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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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August 21, 2019


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Judith Thomas

Would ove to have a gvo at the little lamb. Very appropriate for here we live in Wales.x

Jennifer K.

Overnight Oatmeal (as the first recipe I stumbled across called it) is my breakfast mainstay, too! Sometimes if I was too lazy to make it the night before, I have granola and yogurt instead, but Overnight Oatmeal is my favorite! --Jennifer


Seeing the train station brings me such immense joy! My husband took me to England a couple of years ago for the first time for both of us. We stayed in London and did everything London but the highlight was taking a train from London to Kings Lynne and then going to my mothers home town Sutton Bridge. The train ride and seeing all the different stations was so wonderful!


I haven’t followed in a while. This evening I read post after post, the projects and colors are beautiful and full of inspiration. The landscape is wonderful and the field of foxglove my favorite. It took my breath just looking at the pics. Thank you for sharing!!!


I’ve been eating overnight oats once a week for the last few years, it’s good (I have 40g of oats with one pot of fruity yoghurt - strawberry preferably - and a bunch of frozen mixed berries, as they defrost in the fridge overnight the juice soaks into the oats too. Delicious.) However my top fave is very boring sounding, but so crunchy and sweet and yum: fresh sliced fruit....melon, nectarine, grapefruit, a Pink Lady apple fridge cold, a few red grapes, whatever combo with a few spoonfuls of Greek Style FF yoghurt and 40g of Fruit and Fibre cereal sprinkled on top. Breakfast of a Queen I tell you! xx

Dini jones

Your Mr 9 sounds very like my Mr now 14. Enjoys a bubble bath, and making bubbles in the back yard, also regularly says to me 'mum I think its time you went clothes shopping and we should have a coffee too'. Our kids are all so different, its refreshing.
Also your random posts are wonderful, thank you for sharing :)

May Corfield

Hi Lucy,

Lovely post as usual. Just worried by the bamboo cup thing. I recently read this:


and it is worrying. Take care,

May x


Lovely photos, I share your bittersweet feelings of little people growing up.
I heard recently that bamboo cups are not meant for hot drinks, the formaldehyde in the glue that holds the bamboo “dust” together leaches out...🙁 it certainly put me off!

Angela- Southern USA

They are definitely times when I miss the house being full of loud messy kids. My new routine has finally worked itself out nicely and sometimes I wonder how I survived those loud messy days. haha I must try your breakfast routine soon, mine is more often than not a piece of wheat bread with a smear of peanut butter and a banana to top it off. We have a mix of seasons here at the moment, hot summer temps with leaves changing on the trees, I hope we're not going to be short changed out of a autumn this year. The sheep is super cute! I've started a granny stripe blanket with my leftover sock yarn, I've toned down the colors a bit by holding an off white strand with them, it definitely helps with harmonizing all those colors. Have a fab week! xxxxxx

Elizabeth Wittig

Oh the colours of bath marbles look like blanket colour inspiration!

Love you blog so much

Teresa Kasner

I thoroughly enjoyed this post with all the different things. I'm glad you had a nice little holiday. I had a cinnamon sticky bun with nuts with my coffee this morning. Baked and brought to me yesterday by an old friend.
((hugs)), Teresa :-)


Your breakfast sounds delicious!! I have never tried overnight oats but I think I will have to now!. And your little sheep is sooooo adorable! I can just see a little pin made of him to wear with a beautiful hand knit shawl!


Oh my! I have been an empty nester for 20 years but suddenly felt a stab of loss for all the fun my family and I had when the children were all at home. Love your family tales!

Annie Chermak

I so love reading your posts and I envy your proximity to such beautiful country, canal and cobblestone walks! Hubby and I just took our 2nd and last child off to college last week and I'm in mourning for losing my shopping/coffee buddy! Our son is a year gone to college as well, but since my husband just retired, we're kinda free to do whatever and that's what we're doing (happy-dance!) My breakfast (late morning after exercise) is usually half-a-muffin or peanut butter on sourdough and a frothy coffee inspired by you, my friend! I bought a Nespresso machine and a milk frother because of a post you made quite a few years back and I've been in cappuccino heaven ever since -- thank you! Cheers, Lucy!


I love reading your blog so much! It's a very happy place. I'm eating a lot of oatmeal, bagels, sometimes muffins, and fruit these days.


