❤ Stepping out into a glorious, sunny Spring morning on Friday and noticing how beautiful the treetops looked with their fresh new leaves against the bluest of skies.
❤ Loving that I am lucky enough to have this woodland only a ten minute walk from my front door, enabling me to seek out some tree-induced freshness when the mood takes me (see my previous post)
❤ Walking home from school on Friday afternoon, the canal beginning to busy up as lots of boats arrive into town for our annual Waterways festival.
❤ Every day we walk past the ice cream tug boat on our way too and from school, and Little B knows that if he's done well at school then Friday afternoons will often bring about an ice cream treat.
❤ Mr Ice-cream makes Little B "his usual" on Friday afternoon which is a single scoop of Yorkshire farm vanilla ice cream topped with chopped nuts and chocolate sauce. We stop a while on a bench beside the canal to enjoy the afternoon sunshine and wait while Little B devours his cone. Pleasure all round.
❤ I am used to seeing canal boats come and go along our school run route at all times of the year, but during the first weekend in May when boats are arriving for the festival there is so much visual pleasure. I love to take in the small decorative personalities of each boat.
❤ Often it's the domestic homeliness of the boats which really capture my attention - neat piles of logs, laundry dying in the sun, a dog sprawled out on the warm deck, pots of herbs and flowers blooming on every available flat surface.
❤ This beautiful boat window cover immediately caught my eye - a combination of lacy crochet and delicate cross stitch, I might have swooned a little right there.
❤ Walking down the hill to the canal past this long beech hedge on Friday evening, a quick trip to the supermarket with Little Lady. I brush my fingers gently through the soft green leaves and chatter to myself, marveling at their softness and that particular lush shade of new-leaf green. Little Lady tries to pull my hand away, telling me not to turn into "the neighbourhood crazy lady who talks to the leaves". She actually tells me (with some mild horror in her voice) to "step away from the leaves!!" Never...I love the look and feel of their newness and they beg to be touched and cooed over.
❤ Saturday morning, more blue sky and bright sunshine. For the first time this year it's warm enough for me to sit in my little back yard and eat breakfast while still in my pyjamas....such a simple pleasure, but a hugely enjoyable one.
❤ Onward from my al fresco breakfast and it's mid morning now. I'm still in my pyjamas, slurping fresh coffee and listening to the gentle sounds of the neighbourhood going about it's business. I'm absorbed in my own wonderful hooky world making little blue squares to add to my banner. It's absorbing and delicious and I feel like I could honestly sit there for the whole day working those rounds of blue.
❤ 6.30pm now, and I'm walking down to the train station to meet my Dad and Lady B who are arriving from Dorset for a week's stay. The early evening light is sublime, so clear and bright and uplifting. I love how the trees are showing their bare branches one minute, then in full leaf the next, and I can never, ever seem to catch the transition in action. It happens so fast! When did the leaves happen? When??
❤ Sunday evening, after a hot lazy day of hanging out with my Dad and socialising with the neighbours on our friendly street, followed by a seriously yummy barbecue dinner, I took Little B and Little Lady down to the canalside to join in with the boating festivities. There is live music playing on the temporary stage and a jolly party atmosphere as more and more people arrive.
❤ I adore the long days we are have at this time of year - these photos were taken at 9.30pm as the crowds gathered beside the canal to wait for the "Illuminated Cruise" to start.....
❤....the first of the boats cruises into the canal basin just before 10 pm - it's been a long day for Little B so we only stay a short while before walking slowly back home to the comforts of bed.
❤ The first Monday in May is a national holiday in the UK and gives us a much anticipated Long Weekend. The weather can really make or break any weekend plans, but this year it was utterly glorious for the whole three days. For the third day running I'm sat eating breakfast in my back yard and enjoying the gentle warmth of the early morning sun. I love seeing those little wispy clouds (we call them "mares' tails" ) that arrive when the air is warm and clear.
❤ I am so so so happy with how my banner is coming together!! I absolutely cannot wait until I get to stitch on the white letters and see how they look against that beautiful patchwork of blue. These colours keep reminding me of "The Starry Night" painting by Vincent Van Gogh, kind of a patchwork of summer night blues dancing together and making me feel joyful.
