Hello my lovelies! I find myself often thinking about you all out there around the world keeping home-safe as we go gently through these surreal days. I really hope you're all doing OK and that you're having many more ups than downs. Life here in the Attic this past week has been very peaceful for the most part - I had a couple of "off" days where I felt a bit low and in desperate need of some quiet time away from the rest of the fam with nothing but my own company. There isn't anywhere that I can retreat to at home as we only have one open plan living room, so I told everyone that I needed to be left alone for a while and closed myself off in the bedroom to read and stitch a little. It did help, and yesterday I felt back to my usual cheery self again.
We continue to walk every day, our one stint of permitted outdoor exercise and it always feels so bloomin' good to get out and about.
We walk the same daily route, following very familiar pathways in a loop through the woods....
....then a climb up this vast hilly field to reach the wall at the top....
...ahhhhh, always such a great feeling to reach the highest point!
We have to climb over by means of a stepped stone stile - these are common features in Yorkshire where a pathway crosses over a dry stone wall. It makes a good place to rest a short while, catch our breath and spend some time chatting as we look out over our town spread out in the valley below.
A couple times last week, J and and Little B went off on an afternoon walk without me. I know that Little B sometimes really craves one-to-one attention and seems quietly thrilled when I duck out as he then gets to have his Dad all to himself. On these days, I've still taken my walk but have chosen to go out later in the day, making the most of the deliciously light, golden evenings we are gifted at this time of year.
Little Lady often prefers to walk in the evenings and will happily come with me for a late jaunt if I ask her. It's not late really (we are home by 8pm) but getting to see the sun go down and the moon rise behind the trees always feels quite magical.
I've made good progress on my cross stitch project (it's a design by Tiny Modernist on Etsy) and have really enjoyed the quiet me-time it has afforded me just lately. I talked in my last home-safe post about enjoying being "in the zone" with a cross stitch project like this one, and boy, have I been there!
I have stitched and stitched and stitched, hundreds of tiny crosses, needle in and out, in and out. Breeeeathe, and let my mind just be full of the colours and the slow, satisfying business of seeing thread turn into leaves and flowers.
Last night I finished putting in the final little spray of flowers, and my goodness, the feeling of achievement was immense!! Finally finished after nearly two years as a WiP!! I'm working on a little DIY upgrade to the hoop frame for it now, so I'll be sure to show you when it's all washed, pressed and framed up beautifully.
Being at home all the time does have it's positives, and for me that equals plenty of creative opportunity as well as extra time to bake and cook. During the past couple of years I've been menu planning and food shopping daily as part of my morning walk to and from school. We have a tiiiiiiny kitchen with only two small cupboards for storing food and a standard size under-counter fridge. This makes it impossible to actually store enough food to last us a whole week without performing a major jenga-style stacking game. But at the moment we don't have a choice as I am now menu planning so that J can do a big weekly shop every Monday. It's taken a little bit of getting used to and we are having to use our stone floored cellar as a bit of a cool-store/pantry for the stuff that just won't fit in the fridge/cupboards in the first half of the week after the Big Shop. But we are getting by just fine, calling at our local bakery to buy fresh bread (we walk right past it on our return route from the woods), and thankful that our milkman is still delivering milk to our doorstep.
I love cooking for the family and every day I make a meal from scratch using fresh ingredients. We aren't a family that eats ready made or convenience food very often (save for the odd frozen pizza for the Little Peeps) so the cooking isn't a new thing by any means. I think what I'm enjoying the most is having my weekly menu mapped out in advance (I did this for many years but oddly got out of the habit in recent times), and not feeling quite so rushed in the late afternoons which would usually be taken up with the school run and after-school snacks/wind-down time.
For the first time in absolutely ages I made some soup for my lunch last week, gosh it was so satisfying and quick! I had left over garlicky roasted veggies from the day before (peppers, onion, courgette, sweet potato and carrots) and half a tin of chopped tomatoes in the fridge left from the day before that. I simply bunged everything in the blender, added in some hot stock and seasoning and whizzed it all up. There was enough for the Little People to have as well and even the Big Teen decided that a soup brunch would suit him very nicely, thank you very much. Actually the Teens both usually make their own breakfast/brunch/lunch but I know that when I offer to make them something (especially poached eggs) it does seem to make them very happy.
