you have a fan at the other side of the sea! Lots of love ❤️ Sylvia
Posted by: Sylvia van Venrooij | April 12, 2021 at 08:32 AM
Thank you for your lovely blog, photos and all of your amazing crochet creativity. Love your kits, patterns and photo tutorials, all so beautifully put together. Sitting in my lovely old low button back, chenille fuscia pink nursery chair, enjoyinging the first quarter photos, and getting ready to choose the next colours and stitch for a granddaughters birthday blanket in July. Loving these longer days and the promise of Spring heralding Summer. kindest regards to you and your family
Posted by: Amanda | April 11, 2021 at 08:32 PM
Love your blogs and wonderful photos! they cheer me up and inspire me.
Posted by: Eleanor MacLean | April 09, 2021 at 08:33 PM
I do the same, the pictures make it a lovely finish of the month. Though I use my phone and Instagram. Just wrote to a friend's father winter kidnapped maiden spring. It's still freezing cold here, though I took my coffee outside in the sun today for a nippy minute it was out. It is also good to see progress, I sometimes forget that I've done a lot even it felt like hibernating. Love your happy colourful pictures. Reading your vlog en seeing them, always is a delightful thing to do. Thanks for that.
Posted by: Tineke | April 09, 2021 at 05:01 PM
Thank you for your blog. Always a pleasure to read. We re all looking forward to spring and better times.
Posted by: Drusilla cleary | April 09, 2021 at 03:33 PM
Thank you .....I enjoy your homely, cheering blog....I have become a regular reader and it has lightened my days in these peculiar times.
Posted by: Ena Dimelow | April 09, 2021 at 02:48 PM
Posted by: Jacqui | April 09, 2021 at 02:44 PM
such bright photos! i so want to get back into blogging but it's so hard with instagram and quickly snapping photos on my phone. also, i don't have a decent camera...i am working on it though especially for my younger kids. my older ones love going back and looking at my old blogs.
Posted by: Megan Lowry | April 09, 2021 at 02:25 PM
Thank you for sharing your early 2021 pictures with us Lucy, they are like little mosaic smiles x
Posted by: Beverley | April 09, 2021 at 01:06 PM
Looking back you photos are beautiful and you've made winter look very cosy. It is oh so good to be in spring now though, it was a long haul! A hint of sun and some blossom in the community orchard on my morning dog walk just now, so good to see. CJ xx
Posted by: CJ | April 09, 2021 at 09:40 AM
Truly a beautiful blog, Lucy...
A feast of colour ...and already looking forward to the next quarter..
Your photographs are always so inspiring....not to mention your interesting blogs..long may they continue..
Nora 🌷💕
Posted by: Nora McGrann | April 09, 2021 at 08:34 AM
I love those monthly mosaics! They are so beautiful & a fabulous way of recording the seasonal shifts and your colourful creations. Thankyou for clicking & hooking!! :) x
Posted by: Amanda | April 09, 2021 at 07:26 AM
It was fun to think back over the years I've been your blog reader and fan. I also remember you announcing the coming of little baby #3. I'm glad you're still enjoying blogging as you have made friends all around the world and inspired thousands to crochet your colorful masterpieces.
((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Posted by: Teresa Kasner | April 09, 2021 at 07:12 AM
Hi Lucy, like you I suffer from arthritis, I have just had a trapeziectomy,so during recovery I will be tidying up my yarn stash. Can I ask which yarn winder you use, so many different reviews, dont want to waste my money. Looking forward to the next CAL. Will be fully recovered by then. Keep on hooking.
Posted by: Anne | April 09, 2021 at 04:12 AM
I have followed you for many years, not that I crochet, but I love reading about your life in the UK and seeing your cheerful creations and photos of the area you live in. Thanks for sharing - from Melbourne xx
Posted by: Jenny M | April 09, 2021 at 03:27 AM
Fourteen years---congratulations! I'm happy that you still enjoy it because I (and I know many many others) enjoy reading it so much, and I love your photos! Happy Spring!
Posted by: Carol Premack | April 09, 2021 at 01:38 AM
There is a light at the end of that tunnel. Life of some sort will return. Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Charlotte | April 09, 2021 at 12:28 AM
A lovely & thought provoking post Lucy & your blog was the first I was ever shown & being an oldie & not knowing much about "techy" things, I was quite blown away & finally joined the ranks of blogging too in 2013. I've loved your musings on life, hearing about your family and crafts & seeing photos of my beloved county of Yorkshire. A big thanks & of course it was wonderful to meet you in 2019 & was hoping this was the year we would come over again, but alas, it won't be. Enjoy your favourite season & look forward to seeing you bounce back with life. Take care, stay safe & hugs from down under.
Posted by: Susan | April 08, 2021 at 10:54 PM
It's amazing how quickly the years have passed. I remember when you surprised us all with your pregnant tummy when BabyB was expected. You have helped us pass the seasons with joy and I never tire of seeing all the beautiful things you show us. My blog is in hospital right now and I'm hoping to get back into writing again soon as I miss it, even if it is old school! I hope to be reading many more of your blogs as the years pass. I'd like to see us go into old ladies writing and reading our blogs! Well, I'm an old lady now, but you certainly are not.
Posted by: Kate | April 08, 2021 at 10:32 PM
I have been reading your blog for many a year now, Lucy, and love it. I’ve been delighted to see your March posts and I’m so pleased you’ve enjoyed putting it all together again for us. Lovely round up photos, too. And yes! it’s so nice to see the lockdown beginning to lift and the fact we can go further afield, coinciding with the longer days. Life isn’t looking too shabby at all!
Posted by: Louise | April 08, 2021 at 09:40 PM