Before I begin my witterings, can I just please say a humongous ((t h a n k y o u)) to everyone who has left such kind and heartfelt comments on my last post, and across my social media channels as well. I am hugely grateful for your understanding, empathy and encouragement after a time of such uncertainty and wobbliness for me. I really do appreciate our communications back and forth, and I cannot imagine what kind of outlook my life would have without this window I have created and without you stopping by to check in on me. We are good for each other I think, mutual benefit and all that.
I wanted to tell you about the yarn basket in the above photo - this is actually a laundry basket which sits on the floor in my studio and takes care of the considerable amount of Stylecraft Special DK over-spill which doesn't fit on my shelves. I happened to be looking in the basket for a particular colour the other day, and noticed a really lovely accidental yarn palette that had made itself on the top of the pile.....
....what do you think? I pulled them out onto the floor and thought to myself how beautifully spring-like they look, like a sudden burst of warm sunlight and fresh air combined. Isn't colour so brilliant at evoking emotions and memories, I absolutely LOVE (love love love) playing with colour for this reason. I thought you might like to know the shades, something to ponder on if you're in the mood for a pretty, airy colour palette for a project..
Cloud Blue : Storm Blue : Sage : Pistachio : Mustard
Pomegranate : Blush : Pale Rose : Clematis : Stone (I think? That last one could possibly be Camel)
Life here in the Attic at the moment is really pretty good, considering the huge amount of ever shifting changes and adjustments that are taking place due to the coronavirus pandemic. Last week threw the Little People for a loop, in particular my two Teens who were both due to sit exams in a few months time (GCSEs for little Lady and A Levels for the boy Teen). Being told that exams will be cancelled created such a sudden rift in their lives, but more than that they were both left reeling from the abrupt end to their schooling.
My 17 year old walked in the door on Thursday afternoon, stood there in the kitchen in his school uniform, shrugged his shoulders and said "well, that's it......!" It suddenly hit home that there will be no more school for him now. That really is it - he has now left school behind. Of course, he is still doing some school work from home, completing final bits of course work and preparing for an interview this week, which is now taking place via Skype. But it all feels very unreal.
Little Lady took it all quite hard, realising very quickly that no exams also meant no end of year prom, no leavers celebrations, no get togethers with friends, no summer music festivals. She was so sad about it all, mourning the loss of this rite of passage, but she rallied around with her friends and they made their last day together full of photos and good memories.
As for Little B, well he is taking it all in stride. He was sent home from school on Friday with a work pack - lots of things to keep him busy across all subjects, as well as some enticing new work books (all those crisp empty pages!) and some freshly sharpened pencils. It is proving quite hard to get him to sit down and apply himself to the empty pages, but we are taking it gently, treating this week as an easing in period and not trying to enforce rules or timetables or anything.
Me, well I'm doing just fine being at home with my brood, it feels like one great big glorious long weekend at the moment (we are only on day 2 mind you). I've got the most beautiful orange tulips on my table this week and I feel so grateful that we are all together and safe, and that home time for us as a family is a bit chaotic but mostly very easy going.
This is the tag that Little B made at school to tie around a pair of daffodil stems - a very thoughtful gift for Mothers Day which was much appreciated. In these times of worry and uncertainty, it's lovely to keep a hold of the little rituals and traditions which remind us where we are in the year. I only realised at the weekend that we are now officially in Spring (yaaayyyyyyy) as it was the Spring Equinox on Friday which completely passed me by. But the weather has certainly behaved itself and the past few days have been utterly glorious and perfectly springlike, I've been very impressed.
This morning I made myself a coffee and took a blanket to sit on the steps which is a first for this year. Even the kitty ventured outdoors to sit with me, which was unexpected but rather comforting. Although normal life has been somewhat put on hold, it's still possible to sit a while and soak up the warmth and sunshine and be glad for the day to gently unfold.
