Life at the moment feels slow and steady and I think that twelve days into a month long national lockdown that's about as good as it gets.
This weekend we spent a lot of time at home, only venturing out for our regular Saturday market/local small food shop and a quick walk round the woods.
I got to wear my new wellies which I was stupidly excited about - splashing in puddles never gets old.
Just as we were heading homewards we got caught in a sudden rain shower - getting wet wasn't much fun but the beautiful rainbow made up for it.
After our visit to the Saturday market we came home with some new-to-us fruits - Persimmons, AKA Sharon fruit. I am honestly amazed that I've reached my fifties and have found a fruit which I have never eaten before. How???!!! I can report that Persimmons are delicious, kind of like the texture of a pear inside, with a sweet, subtle mango-ish flavour and definitely a fruit I'd like to eat more of.
And to balance out the healthy fruit, let me 'fess up and tell you what also went down at the weekend ↑↑
Uh-huh, a fully loaded jammy scone topped with the most lip smacking Cornish clotted cream. Oh. My. Goodness. It was heavenly. It's been over a year since I ate anything so indulgent and I enjoyed every single moment. This was part of a very generous gift sent my way through the post - a cream tea in a box no less, complete with prosecco and other goodies. Very grateful for the wonderful friends I've made through this blog of mine.
Much of the weekend was spent by the fire - we lit it in the middle of the afternoons and really made the most of the warmth, light and cosy vibes. I'm still loving my Autumn mantel, and this morning I realised that in just over two weeks it'll be time for another seasonal switcheroo when we decorate for the Festive season.....only two weeks!
Sunday afternoon I picked up my cross stitch project again and completed the final part of the design. I'm so happy with it and have absolutely loved the slow, gentle process of completing each little Christmassy motif. I'll show you once I get it all stretched and framed up nicely.
Even though we are in Lockdown here, during the week our routines remain pretty much unchanged. The Big Teen has been most affected as he's currently furloughed from his pub job, but the Little People are still going to school as usual. J continues to work from home and we still enjoy our Mondays together. I am so grateful for the normality of our slow, steady days right now.
J and I walked at Bolton Abbey this morning, and it felt so good to be out and about. I thought I would show you the above view - this is what the top of the stone aqueduct looks like (the bridge shown in the first river photo above) when we cross the river. Isn't it grand?
There were very few people out walking today as the weather was cold, grey and windy. But the café was open for take outs and J and I enjoyed our morning coffee with a riverside view. It was bloomin' good I have to say.
As always, by the time we'd come a full circuit I felt completely re-energised and so very glad that we'd decided to leave the comforts of home behind for a while.
This morning I noticed that the first of my hyacinth flowers have begun to bloom......
.....and they look so pretty on my mantel. They don't have a scent yet, but I'm hopeful it's on it's way (J would probably disagree, but that's a minor matter of inconsequence I'd say).
I hope you've all enjoyed a beautifully slow and steady weekend full of small pleasures. Tell me a little of what has filled your days recently, I'd love to know?!
Never eaten a kaki? You amaze me. There's so much more to eat out there, try a pomelo. Big, juicy, and totally usable. Walking does lift one's heart does it?
Posted by: tineke | November 20, 2020 at 06:20 PM
I really enjoyed walking along with you today, the aquaduct intrigued us so I googled it. How cool! I am in love with the colors of your next blanket and will likely be ordering the yarn! Sending love your way from Oregon USA!
((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Posted by: Teresa Kasner | November 19, 2020 at 03:19 AM
Lovely photos, as always! I do love your mantel decorations. Might you share where I could buy the metal tree/leaf/bird candle holder? Really, get adore it! Thanks!
Posted by: Cheryl | November 17, 2020 at 11:05 PM
I have so much enjoyed your recent posts. Your walks look so have been thoroughly enjoying trying recipes from the slow cooker book that you very kindly sent me details of; and which I'm ashamed to say I already had a copy of on my shelves! So far we have enjoyed all of the ones we tried and it's so nice to try something new.
I also made fruit scones today, but we ate them just with butter and without jam and cream. Yours looked absolutely delicious.
Although we have nothing like your beautiful woods and countryside nearby I do find that focusing on quiet walks along our nearby canal, with our dog, helps me to feel calm and refreshed - and of course its always lovely to come home to a Slow cookermeal ready prepared and scenting the house.
I finished two of my very old knitting and needle craft projects during our first lockdown; and have now started a new Aran jumper and needlepoint canvas and started a poetry journal.
Thank you for your blog, I think that you have really inspired me to return to skills I was undervaluing. Take care and stay safe.
Posted by: Lesley Irwin | November 17, 2020 at 09:44 PM
Thanks again Lucy for another lovely post & that you're muddling through all this with, along with lots of us, making the best of what we are permitted to do. Walking at Bolton Abbey makes me want to visit again, but alas that may never happen & I'm so glad I did meet you last year. Keep snuggly through winter, which seemed here in Oz to be the longest I've ever endured, but the Spring sunshine has lifted me somewhat, even though it's been unusually windy. Take care, stay safe & huggles.
