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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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March 28, 2021


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Kae Steele

Kae Steele


Could you sew all the skinny samplers together (when you have enough) and make a whole new blanket out of them?! It'd be a great way to keep them all, they'd be together and organised, and it'd become something usable and another story in your blanket history


Lucy, could all your skinny stripe samples be stitched together to make a charity blanket?
That would give them a new and useful life now that you do not need them, as you said.??
ps I remember that I made one blanket's samples into a pillow cover as my youngest son requested when told him that I wasn't using them in the blanket.


Once I have a pile of swatching that I no longer have use for, I make what I refer to as an ugly blanket. Of course, they usually are not ugly, but they are a collection of unrelated works that I don't even try to make sense of beyond how they come closest to being squared off. Sometimes I have to knit or crochet a little leftover scrap pieces to make them work. They have gone to friends, kids, pets, the homeless man on the corner...but not taking up valuable studio/craft/stash space...


Those skinny samplers would look cool made into a draft excluder or joined together into a Dr Who esque scarf

Lily Veenendaal

Love the samplers of the different blankets!!
I often make a to do list, just because it is so satisfying to tick off the items!! It works very well for me.

Pippa Moore

Hi lucy
Oh my what a lot of work goes into your beautiful blankets x just a thought on the skinny strips what about sewing them into a lovely blanket for your little kitty ??
Cant wait to see your bag creation x I'm so glad you havent given up your blogg x followed you for years and it's the reason I visited skipton and the area x we stayed in a little cottage down by the canal x since then I've come back several times to your neck of woods x very different to Norfolk where we live x Yorkshire has been my go to place now for past ten years!!!


Sorry, but brain fog is confusing me. What are the names of the blankets in the fourth picture up, just above the skinny stripe ones? Specifically the bottom two. Thank you.

Nora McGrann

A true feast for the eyes Lucy..

Like you say, all from the heart...beautiful 💕

Thank you, as ever for EVERYTHING you share..

Enjoy a lovely Easter with your loved ones

Nora 🐣🌷🐥🌷🐣😘


I bet Miss Tilly would love her own little blanket made up of those skinny stripe samples.

Maya Lacombe

Lucy, I’m a rare commenter but I discovered you somewhere near 10 years ago and am always inspired by your beautifully, vibrant, cosy, colourful home and how you describe your days. It’s all so refreshing, honest, and warm....and reminds me of all the things I love so much about England from the few years I lived there. I am happily working my way through my Meadow Blanket here in Switzerland, snatching free moments to stitch (currently making myself go back and stitch in the 20 or so ends I had been ignoring 😅). You’re a bright, inspirational part of life and I just wanted to thank you for continuing to share your life and your beautiful creativity with us! I’ll send you some sun over from here xxx


I love your palettes so much. Love your colour sense and to see the love and care that goes into creating these blankets. Do you thinking you will ever do one in a natural fibre? I know there are cost implications which mean they may not sell as well but I have made a resolution to not add to plastic usage and will no longer buy acrylic yarn and would love to see a wool palette at some point

Selina Baihn

OMGoodness! why would you bin those skinny stripes?! why not use them? door snakes (to stop draughts) weird cushion shapes, table runners, chair protects/covers, etc or join them all together for another glorious blanket! i never bin any leftovers or scraps, great for stuffing or as a friend uses them makes tiny pompoms which are made into mats/rugs
a wonderful post
thanx for sharing


Yes, Tuesday and Wednesday are supposed to be glorious aren't they, I am very much looking forward to it. The colourwash of the dune blanket is gorgeous, I can really see the hazy summer colours there. So much careful thought and effort goes into each of your colour choices and blankets, and it really does pay off I think. Hope you have a good week. CJ xx


Congratulations on Your finish💕👏👏👏


I absolutely love your colour samples, I just want to pick them up and give them a big hug. This post is so helpful for working with colour, I'm excited to start making samples and play around with colours and design something myself!
It does feel so good to tick things off a list, I cant wait to see your bag in the sunshine.


Great to see all the lovely blankets you’ve designed over the years

Jan Fleat

Reading your blog everyday feels me with warmth and inspiration. I have treated myself to some of the books on your reccommended list and have started a blanket for my granddaughter using a pattern from the Granny Squares book(Susan Pinner).I hope you enjoy meeting up with family and friends outside,keep safe.

Teresa Kasner

I enjoyed the review of your blanket projects, so many of them I've made and have those gorgeous works of art in my home! I look forward to seeing your new bag ta-dah! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)


I love your Granny bag. Isn't it wonderful to have some stitching to look forward to, whether it's knitting crocheting or quilting? I love having several projects going so I never get bored. Loved the pretty flowers on your table. Spring is here! Joy, joy, joy!

Jackie Farrow

I was thinking the same as others. Stitch the skinny rolls together to make a patch work blanket. Or maybe sew some together to make small blankets for animal rescue. I’m sure there would be a few out there keen to have them. Love your mini samples. They could be placemats for the dinning table. I’ve just started knitting the cardi for my Grandson. Done the rib and about to start pattern. I realised I haven’t got 4mm circular needles so I’ll be having to pop to the shops today to buy. Catch you later. Stay safe and take care. Jackie

Linda from Boston

Yay for Granny Josephine!!! Can’t wait to see it.


those skinny stripe samples would look lovely crocheted together for another blanket!


Your rainbowy samples are all so pretty. Hope you have some nicer weather soon.

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