Although I am really missing my sociable café times spent with friends, I am quite used to spending lengths of time in my own company. I am finding it harder to adjust to the sudden loss of freedom and it feels very strange not being able to head out to the shops or my studio. But I am taking comfort in the little things that bring me pleasure, and a quiet coffee in the sunshine is right up there on my pleasure list.
My next door neighbour has this beautiful little cherry tree growing in his front garden and it's making me very happy to see it every day. The larger cherry trees in our neighbourhood won't be flowering for at least another month, so this is like a little sneak preview of what's to come. I absolutely love love love blossom season, it's such a joyful time of year and never fails to lift my spirits.
I managed a little bit of al fresco crochet this morning too, and it was utter bliss I have to say. Nothing relaxes me more than the soothing rhythm of hook and yarn, and the way it can gently calm a busy mind is nothing short of magic.Creativity is usually at the heart of my days, but never have I been more grateful for it. I am so so excited for spring to unfold too, and I am hopeful for many more days of outdoor hooky as we move through March and into April. Bring it on, I am beyond ready...come on, come on!!!! Springtime sunshine, I need you!!!!
In the UK we are now in lockdown, although at the moment we are permitted to head out once a day for some exercise. Here in my patch this will mainly involve strolling around the woodland close to home, and I am certainly not complaining. We went out this afternoon, all five of us. YES!! For the first time in years we had the boy Teen with us, and even though I managed to remain nonchalant and cool about it, my inner Mummy voice was screaming with delight. It was just so bloomin' lovely, all of it. The light and the warmth, the chatter and the peace. We passed maybe four or five other people out walking, and as you can see from the above photo, it's pretty easy to keep a safe distance from folks on these pathways.
Most of the trees are still bare and leafless, but there are plenty of buds showing if you stop and look for them. It thrills me to be on the cusp of the changing seasons, there is so much colour just waiting to burst forth.
I am very thankful that we are still allowed to venture out as a family, at least for the time being. An hour out of the day to walk and breathe in the air and scenery feels like a life essential to me, and my heart goes out to all those who are in complete lockdown/isolation right now.
I have to say, it's so lovely to be here, writing and sharing snippets of my days as we navigate this strange time in history. I hope that you are keeping safe and well, and I shall see you again very soon, I'm rather enjoying chattering to you!
Well, I'm one of those in complete self-isolation for the next three months minimum. This is due to my having two of the six listed conditions/diseases laid down by the NHS as being at 'very high risk of serious illness'. This is not too much of a problem for me, but once you are told in a letter that you have to follow this, it's not an option to do otherwise, it sort of hits home and all of a sudden you want to be sociable. In my case this would mean a personality change I have to tell you! And of course it means my other half is also self-isolating so we have to see if the local pharmacy will delivery essential meds next month.
It amazes me how it went from being a bug that was affecting a large number of people in one area in China, and now look at it. Worldwide. Life-changing. Scary.
Everyone be safe, keep your loved ones safe. Obey the rules! Hard for an Anne of Green Gables type.....
Posted by: EDWINA KELLOCK | March 25, 2020 at 01:28 PM
Here in California we too are on home isolation. We can go out for essential things like groceries, buy fuel for our cars, etc., but most businesses are closed. Restaurants are closed to eat in customers but many are doing take out. It's very strange and takes a bit of getting used to especially if you are used to being on the go all the time. We are in the middle of week two of this isolation and so far so good. We are both retired and its a bit easier on us that having kids still at home. I'm a quilter and knitter and have lots to keep me busy.
We have been taking walks and working in our garden and generally trying to keep up a normal routine each day. Many DIY projects have been done as well.
Thank you for posting over the years and sharing your beautiful blankets and your creative skills. My best to you and your family as we all work though these strange times.
Posted by: Ann | March 25, 2020 at 12:50 PM
Gosh you made me realise how long I have been an Attic24 friend, you two teens were at primary school, I remember your post about big sons first day at big school 😁, hope they get some closure on school over the summer, I am hoping to get last year's CAL finished 😂.