Baking is another thing that I've gotten out of the habit of doing, especially in recent months as I've been trying hard to eat a healthy diet. But during these home-safe weeks I've remembered that baking isn't just about eating the end product. It's an activity which the Little People really enjoy, the delicious, comforting smells that waft out of the kitchen, the cosy familiarity of keeping busy on the domestic front as a means to relieve low-grade stress. This week Little B and I baked sultana and cranberry flapjacks and the smell of them as they were cooking was so good! The Little People tell me they were yummy and asked what's coming next - I'm thinking some Oaty Cookies would go down well.
I found that during the Easter weekend it was essential for me to indulge a little. The need for foodie feel-good was running high, and so there was chocolate (of course) and melty buttered hot cross buns eaten outside in the sunshine. I think it's always good to have balance, and although I've changed my diet quite considerably since December, I haven't eliminated anything at all and really enjoy the odd sweet treat.
I've been missing having fresh flowers on the table after so many delicious weeks of having daffodils coming home with the groceries. I ventured up to the allotment last week to see what might be growing in the wild banks of our plot which the previous people planted with bulbs and wild flowers. It was such a delight to pick a little posy to bring home, a rather raggedy bunch of muscari, bluebells (and pink bells!) and a pretty white flower who's name I don't know.
Another day and another walk to the woods, the repetitiveness of our routine honestly doesn't seem to bother me, although it hasn't been a full month yet.
The wood anemones are looking so beautiful....
....and I even spotted some dinky little violets which instantly reminded me of my Mum. She had such a love of wild flowers, especially primroses and violets as they mark the start of Spring which was her favourite time of year.
At the weekend we actually walked a different walk, one that takes longer than our usual hour long woodland ramble. This is a stride out across fields and down small country lanes to a neighbouring village which has a rather old fashioned but charming country inn with a beer garden for when times are normal. It's a gentle, quiet walk, well as quiet as it can be with Little B going at full pelt.
I loved seeing these sticky buds breaking open to reveal the very first new leaves (this is a horse chestnut tree), and realising that Spring really, really is here. We've had some beautiful Spring weather this week with plenty of sunshine, although it has remained very cold.
I had a couple of lovely surprises at the weekend which made my heart very happy. The first surprise was left on my table in the back yard by my very good friend who is a nurse and working hard on the NHS frontline right now. She sent me a text early Saturday morning to tell me to to go look on my table, and there she'd left me a painted rainbow pebble and a bottle of prossecco. Well, what a generous Easter gift - rainbows and bubbles, I was so touched!
J also surprised me with a chocolate heart, he said he saw them in the bakers when he called in to get our weekend bread and thought I might appreciate a bit of a treat. Well yes indeed, unexpected chocolate is always a lovely treat.
Over the weekend we did not one but two jigsaw puzzles, which came about because Little B seemed to be absolutely beside himself with frustrated boredom. On the whole he has been absolutely brilliant during this lockdown and has entertained himself extremely well during the long, samey days. We've been keeping up with our 9am PE workout, and of course our daily afternoon walk, but when he has tired of watching films or gaming, he doesn't seem to know quite what to do with himself. He's grown out of toys really, although he will quite happily sit and play solitaire or jacks with himself. J plays cards or draughts with him most days, but he isn't remotely interested in anything creative that I suggest, other than baking. However when I suggested we do a puzzle together he shrugged and said OK (in a very unsure way I might add), so I immediately went with it. We've had these jigsaws for such a long time that they may almost be vintage (J and I bought them over twenty five years ago), one that has tropical fish and another one which has rainforest birds. They are fun to do, the different shaped pieces fitting together in unexpected ways, and certainly kept Little B (and me) happy for many hours.
I was thinking last week that I really miss walking along the canal - in normal times it's such a familiar part of my days as I walk to and from school, home from the supermarket or down to my studio. So on the spur of the moment I decided to stroll out early one evening, just to take in the sight of the water and reconnect with a little bit of my usual normality.
It was a beautiful, still evening with perfect reflections and soft light. This white flowering cherry tree towers over the tow path and looked absolutely spectacular as I strolled underneath it.
