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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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« Sweet Pea Blanket CAL :: Part 4 | Main | Icy Cold »

January 30, 2019


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We love winter, our kids enjoy winter games and food. nice post.

Gilly Hennessy

Free range sheds can contain up to nine birds per square metre, your buying into the clever marketing, look a little closer at reality...lovely blankets by the way :O)

Gilly Hennessy

We have the big posh Clarence court lorries come to collect eggs from the farm on the edge of the village in Buckland brewer, It's a shame these chickens never get to see a glimpse of daylight in their entire lives , all kept enclosed in a huge barn, whilst around them are the beautiful rolling fields of North Devon....most sad, I wouldn't recommend buying barn eggs.

Debbie Williams

Hello Lucy

I love your blankets and colours and have two friends who regularly crochet them, so have seen them first hand! I would love to do the Sweet Pea one as it is absolutely my colours, but I'm a knitter not a crocheter and although I've tried several times, I really struggle to get to grips with crocheting! I saw on one of your blogs that someone said they thought you did a knitting version of the Sweet Pea blanket, is this so? If so, can you tell me how I can find the patterm? If not, I'll have to find another way!! Look forward to hearing from you. Thank you and keep up your wonderful work!

Angela- Southern USA

It's always a pleasure to drop in and catch up with what's going on in the attic. I look forward to seeing your crochet in the wild photos! We've had a dusting of snow here then a few days later the temps were in the 60's (F) our normal weather of late seems to be all over the place. I'm currently working on knitted socks, gifts for family and a C2C baby blanket, with plans to start knitted jumpers for my girls. Have a fab day!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


don't worry about your posts. I have been reading your blog since 2010, i love your quiet,colorful posts. when thing start to get me down, reading your posts helps to keep me grounded. so thank you


I've been particularly enjoying your posts just recently, Lucy. I love seeing what the weather is like at your place, and how the trees look on your walks, particularly as we've just had the third heatwave of the summer here in Australia (we usually get only one in the mountains where we are). Autumn and winter can feel so far away when the temperatures are at record-breaking highs.

I also love the splashes of colour you photograph. I'm a big believer in finding those little special moments in your day. Right now I'm looking at a red rose in my garden that I know will smell perfectly like Turkish Delight. I'm going to pick it shortly and put it in a vase over the sink.

For a little over a year now I've been working on a bobble blanket using your Sunny colours. I think I have about 30 rows of bobbles now, but it eats up so much yarn I've ordered a second Sunny Yarn Pack. It wouldn't surprise me if I go through four packs before I'm done, but I'm enjoying it so much!


Hi Lucy, I think it was you who originally alerted me to Emma Mitchell (@silverpebble on Instagram). She has a new book out that I think you would love, if you haven't seen it already. It's called The Wild Remedy, and it's all about how getting outside can improve your mood, and it's really a lovely read. It made me think of you.


Please keep doing what you do, Lucy. My Mam passed away last week and you have been an oasis in an otherwise truly awful week. I love the way you can make ordinary things look amazing in your photos.
While we have icy temperatures, try making ice pictures. Put a layer of water in a shallow bowl or tray and arrange some berries and leaves with some string at the edge to hang it up when it's frozen solid outside. Thank you, Lucy.


I really enjoy your posts. I like when bloggers share snippets from their lives as opposed to just projects and self promotion. The moss looks charming. I appreciate the beauty of winter, too.


I love reading your blog, your photos and seasonal commentary are always so chatty. I especially enjoy your wintry posts, it gets cold here in Melbourne, Australia but I do miss the occasional snowfall. Don’t change a thing please!


Your posts are never boring. In fact your blog is one of only 8 that I goe to at least three or four times a week. Not a fan of doing crochet myself - I'm more a knitter -but I love to see your work.

Gillian McM

Lucy, you could show me poached eggs on toast for the next ten years and I would be blissfully happy. Along with the odd pattern or so, of course! Thank you SO much for the joy you bring me so constantly.