❤ Monday lunch time, and I'm walking with Lady B. My Dad is feeling a bit flattened by the heat from the day before (we spent all day outside eating, drinking, chatting in the sun on Sunday), but Lady B and I are off on a stroll through the park.
❤ I am stopped in my tracks by these trees in full bloom, gosh the sight of them honestly took my breath away.
❤ I so enjoyed standing underneath them, gazing up through the layers of delicate white and pink flowers to the blue sky beyond. Absolutely stunning.
❤ My favourite bench was calling to me, but we couldn't stop as we were walking to the farm shop to buy fresh produce for our evening meal. We bought bright red cherry tomatoes still on the vine, a tub of herby olives, seeded flatbreads, butchers lamb and mint burgers (yay, another barbecue dinner!), and best of all........................
❤ ..........locally grown asparagus. Oh my goodness, how I LOVE these green stalks!! I toss them in a little olive oil, season with fresh ground black pepper and Maldon sea salt, then cook on a hot griddle pan until they go all toasty and lightly charred. Fresh parmesan grated over the top and eaten with fingers whilst still hot. Yum yum yum.
I love this time of the year so so much. I love the first real warmth of the year, the frothy blossom, the greenest of leaves, carpets of wild garlic, bluebells and local asparagus. It really is a season of all round outdoor loveliness.
Hi Lucy - I just love reading your posts and seeing your beautiful photos! I don´t know which I love more, your writing or your pictures :)
Once before I have asked your advice on travelling in England. That was about London and you gave me a lot of good tips which I used :)
Now I want to go to England a rent a cottage or a caravan and stay for 7-10 days somewhere. I would prefer it to be in the Yorkshire area. Do you know of any places like that, that have a mini-market on site (since I plan not to have a car). I would want to be able to take a train from London and then a taxi to the destination. I does not have to be secluded, I love being around people and children playing. I am interesting in walking around villages or small towns. Not looking for a night life, just an ordinary nice holiday :)
I have googled and googled but I wanted to try to ask you and get your opinion before making any reservations.
And one final questing - when are school holidays in the UK in the summer?
Many, many thanks in advance if you have any info at all for me :)
Posted by: Hanna Marinosdottir | May 15, 2018 at 03:14 PM
Catching up on reading your latest post - uplifting as usual and so descriptive of your gorgeous town. I wish I was there!!!
Posted by: Jenny | May 14, 2018 at 07:27 AM
Lovely! I enjoyed reading your story
Posted by: Flower | May 12, 2018 at 06:01 PM
Such a beautiful post, I've been feeling very low energy the last couple of days...I've had a week off work just for some 'me' time and it's now coming to an end. Reading your post has lifted my spirits and I am now craving some fresh air (and egg on toast!). Thank you for your lovely writing, it always makes me happy :) xxx
Posted by: Helen Lightly | May 12, 2018 at 11:35 AM
Luce you’ve lifted my heart! Thank you darling xxxx
Posted by: Amanda Bloom | May 12, 2018 at 09:22 AM
Well that all brought a lump to my throat & made me just want to come home & soak it all up. Maybe next year when things have calmed down in my corner of the world & we have time. Thanks a million for sharing. Take care.
Posted by: Susan Smith | May 11, 2018 at 10:44 PM
Absolutely LOVED this Lucy! You have such a wonderful way with words and of course, your terrific photos bring it all to life...
You really are so blessed to have all this beauty around you..
Best wishes and thanks for sharing..
Nora xx
Posted by: NORA McGRANN | May 11, 2018 at 10:45 AM
You are not alone, I too am a leaf-whisperer! I also like to tell sheep up on the fells how beautiful they are and thank them for the wool...there is no hope.
Posted by: Marieca Wegener | May 11, 2018 at 08:38 AM
Did you hear the bees in the trees? One big buzz. Love it. First sign of the warm days to come.
Posted by: Tinke | May 10, 2018 at 09:11 PM
What a lovely post, and the best bit is that I know exactly where you are walking and the places of interest that you talk about! I’m hoping you manage to catch the wild garlic in full bloom in the woods. I went there again today and although they are opening they are not displaying their full glory yet! 😊 I’m sure it won’t be long.