I am naturally accustomed to being very aware of my surroundings when I am out and about and always try to practice a sort of mindfulness as I walk. But during these home-safe weeks when our outside freedom is so limited, I find I am tuning in even more than usual to the little details, soaking in every teensy bit of natural beauty and colour. It's a good life lesson I think - to slow down a little and really pay attention to the beauty that surrounds us every minute of every day. It's right there to be enjoyed, so good for the soul.
hi Lucy.
I'm glad that the weather is keeping fine enough for you to be able to get out for your pleasant daily walks to keep your spirits up at this unusual time. I can't see too much of your white flower but it looks to me like stitchwort. I hope it is as it's name is so appropriate for you.
Thank you for brightening our days for us x
Posted by: Alison Reaston | April 15, 2020 at 12:59 AM
I have enjoyed reading this overview of your daily life at the moment. My dog and I are enjoying our solitary walks through the local park and beside the Murray River every day.
Posted by: Lyn Gilbee | April 15, 2020 at 12:52 AM
You are good for my soul Lucy!
Posted by: Lyn Williams | April 15, 2020 at 12:27 AM
In Canada, uni ended three weeks early due to the pandemic and as a prof, I have been insanely busy moving classes and assignments online, figuring out the technology and how to meaningfully stay connected with my students... I can't wait to finish and finally get bored! :) Just the final exam now. Thank you for the spring garland pattern - we are now seeing a bit of spring here, the grass is greener, crocuses are out, and the days are getting so much longer - this always gives me a sense of more time, and of freedom. Take care!
Posted by: Monika | April 14, 2020 at 11:58 PM
Hi Lucy, I’m a nurse and I love reading your blogs. (as well as making your crochet patterns) I find them both uplifting and relaxing, your neck of the woods is so beautiful and I’ve loved visiting in the past when I’ve travelled up from Gloucester for Yarndale. Thanks for sharing x
Posted by: Sheelagh Franklin | April 14, 2020 at 11:24 PM
the area you get to walk in is so very, very pretty and peaceful looking. I do feel for you have a tiny kitchen with little storage space a tiny refrigerator - I feel guilty now for the large kitchen & large refrigerator I have plus a small extra freezer as well
Posted by: Karen | April 14, 2020 at 10:55 PM
It certainly is a very odd time. Here in Australia we don't have anywhere near the numbers of people ill, but have some pretty restrictive conditions put on us. It came hard on the heels of such a difficult Summer for us which has been tough.
In a strange way I'm actually finding it a peaceful and creative time, although not having any young children certainly helps! My adult daughter has OCD and is struggling with the uncertainty; that is my main worry.
Posted by: Denise Fordyce | April 14, 2020 at 10:34 PM
Lucy, do you use a trolley needle (aka laying tool) when you cross stitch? Your stitches are so smooth.
You do beautiful work.
Posted by: Susan | April 14, 2020 at 10:32 PM
Hello Lucy,
Thank you for sharing a snapshot of your family life during this time of lockdown.
It is lovely to hear how you are coping g as a family, and to see scenes around Skipton,.....a town I love very much. I have missed my weekly visits and look forward to a time when I can walk the familiar streets, and the beautiful Skipton Woods, as well as enjoying a stroll on the lovely canal and through the beautiful park. Thank you
for showing me all those familiar places. I have also been keeping busy with walking the dog, and plenty of cooking and baking. I have tried to look at the positives of these uncertain times and to appreciate the beauty of a quieter lifestyle. Take care
and enjoy those quiet moments that you manage to find in your busy day, and look after yourself. Xxxx
Posted by: Kathryn Grimshaw | April 14, 2020 at 10:31 PM
I think the white flower in your vase is a puschkinia (or something similar). I used to have some in my garden.
Posted by: Emma Skelly | April 14, 2020 at 10:29 PM
We certainly like the same things. I, too, need some time alone. I'm not use to having my husband at home 24/7. Most of the time I love it, but there are times I tell him I just have to have some alone time and he is fine with that. I'm finding this enforced staying in has made me more productive. I've finished two quilts and am working on four more and am loving it. So glad we can still order online as I ordered some paint by numbers. The company contacted me and said they were so overwhelmed with orders it would take a little longer to ship than normal. I'm glad to know commerce is still well and strong. Be safe.
Posted by: Kate | April 14, 2020 at 10:26 PM
Take care keep safe!
Posted by: Mary Lloyd Jones | April 14, 2020 at 10:23 PM