Posted by: Susan | November 17, 2020 at 08:45 PM
We had a wild walk along the beach in Mundesley Norfolk a small seaside resort I love. The sea was a bit wild so waves hitting the breakers. Luckily for the old chap I had forgotten my phone as I spend ages waiting for the perfect picture of the wave and sea spray. The sky was pink so the tops of the waves were also pink beautiful.
Oh I love a Sharon Fruit but not too ripe as they get too soft for me but I do eat fruit and veg on the unripe side (except apricots).
We have been decorating the upstairs hallway and by that I mean the royal we.
The OC also dislikes hyacinths but I love them and I plant them out in garden after flowering.
Have continued with Lucy W-R 7 minute exercises and I can get up off the floor now without looking like a toddler ie. bum up first! They have strengthened my legs and I recommend them to everyone as they have an easy and intermediate exercise for each one. I am nearly 71 so if I can do it anyone can.
Thanks for blog and sharing your days with us Lucy.
Posted by: Victoria Margerison | November 17, 2020 at 06:52 PM
We are in our 3rd week of lockdown and everyday we walk for an hour within the 1km distance from home that is allowed here in France. Then cooking, drawing, crocheting and reading are my main leisure activities and peaceful enjoyable moments. We spend time keeping in touch with friends and one of the best moments of the day is watching a TV programme on the BBC after reading one of your posts, with a mug of strong tea and a piece of home-made cake.
Posted by: Line | November 17, 2020 at 06:44 PM
Mmmm, Persimmos!! (we call it Kaki here in Belgium)
I discovered it some years ago, and I am always very happy when I see them in the shops again! Love it!
Seeing your hyacinth made me buy one too yesterday. Looking forward to the flowers and the smell!!!
Have a nice day.
Posted by: Liesbet Roosen | November 17, 2020 at 06:31 PM
Not much going on in Dudley. Weather wasn't great over the weekend. Rain and more rain. It's my friends Birthday on Thursday,so instead of buying her something I decided to crochet her a pot of forget me nots. I found the pattern on You tube by Ophelia crochet. She is so bubbly and funny. It's turned out really nice. Would love to put a picture to show you but haven't got a clue how to.😂Loving the wellies.
Posted by: Tracy Bache | November 17, 2020 at 05:39 PM
Hello Dear Lucy
We decided to put our wellies into action this weekend and do two walks in the woods near were I live. The first one it rained almost the whole time, but we had a large umbrella to help us keep dry. The second the sun shone the whole time, but there was a bit of a chill in the air. It was so lovely to get out of the house. We were like big kids squelching through the mud and splashing our way through the puddles. I nearly landed on my bum at one point but I managed to grab my dear hubby's arm which saved me. Hee...Hee
I love to see a rainbow. Happy pootling. With warmest wishes Claire
Posted by: Claire Hayden | November 17, 2020 at 04:37 PM
Thanks for introducing me to persimmons - and I'm older than you! :)
My to-do list includes buying more wool to make socks. I've already made five pairs in the last two years. Thanks again for sharing that pattern from Winwick Mum!
What is the cute little bee button on your stitching project?
Bolton Abbey, Skipton and Yarndale are on my wishlist of places to visit in the UK. Here is hoping that the world will soon be back to some sort of normal in the next year or so.
I just searched for and re-read your post from March 2020 about stepping down from Yarndale. I know it was cancelled this year, but did you miss it this fall? It sounds like this was a very good decision as you have really succeeded with your personal health goals. :)
All the best from Ottawa, Canada.
Posted by: diana | November 17, 2020 at 04:23 PM
Your blog is like going on a wonderful vacation for me. I live in Texas and can only imagine such beautiful scenes. I'm a knitter who is now crocheting because of your inspiration. I bought one of your yarn packs and am crocheting a ripple blanket.
Thank you for the joy that you spread!
Posted by: Tamara H | November 17, 2020 at 02:45 PM
LOL LOL LOL I'm laughing out loud, still. When I saw that picture of you and the cup, I thought it was a GIANT cup (perhaps a garden statute) and you were hugging it with your arm and your head was behind it. Then I read the description and realized it was a cup but it was in your hand. I rather liked that I saw it as a giant cup first since it still makes me laugh knowing how much you like it. Persimmons grow wild down here in Florida and yes, they are very good for pie, pudding, and jam BUT must be eaten AFTER the first frost to get the incredible sweet flavor. They are way to delicate to ship around the country so commercially they aren't very valuable.