Lots of inspiration for future projects Lucy.......The beautiful bright, gaudy colours of the canal barges with their painted wares......The wonderful green of the hedge.....and the beautiful blossoms on the trees. I’m sure you are feeling very inspired in between all the other projects you have on the go. Xxxx
Posted by: Kathryn Grimshaw | May 10, 2018 at 07:53 PM
Lovely photos and I especially love the blues in the banner :) Have a lovely time with your Dad and enjoy the boats & sun!! Crochet and canal boats - my two favourite things. Thanks for your posts xx
Posted by: Crafty Cath | May 10, 2018 at 07:53 PM
Oh what glorious photos! I feel I was right there with you. We are having equally gorgeous weather and natural beauty here in the SF Bay Area. Like you, it's my favorite time of year, but we both seem to find the special joy in every season. May is when my roses have their major show of the year, so I'm really enjoying that right now. Thanks for sharing with us!
Posted by: Kimmy | May 10, 2018 at 06:31 PM
Wonderful post Lucy, it's lovely to hear about your weekend. The weather was certainly fantastic and the colours of the leaves and flowers really pop against the blue sky. We were in Dorset and the lilacs were amazing. Simple pleasures are the best!
Posted by: Caz | May 10, 2018 at 05:17 PM
Fab post Lucy, I love your exuberance and sheer joy in the simple things in life. Fresh produce simply cooked and eaten with those you love the most, what could be nicer?
Posted by: Ninakellock | May 10, 2018 at 02:48 PM
Wow, an ice cream tug! Never heard of such a thing, but really fantastic. In America, an ice cream truck driving through neighborhoods is common. Beautiful canal scenery.
Posted by: madamdreamweaver | May 10, 2018 at 02:47 PM
Happy Spring! I found your blog a few months ago and have been delighted to have a window into your colorful cheery life. Your writing and beautiful photos have provided lots of material for my British obsession!
Posted by: Audra | May 10, 2018 at 02:19 PM
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing, I too adore spring! I remember those days well, when everything you do can embarrass the teens. lol Have a fab day! xxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted by: Angela-Southern USA | May 10, 2018 at 01:54 PM
So could there be a spring pink and white blanket coming?! It could have bluebell and sky blue and spring green and daffodils too!
Posted by: Rachael Ayres | May 10, 2018 at 11:51 AM
Hi Lucy, I live in Monza, Italy... but I would like to live near you... what a beautiful place...
How is your father? Is he able to look after the house all alone?
Posted by: Laura | May 10, 2018 at 10:10 AM
Lovely post Lucy, really enjoying these peeks into your everyday life
Posted by: Melanie | May 10, 2018 at 10:05 AM
What a fabulous post Lucy, gorgeousness from start to finish. My eldest told me off for talking to a flapjack the other day. The waterways festival looks amazing, and what glorious weather for it all. And I love the ice-cream tug boat, brilliant. Great that they sell local farm ice-cream as well, I wish they did here, but it's all Mr Whippy rubbish. Glad you had such a good weekend. CJ xx
Posted by: CJ | May 10, 2018 at 10:01 AM
Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend with family. I definitely liked the sound of the festival. What a lovely place you live Lucy. Always look forward to exploring when we come to Yarndale but still not managed to make it to the castle yet. Maybe this year:-)
Posted by: Mitzi | May 10, 2018 at 07:56 AM
We really did have a fabulous bank holiday weekend in Yorkshire didn't we.
Posted by: Cathy | May 10, 2018 at 07:22 AM
You really know how to enjoy Spring! I so would love to see your canal boats and to see a lot of them all lit up and decorated would be the best thing ever. I'm excited to see your banner all done, too. Will you hang it in your studio for the rest of the year? Enjoy your Dad and his lady friend during their visit! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Posted by: Teresa Kasner | May 10, 2018 at 01:45 AM
Oh a lovely post Lucy and I still remember how much I loved your area when I visited from Australia 2 years ago ☺ and met you to at Yarndale. It sure looks gorgeous at the start of Spring....Autumn here so a bit different lol
Posted by: Wendy | May 10, 2018 at 01:32 AM