
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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April 29, 2020


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Susan Koszak

Thanks so much for your wonderful honest blog. we went for a walk yesterday and found wild garlic which was thrilling as I thought I would miss it this year. looking forward to making something delicious.We have adjusted to having our two older children home as Uni is closed and filming projects are suspended.My son celebrated his 21st at the weekend and despite it not being quite what he imagined he had ‘the best birthday’ as we were together all day with many surprises including a memorable zoom chat. Looking forward to celebrating with family and friends is definitely keeping us going.I’m loving picking up my crochet at any moment and the recent rainy weather meant escaping inside to complete my colour block cushion.Keep safe peeps from sunny Uttoxeter in Staffordshire UK❤️


We have definitely settled into new normal here. After a few weeks off, Mr Year 11 has received school work from the A level classes he will be moving onto in September. His current school has been great at providing support too, with phone calls and emails. He is now getting up lazily, working in the afternoon and gaming in the evening. Mr slightly older, is working from home and we have now properly organised the work space so he is sitting at a desk which is the right height etc as this is going to go on for some weeks. Husband retired at the end of last month so we’ve been settling into a new routine there too. He’s decided to study a language so that is keeping him busy. And me.....well, it’s business as usual, washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning house and occasionally a bit of crochet in the sun! The house feels full but we are managing quite nicely.
Take care Lucy. I look forward to seeing your new blanket.


I'm really enjoying your uplifting weekly blog posts with the added bonus that I get to see photos of lovely Skipton, which I usually visit frequently and miss. You've inspired me to get up early tomorrow and go for a little nature walk, thank you.


Good morning from Wiltshire! Love your blossom photos! There is a lovely tree at the front of my mums house, although it’s got to the messy stage when the fallen petals get trodden into the house - worse with the rain too! I’m working at home 4 days a week, gradually getting used to video meetings, making sure the webcam is pointing the right way and not showing the messy bits of the room. OH is frustrated not to be able to get out into the wild with his camera as usual, but we have made the most of local walks and even spotted a kingfisher the other evening. I’m working on my first hydrangea blanket in the evenings, as well as a temperature blanket which is changing colour beautifully now with the warmer days. Our veggie patch has expanded, but it’s a race to beat the slugs and snails to the salads, and we’re finally finding time to redecorate our bedroom, so there are definitely upsides to this whole thing!
Best wishes, Jane (tulip lady 😉 )

Debbie McCaffery

Thank you so much for your weekly update and the beautiful pictures that you post. It really cheers me up as I’m not allowed out for exercise due to shielding. We’ve got into a routine. I wake my boys up at 8am and they normally do some exercise inside or out depending on weather. Then it’s showers, food and then on with the school day. Which is from 9am to 4pm with an hour for lunch. My eldest is at a Grammar School and the teachers are definitely making sure the pupils stick to their timetable. During this time I usually do my own studies I’m doing an IT course. Then spend some time doing crochet or cross stitch. I prepare dinner and afterwards I usually do some exercise, indoor rowing or yoga. Although being altogether is lovely. I really can’t wait for this period to be over, I miss going out and being at work. Stay safe. Debbie 😊

Lyn Williams

Hello there from upside down NZ; we are enjoying a long Indian Summer laced with prolonged drought, and today would be the equivalent of October 30th with you and at its height, the temp was 22 degrees. Bit more chilly now so I am indoors, my husband enjoying The Chase and me surfing my fave blog.
I so relate to your seasonal feelings/emotions - when I have the need the back garden swing seat entices me, especially early evening when I can look at what has been achieved during the day - even more so during lockdown. My delight at this time is the Fantail Bird chattering away and landing on various uprights to eye me up for possible conversation, very entertaining.
We have a delightful escape along our Marine Parade pathway, more open than your woodland walk and very full of fresh air. Folks have been increasingly aware of its advantages; cyclists/skateboarders/roller skaters - the lot. Very entertaining but relaxing at the same time. But my heart is with your Yorkshire excursions through softly lit, richly planted woods emerging onto a heathland of surprises.
Enjoy your wonderful life Lucy. Kind regards, Lyn

Susanne Nichol

Hello Lucy, it’s lovely to read all about you and see the lovely pictures of Skipton. We have a son living near you so we know the area fairly well. I love your blanket and are working my way through them. What is the one on your “ old “ camping chair called? I would like to make one. I never done one with 1000😂 of squares. You enjoy the sun in your back yard. Stay well and safe.
Greetings from a chilly Inverness
Susanne Nichol

Jackie Farrow

Thank you once again for sharing, lovely photos. The one thing I have missed is hugging our Grandsons. I have seen the eldest Grandson outside their home but of course within safe distance. His dad is a Manager at a large Supermarket. This Monday some of our restrictions were lifted we can now have up to 10 people in our homes (not that we would) So Sunday we had to drop somethings of to our Son &DIL and for the first time we went inside and had some fun with the youngest Grandson. I was about to write that we haven’t had any family at ours and just as I was writing it my daughter and Grandson (no.1) came to see us 😁. So on the craft side I’ve just finished crocheting from Little box of Crochet your Mug Hug which I have put over a glass jar for my crochet hooks. I’m also knitting a cardi for myself. Was a little upset when I found a hole in the back piece which I’m now undoing from the cast on edge to go passed the hole and re knit downwards. First time I’ve ever done this before. Take care, stay safe till next time Jackie x

Kate S.

Dear Lucy, thank you for another sweet glimpse into your world. I live in New Jersey USA where it’s definitely getting warmer, but we still have chilly days and lots of clouds and rain. It’s hard for kids to be cooped up on those yucky days. We are getting into a slow repetitive routine and I quite like it, going between home schooling, zooming for work, and now, working obsessively on my cupcake blanket. I just love making your blankets! I don’t know what I’d do without my crocheting:-)

Stay safe and healthy, everyone!

Anne Dearle

Always lovely to read your blog and see your beautiful photos of your surrounds. This period of isolation is giving us a chance to slow down and enjoy the beauty in nature, our own home and make us realise what and who are important in our lives. I can’t wait to be able to see my family again. Skype is wonderful but not like seeing them face to face. I love your walks. It is autumn here in Australia. The morning sun coming through our living room is beautiful and warm. A lovely spot to crochet or knit. Thanks for another enjoyable post. Take care and look after yourself.



Gillian McM

It has been so cold here in Massachusetts, there are millions of tiny red buds on the crabapple tree in my back garden, but they are refusing to open! My front garden is full of grape hyacinths, such a deep lovely purple. Quite happy indoors, crocheting, reading, zooming with friends, so grateful for central heating and enough food and a comfortable bed. Thank you as always for your lovely posts, Lucy. May you be well.

Bonnie Brocklehurst

Thank you Lucy for sharing your lovely walk with us, I long for warmer days when I can work in my garden again, after a long winter I am anxious to see the trees in bloom again, I love your blog, always cheers me up❤️

Take Care

Bonnie from Newfoundland

Joanna Worthington

Lovely to read your blog as ever. I share your love of blossom and am so lucky that my neighbour has a huge cherry blossom tree in her garden which hangs over into ours. It has been so beautiful this past week, but now the wind and the rain have decimated it. Such fleeting joy. I have been spending my days sitting in the sunshine and either crocheting or knitting small garments for a “Hope Box” or “Bottom Drawer” for the future should I become a Grandmother. I have made many blankets and gifts for other people, including my daughters’ friends when they have had babies, and thought it would be awful if I should succumb to COVID-19 and not have made anything for my own daughters’ future offspring. So that is what I have decided to do for the foreseeable future. Sending love from the South Coast of the UK. xxx

Deb, US

Here in the US it just seems endless. I thought when this first started it would last maybe a week or two. HA! Our weather is still rather cold so as it warms so will our spirits. I am spending time cross stitching a very colorful and intricate butterfly pattern. Good health to all the wonderful Attic24 friends!

Jayne Holland

Love your blog Lucy, it always makes me smile, the simple things in life are the best x


I think it’s easier for me than a lot of people, I still have work 3 days a week, but on my days off every 2-4 weeks, I would usually travel to my mums on the train, a 5 hour journey, and often once a month we wil go away for the weekend. Though I miss seeing mum, and our little excursions, I have actually been loving staying at home and pottering, resting and recuperating. I had a mild case of covid 19 last month and am just starting to get back energy and motivation. And the marvellous weather has helped!My garden has never looked better and my house never so uncluttered!

Lynn Walsh

I am so jealous of your canal and park to walk by, I totally love your blog and always have done. I miss tales of Connievan! Still dream of one of my own. Kind regards from Cornwall 🙂

Carol Langley

Such a lovely blog! Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos.

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