Posted by: Heidi Clarke | March 25, 2020 at 12:46 PM
Hi Lucy, thanks for your lovely posts, I love the photos of your town which I have visited several times. I have joined you in your attic many times over the past couple of years and enjoyed your crochet.
I have missed out on seeing my grandchildren and their parents this Easter as I am also in lockdown and they live in London and Cambridgeshire. Lets hope this will have eased off by Summer.
I am taking this oportunity to knit and crochet blankets for our local nursing homes so my knit and natter group should have a good supply to take when this is over.
Keep inspiring us all
Love and hugs
Posted by: Gillian Compigne-Leaney | March 25, 2020 at 12:37 PM
I apparently missed something , I didn't know that you have a studio outside of your home. Still loving your blog and reading yours first when you post. Enjoyed your walk , family time is so precious. Your flowers are beautiful. Looking forward to your next project. Y'all take care , be safe and don't take any unnecessary risks.
Posted by: Miss Daisy | March 25, 2020 at 11:40 AM
I do really enjoy your posts about your daily life and they often make me feel much better about my own sporadic feelings of uncertainty and unbalance (if that's a word).
I'm very new to the crochet world but I have made one of your blankets which I absolutely loved making and love seeing every day.
I wondered about starting a new project now that we're all all spending more time at home. I'd love to yarnbomb the lamp posts in my street to put a smile on everyones faces. I wonder if you could give me any hints or tips about doing this.....seems like sunch a fun idea.
Posted by: ann | March 25, 2020 at 11:25 AM
Hi Lucy it’s so lovely to hear from you. I have to admit that this lockdown won’t massively affect my life as I didn’t go out much anyway. My daughter’s are finding it hard though. One lives in the I.O.M. and hates working from home. One is a critical health worker and the other runs a data centre. Geographically we are not close but we are in constant contact online. The worst bit is we don’t know when we will see our grandson again and it’s his birthday on Saturday. 3 weeks ago we had a new kitchen fitted and new flooring downstairs. Luckily it was finished before the lockdown. I can’t imagine what it would have been like without a kitchen for months. Still at the moment we are all fit and healthy, the sun is shining and I have my crochet. A lot to be thankful for.
Posted by: Pam Green | March 25, 2020 at 10:12 AM
My eldest is missing his GCSEs as well, and also sad. He didn't even get to go in and say goodbye as they shut the school immediately. It's been very hard for him. I'm sorry your eldest and your daughter as well have missed out. We all went out for a walk together on Mother's Day which was a rare treat. So lovely to see a post from you full of light and colour. Look after yourself, CJ xx
Posted by: CJ | March 25, 2020 at 10:11 AM
Thanks Lucy, so lovely to hear your cheery news and see the lovely woods around your town. I appreciate your posts very much and am grateful for the crochet creativity you inspire. When I finally finish a Catherine Wheel blanket I started to ‘use up yarn’ (and then had to buy more to finish!) I will be starting your Sweet Pea pack as a gift for my Mum who LOVES the colours.
Stay well and safe,
From Australia Karyn
Posted by: Karyn | March 25, 2020 at 10:04 AM
This is a lovely normal post... I too loved it when we were all together, as in school holidays. We have been fortunate that this first week of lockdown is taking place in the sun! Take care.
Posted by: Laurence | March 25, 2020 at 09:06 AM
Hi Lucy! Thank you for another beautiful post. Times are hard but there are so many things we can be thankful, indeed. We are healthy, he have food and we can at least go out for some excercise.To me, it's all a mind game. I want my mind to be ok with the fact that I need to stay in the house longer than I had to.
Wishing you and your family the best. Let all of us make the most of this unexpected situation and come out of it healthy. Greetings from Greece
Posted by: Evi | March 25, 2020 at 08:47 AM
Hi Lucy, I stumbled across your blog a few years ago when I was in a bad place (suffering from anxiety) and needed solace. I turned to crochet and found your tutorials. Since then I have popped into your attic from time to time. Your Oldest two were at primary school then- I couldn’t believe that this is his final year at school! I just wanted to say thank-you for helping me when I needed it (even though you didn’t know it) and I wish you and your family well.
