Hello!!!!!!!! I'm waving a meek little hello to you all from the Attic window and offering up some white scented stocks (which smell heavenly) in heartfelt thanks for your kindness and wonderings over my absence of late.
It's been over a month since I was last here in my precious little patch of cyber space, and as is sometimes the case it was a completely unintentional break. The days drifted by and although I frequently thought to myself "I really should update my blog very soon", I somehow wasn't able to find my voice. All my instincts were telling me to stay quiet and lay low for a while, and so quite simply that is what I have been doing.
I've found myself coming through a very introspective and questioning time and it's been cathartic I guess, if a little unsettling! I'm hoping to find a way to articulate my thoughts and to be able to share my realisations with you very soon - it's all quite personal stuff but I have always found great comfort and clarity in putting my thoughts and feelings into words here in this space.
Anyhow, I promise faithfully that I will be back here in the Attic to continue sharing my days with you. Thank you so, so much for visiting me here, and for thinking of me. I appreciate you all very, very much.
More soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx