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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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« Woodland Blanket CAL :: Part 6 | Main | Making the Seasons :: February »

February 23, 2018


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Frances Dent

To all of you out there STILL waiting for the extra rows for the Random Stripes, I got fed up waiting and this is what I did.......!
Row 106. Copper. Next, Storm, Pistachio,Lime, Tomato, Silver, Lincoln, Gold, Mustard, Grey, Duck Egg, Meadow, Spice, Mocha and finishing with Row 120 which was Cypress.
Hope you like it, I do!
P.S. Can anybody tell me where you get the answers to any of the questions?

Darlene Boone

Hi Lucy,
Thanks so much for a wonderful pattern. I’m late to the game and ready for the last of the random colors to make my blanket longer. I couldn’t find them anywhere. Thanks in advance,

Frances Dent

Hi Lucy, just wondered if you have written the colour pattern for the extra rows on the Random woodland blanket? I would like to be able to finish the blanket sometime!!!

Joan Allan

Loved this Autumn stroll, the colours are fantastic. Didn't want it to end so now I am making a camouflaged snake to lie across the bottom of the blanket...


Hi Lucy, thnak you so much for this gorgeous blanket! I finished it yesterday and I love the colours, the pattern, the edging, the feel, everything about it. I would like to wash it now, but how do you wash your blankets? I'm a bit worried that the colours might run.


Hi Lucy, I got your Woodland pack for my birthday and can't wait to get started - as soon as this darn quilt is out the way! I'm part of a yarnbombing knit and natter group and have noticed how each meeting is peppered with 'oh I got the pattern off Attic 24'; 'have you seen the new Attic 24 blanket?'; 'oh that's lovely. Is it an Attic 24?' or 'guess what, my Attic 24 wool arrived yesterday! That's me set up for the weekend.' You've become a real byword amongst crocheters for colour, inspiration and fun. Thank you.

Nancy Carll

Hello Lucy, I have finished the Woodland and am so pleased with it
This has been so much fun. Thank you so much! But my friend is doing the random colors and is waiting for you to post the additional colors so she can finish. Please post them soon!! Thank you! Nancy


Many thanks for all your hard work, Lucy. I've really enjoyed making my Woodlands.


Lucy, it looks like you might be in the “snow zone”. Glad to know that you have so many extra blankets to keep your family warm.

Sandy B (Australia)

Lucy, your blankie is lovely and so colourful. I love autumn leaves and they will soon be here in Melbourne, 🇦🇺 Those leaves would be perfect dancing along your blanket edge...a fitting end and quite original. Enjoy the coming Spring! Sandy B

Eleonora from Coastal Crochet

Lovely blog post...😊💕❤️💕💚


Such gorgeous blankets! I love love love that you share not only your beautiful work but that of CAL participants all over the world. I am planning to make either the Coastal Ripple blanket or the Woodland blanket later this year for ME! Not to give away (which I love doing) but for our home. I can't wait :) Thank you so much for sharing and teaching. XXXOOO


Such a beautiful blanket Lucy and lovely to see other people's versions using the same colours. x


Another beautiful tour de force Lucy.


I am only on stripe 26, but I am so enjoying this project. And am I ever glad that I heeded your advice on using the Tomato rather than Lipstick, and since I decided to wait on Tomato, I thought I'll wait for the Lincoln as well. Thank you for excellent advice!

I do have a question on borders (I'm thinking ahead). On Sonia's blanket (the one with the sheep) did she use a linen stitch border? I'm thinking of her border and the slipstitch. Lots of time to think, but was wondering what Sonia did for her border.


Dear Lucy, Thank you for a lovely post. I am considering making one or more blankets for Alice's Embrace, an Alzheimer's support group in the US and your colors inspire me. The group highly "encourages" the use of one of their supplied knit or crochet patterns to avoid hurt feelings or distress for the patients, but I can use your bright color combinations for the crocheted wave. Oh boy, it looks like I have another project!


My dear Lucy, thank you and a thousand times thank you for what you have given us ... Still for the CAL 2 but happy. A big hug from southern Spain.

sandra dorey

Oh Lucy, you echo my feelings exactly about coming to the end of one of your CALs, this is the third one I've done. I so appreciate the camaraderie that builds over the course of the weeks over in the FB group. My family are usually quite interested in the blanlets as I have 3 married kids and 8 grandchildren and each blanket goes to one of them, but none of my friends are as interested in yarny things as the Wonderful Woodlanders have been!
It was such a lovely surprise to see the link to my Squirrels in your post - Thank you so much!!! <3 <3 <3
I'm excited to see if any of those mischeivous little Nutkins will be scampering over any of the finished Woodland Walk blankets.

What joy you bring! Hugs and Hygge! <3

Julie Ashley

It’s been a Fabulousssssssssss walk! I love your finished blanket! I’m still on my walk and will be for some time. But I wanted to tell you thanks for all your beautiful creativeness! It’s so inspiring! 🤗🍂🍁🍃


HI. I love, love, love, love all of this. It is so colourful and happy. And while everyone says that, I'd like to let you know, your choices in colour and brightness are so very opposite of mine. I love muted colors,simplistic designs and subtle things, so it seems so odd that I get such a kick out of your taste. But I really do. Not only do I always sit and gaze at all your photos, then i think of ways to incorporate it into my tastes and home decor on a much more reserved color palette. But I have also learned very much about crocheting from you. I have used more than one of your edging patterns and stitch lessons. So I eagerly look forward to what else you post and will happily continue to follow you on IG, FB and this blog. thanks a very big bunch. Carrie

Carolyn wood

Love autumn! We will be coming in to this colourful season soon here in n.z!


Thank you so much Lucy for the wonderful tutorial & inviting us all along on another hooky journey. I look forward to our next one.x

Wendy Reader

Thankyou so much for sharing your Woodland Walk. I just love seeing all the posts from around the world and the work you put into the CAL Lucy is wonderful. I have many blankets both quilted and now crocheted so I totally understand your comment about your family not being impressed by another work of art. Can’t wait for the next creation.


I didn't participate in this CAL but wanted to say how much I've enjoyed watching you and everyone else as you made your gorgeous creations. Congratulations to everyone who have completed theirs. To those who are still happily working away, please share when you're done, love seeing what everyone comes up with. You've all made this Southern Indiana girl smile!

Crafty Cath

A-M-A-ZING!! All of the blankets are just brilliant. Thank you for the CAL's. I can appreciate just how much work goes into each one. I particularly like the colours in this one :) xx

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