Posted by: Rosy | March 25, 2020 at 08:41 AM
Love all of your posts! Stay safe and continue enjoying Spring Lucy.💕
Posted by: Elizabeth Sawyer | March 25, 2020 at 07:47 AM
Good morning! Lep pozdrav iz Slovenije! Marija
Posted by: marija | March 25, 2020 at 07:33 AM
Thank you for your blog I’ve done and still have some of your kits and really enjoy doing them. Keep safe and plan many more 💐🌞x
Posted by: Sue Couves | March 25, 2020 at 07:11 AM
Yet another beautiful post Thankyou
Posted by: Jacqui | March 25, 2020 at 06:20 AM
Hello Dear Lucy. I'm sorry the kids are losing out on all the special things they were looking forward to. So many people are losing out on so much, but lives are just more important and I'm sure they'll understand that. I'm glad you can get out for your beloved walks while staying away from others. Do take care. I'm so glad we're blog friends.
((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Posted by: Teresa Kasner | March 25, 2020 at 06:18 AM
I'm pleased to hear you and your family and safe and healthy and cosied up together. Down here in Kangarooland many of us are already putting ourselves in lockdown before the govt calls it as we are scared of following the same path as Europe and feel we should be locked in already. I for one am looking forward to spending more time with my boys and enforced crocheting time! It can also be a time when we can easily feel overwhelmed and get a case of the wobblies. So I'm going to try and focus on the small nice things that come my way. Like plonking around in my garden, reading my favourite blogs (like yours and Teresa Kasners), experimenting with new hooky projects and occasional walks around the park with my slightly brainless dog.
Posted by: Louise | March 25, 2020 at 06:03 AM
Thank you for your calming post. I have struggled with having to stay mostly indoors. My normal life is full of volunteering at local groups where I chat to so many interesting people, who I am now so worried about. My husband is a key worker so is still at work, so I am trying to fill my day with gardening and craft and not to worry too much about my only as they have all down the nest. Life is very tough for all of us and you bring a little sunshine into it.
Posted by: Tracy Welstead | March 25, 2020 at 06:00 AM
I loved reading about your life adventures...keep it up. For all of us.
Posted by: Kate | March 25, 2020 at 03:18 AM
So uplifting like the weather xx
Posted by: Jacqui Galloway | March 25, 2020 at 03:06 AM
So sorry you Children will not be taking exams this year. Crossing fingers the interview goes well for your son. These are difficult times but I’m so pleased to be able to read your blogs still. Here in Australia we are not in lockdown yet. But I don’t go out as much as I use to. You have inspired me to try to make the most of this time and look outside and see the beauty out there. I most say I do enjoy watching the native birds. Take care and look forward to you next blog. Thank you Lucy. ❤️
Posted by: Jackie Farrow | March 25, 2020 at 02:23 AM
Thank you , Lucy, for your blogs. We’re still experiencing winter here, had a dump of snow today but see signs of melt & a few pussy willows. We’re suppose to be in self-isolation. Can go a walk & to groceries. I think lockdown will happen here in Canada, I’m sure, as people don’t seem to heed the laws right now.
Working on a bunch of different craft projects right now.
Everyone stay healthy & strong. Enjoy the times to FaceTime or calls to family (our kids & grandsons are across the country in Ontario) & friends.
Posted by: Naomi Bergstrom | March 25, 2020 at 02:07 AM
Lucy, thank you as always. You are such an honest, inspiring and sympathetic voice. Sheltering in place here in Maryland, I will look forward as I always do to your posts, whenever they may appear! I hope your family continues well and that you will be able to continue those daily walks. Your enthusiasm for walking is one of the (many) things I admire about you.
Posted by: Beth in Maryland | March 25, 2020 at 01:23 AM
Hi Lucy,
Love your blog....have made many of your blankets...
Posted by: Nancy O'Keefe | March 24, 2020 at 11:59 PM