Mary W

Down here in sunny Florida, your posts are a very welcome visit to another world, vaguely familiar but still very different. We share some similar thoughts and family values within our unfamiliar environment. This makes me very happy to read and get to know your little world as if we were friends chatting over that delicious breakfast. I had my own flock for many years along with a big garden and pigs and cows and horses. It was a wonderful part of my life that I look back on with a smile. I miss the chickens and their eggs so much. Seeing that attic view of the rooftops was a very chilly picture - you certainly caught the feeling perfectly. I enjoyed that while sipping hot coffee and NOT getting cold - just enjoyed the feeling. Thank you so much for your wonderful blog and friendly chats - it is a most welcome use of my time.


Never ever boring! Enjoyable, peace ful, fun, fascinating, friendly, comforting.

Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into your blog and all the crafts that you share. You bring a lot of squishy yarny wonderfulness to us.


I don't comment here often, but I've got to chime along with the others that I LOVE your "ridiculously similar" posts -- they're so *cheery*, and as an American, I don't use that word lightly! :D You're on my very short list of favorite blogs to keep up with, a list that I had to make because I tend to be idealistic and want to read ALL THE THINGS, which somehow never works out. :)

Shirley Lister

As a Yorkshire girl I've got to say I look forward to your posts no matter what the content please keep them going its the nearest I get to Yorkshire these days as I now live in Sussex xx


So enjoy your posts, no matter what the content! I always use your method to poach my eggs and they are always super scrumptious so thank you (and your J!).

Sue Wheeldon

Boring Luce? Pull yourself together! As Christine said earlier (and we are not on our own) you are a lifeline! You know how you helped me at a time when I needed it most and I have gone on to do the same to a lesser degree. I too am just about to embark on sweet pea week two but no matter as I'm loving the rhythm of the pattern and the group I have on a Monday (when I foolishly thought I'd do the CAL) wants to learn to crochet - so that's more important. A lovely 90+ lady has not only become a hooker but yesterday (with help from you and me) completed a bobble edge blanket. She was a teacher and involved in Bletchley Park during the war so your talents know no bounds - to say nothing of your poached eggs! xx

Arlene Bomback

Hi Lucy, I've decided to abandon the Sweet Pea for now as I am just not feeling it despite every effort... and move on to a blanket I have been planning for a year or so. Marinke Slump was a Dutch crochet blogger and designer and she has this lovely retro stripe pattern on her blog that I will attempt to recreate. I am telling you this because 1. You asked and 2. I am using your love of color as my inspiration and have had a peak back in history, to the 60's and all the colors I love. I order from WW and will begin tonight as the woolly package arrived today!

Sheelagh Franklin

I love hearing from Atticland! I never find it boring, I await with eager anticipation tomorrow's post for the sweet pea blanket, how beautiful are those colours, especially amidst the grey weather, makes my heart smile.
So don't change your blogs, they are fantastic.

Sheelagh x


Hi Lucy,
Try leaving your camera out in a warm room, it may have reacted to warm into cold and got condensation inside. Warm to cold sometimes does this. When taking it out in the cold try to cool it before using it. I hope this helps, but sadly sometimes a tiny spec of dust gets inside and apart from having it cleaned you gave to just Iive with it


"Snow. Moss. Woodland. Coffee. Flowers. It's all so very unremarkable."
I love it, keep posting. I live in rural Canada and I could move to rural England from your posts and Jacquie/Bunny Mummy's walking posts. Love the weather posts and seasonal changes, walks in the woods.


I have been peeping in on your blog for a few years now. I love crochet and learned when in grade school (same with sewing). Here I am years later - after raising 4 kids and working full time - now lucky enough to be home and finally have wonderful free hours to rediscover all these hobbies I learned & loved but had no time to do. I ordered your Harmony yarn pack and am making a Neat Ripple blanket with it. It's super soft for being acrylic, I am so pleased with this yarn! I am enjoying the ripple pattern too. So easy, in groups of four! (compared to the rigid zig zag I learned from my mother long ago).
Thank you for your wonderful, detailed, tutorials!!


This is birthday week for my other half. So cooking, baking, restaurant and movie going are current activities in addition to working full time. As far as "making" goes, I've always got knitting projects going - mostly test knitting for designers. We are getting some much need rain here in the SF Bay Area. Love your posts, photos and colorful crochet, Lucy. Don't change a thing.

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