Posted by: Mary W | November 17, 2020 at 02:30 PM
I have been working on cross stitch and sewing projects also recently and haven't crocheted at all in recent weeks.. My very rural community is still doing well, with people at work and kids in schools, and nothing shut down really, thank goodness! I can't believe how quickly Christmas will be here, with Thanksgiving just next week now! How did that happen? I'm also enjoying "starting" new plants from my African Violets and have got the tiniest little plant starting on one of the leaves I've stuck in the soil. I've also started eating better and am busy researching new recipes in between getting sidetracked with cross stitch, crochet and sewing patterns on Pinterest! :)
Posted by: Tammy | November 17, 2020 at 01:43 PM
Just wanted you to know I finished stitching one of your designs--the red winter house pattern you made for craft pod last season. It was a delight! I've followed your blog for many years now; thank you for helping to make my life a lot easier during this pandemic and good luck with your second lock-down.
Posted by: Loralee Clark | November 17, 2020 at 01:39 PM
My partner absolutely loathes the smell of hyacinths, so he's with J on this one! I've planted lots in the garden though.
The rain has made me slow down this past week. I've so much to do at the allotment but the ground is just too wet. So I'm reading, not weeding, for the time being!
Posted by: Tonia Collett | November 17, 2020 at 01:34 PM
I love your posts. Our winter is just beginning in Michigan and we have snow on the ground this morning. We are about to begin a 3 week shutdown because our covid cases have shot up in the last few weeks. I don't like to walk on the icy roads in our rural community, so I have been clearing a path through the woods for exercise. I've had genetic testing done for health risks and have an appointment to hear the results of that today. Meanwhile, I've been compiling a family tree of hereditary disease and health risk. Stay safe!
Posted by: Arlene | November 17, 2020 at 12:48 PM
Like some of the others here I haven't tried persimmons yet but you do encourage us to try new things so I will positively look to trying them now.
Is the hyacinth conversation a bit like the love/hate marmite one do you think?
Thanks again for sharing you lovely walks.
Posted by: Beverley | November 17, 2020 at 12:34 PM
I'm with J on the hyacinth smell not good in my mind! I have one outside by the front door, that comes back year after year, which I really enjoy looking at.
Still eating better choices since you post, peri menapause tummy is becoming much happier and I feel a lot more comfy! Thank you for sharing.
Posted by: Heidi Clarke | November 17, 2020 at 12:29 PM
Coming into summer in Australia-just made a batch of strawberry jam.
My kitchen is sticky but smells yum!
Posted by: Camcas | November 17, 2020 at 12:28 PM
Slow and steady is definitely the way to go through this lockdown. I have been finding comfort in candles, magazines and flavoured coffees. Lockdown 1 was not kind to my waistline, and only know I have the mental capability to actually focus on doing something about it. I was longing for a cream tea at the weekend funnily enough, but substituted the craving with rice cakes. Not so much fun! I treated myself to a pair of gorgeous trousers in the size I actually need to get down to as a good incentive. Let's hope it works!!!!!!!!
I so enjoyed your blogtober posts. It was so lovely and exciting having something to look forward to reading every day.
Have a beautiful week my lovely xxxxx
Posted by: vanessa | November 17, 2020 at 12:27 PM
Thanks for sharing your walk again Lucy, glad to see the coffee is back!
My small Lockdown pleasures...Finding new dreamy people on Instagram! Lots of free audio and ebooks from the Library (free online onto a phone or tablet, fab!) Painting. Creating photobooks. Coming up with presents I can make this year instead of buying. Reading lovely blogs from 'up north'! I think maybe I need to get out more!
Posted by: kate bates | November 17, 2020 at 11:45 AM
I'm so glad you've returned to your blogs about your daily life during this lockdown. I was shielding during the first lockdown so I'm being very careful and not going out much this time.
I have loads of knitting, crochet and sewing projects I can choose from to do so that keeps me busy and content at home. And Pinterest keeps me so full of inspiration and ideas that my to do list grows quicker than I can get things done!
I think the woods near your house are gorgeous and I love the lady archer willow figure. She looks so strong and empowered. And the horse looks gentle. Did you ever tell us who made them? The use of the willow to suggest the horse's muscles and the lady's swirling skirts is very clever. I'm afraid London streets aren't as inviting as your woods! So its lovely to see them and share a little walk and what you see there.
Posted by: Cathy | November 17, 2020 at 10:25 AM
Bolton Abbey on my list of places to visit once we can travel again, looks wonderful. Made me laugh about the scent of hyacinths we have the same ‘argument’ here. I love the smell, rest of family not so much! Happy November xx
Posted by: Amanda | November 17, 2020 at 10:16 AM
Lovely post. I am working on your heatwave weekend bag. I have had it waiting for a while and had a tricky few starts with it, but then with much perseverance I cracked it! Just loving the colours. Perfect to lift the mood. Oh and also trying out the LWR 7 minute workout and loving the lots of thanks to you are in order... Can't believe only two weeks to mantel swopping!! xx
Posted by: Helen | November 17, 2020 at 09:43 AM