A lovely post Lucy & your photos as usual are lovely. Your breakfast is similar to mine, though I've never tried the cold method for porridge & do mine in the microwave & splodge on whatever fruit maybe in season. Your dahlias look good & hopefully the molluscs wll stay away. Thank you for a lovely chat this morning, but the photo didn't come out.😥 Take care & huggles.


I absolutely LOVE reading your blog. It's like sitting down in front of a cozy fire, with a blanket and a cup of coffee and my knitting.
I enjoy it so very much!

Corinna Mazzotta

So love reading your posts Lucy - wish I could walk to my local farm shop! It's 20 minutes away in the car, but I do go there to shop every Thursday.
Your August days seem very chilled and relaxed, unlike mine which consist of being a taxi service to golf clubs, drama rehearsals, elder teen's work (the golf club and no other way to get there) etc. I always wonder if I'm the only Mum who has a busier summer holiday than term time!
My breakfast is almost always cornflakes with either sliced nectarine & 100% dark chocolate drops or hi-energy trail mix. On the occasional day that I treat myself to wheat (& I have the time) I have a French toast wrap (can't eat bread as I'm yeast intolerant) with sliced nectarines or raspberries and maple syrup.

Look forward to seeing the photos of your time by the sea. Enjoy the sunny bank holiday!

Lynne Stankard

Hi Lucy, What a lovely long read - many thanks. Loved the photos and the talk of yummy breakfast - must admit I make my own Granola - keep a huge bag in the freezer, so that when I run out - I just take it from the freezer, spread some on a cooking sheet and put in the oven for about 20 mins - all done and then when cold I can refil my large storage box. It's full of yummy stuff oats, coconut slivers, hazelnut, loads of lovely seeds so it's great on it's own with milk or a bit like you a handful of frozen berries mushed in the microwave for minute then mixed through the granola - oh it's so gooood.
Got quite giddy with the pics of Little B's bubbles - don't know what it is - but I just adore blowing bubbles. No kids at home now, but kept my Grandson very busy for years - but at thirteen he now thinks he's above all that sillyness!!!!


Loved visiting you Lucy and always do. Such wonderful photos of your days. We loved our 2 trips to the UK and plan more this time Ireland. I rememberwhen you let us know you were expecting little B so long ago now. Breakfast I love simple bacon and eggs done many ways ❤❤

Sheelagh’s Franklin

I always do a little yeah! to myself when I see that you’ve posted a new blog! I love reading them and they always make me smile
Absolutely live the little sheep appliqué, definitely write up the pattern, please! 🙂


I don't usually eat breakfast which makes it much easier to get out the door in the morning for work! On weekends our 7 yr old usually wants pancakes or waffles and since my brother owns sugar maples we get real maple syrup from him. Truly amazing stuff! We just went back to school after our summer break so getting back into that schedule is taking a bit but I relax by crocheting of course and am trying to decide which one of your blankets to make next! I LOVE reading your posts and seeing all the "randomness" because it reminds me of a much simpler time in my life when we lived in Germany.. I LOVED all the little towns and farm shops and bakery's and wish that I lived that way now.. Thanks so much for sharing your life with us and taking such amazing pictures and creating such amazing crochet for us. You're a life saver!


Hi Lucy
Breakfast weekdays is supermarket version of Weetabix (much cheaper lol) with blueberries, weekend upgrades to granola with fruit and yogurt. Toast if I'm really craving it.
We holidayed not far from you earlier in the year, some amazing cabins by the river Wharfe at Addingham. Also went to the farm shop for supplies, it's amazing, could shop there all the time, so much quality choice.
Sheep pattern would be appreciated as I'm planning to put some on my Moorland blanket when it's finished.
Hope to get to chat at Yarndale. Hope all the last minute build goes to plan. Julie xx


Yes, yes, yes to the crotchet tut for the darling little sheep. Xx

Wendy Riggall

Lucy, I really love reading your random blogs and my heart lifts when I notice a new blog on Facebook!
Like you, I absolutely love where I live (Stratford-upon-Avon) and I, like you, give grateful thanks for the fact I am so happy living here.
I would have loved to join you at Wool Warehouse last weekend but unfortunately I was away on holiday, but I am so lucky as it is only a few miles up the road from me - lucky but not so good for the bank balance!
Enjoy the rest of the school holidays ...don’t they go too quickly?

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