There's no getting away from it - these early months of the year can be pretty hard going and honestly, I do find them a struggle. We've had soooooooooooooo many endless grey wet days in January, but nevertheless I am rejoicing every time I notice the lengthening days (coming out of Little B's swimming lessons and there is Still Daylight at 4.45!!). I've been in and out of my Making Winter book many times already this month, there is something so uplifting about Emma's photos that I always find inspiration in those beautiful pages.
During the past few weeks I've been thinking a lot about my mood and general lack of zest as I come to terms with my anemia (again), trying every day to find joy in the little things and feel positive about this period of enforced slowness. Oh, I am so slooooooww at the moment!! I am simply not able to take myself out of Plod Mode as my body doesn't have enough oxygen for me to accelerate at all. And of course I live in a town with hilly streets, with the Attic being at the top end of a very long climb upwards, so the slow plodding is particularly noticeable as I walk homewards at the end of each day.
However..........I am very conscious of keeping a sunny outlook and I'm trying to adjust my thoughts and expectations to keep pace with my body so that I don't end up frustrated and low. I think I'm doing OK. I've spent the past few weeks tucked up at home for the most part, keeping myself warm and cosy and not trying to do too much. As you know, I love walking and enjoy being in the countryside very much, so it's felt odd to me that I've simply not wanted to venture out at all.
But on Monday afternoon the sun unexpectedly made an appearance after yet another morning of rain and for the first time in ages I suddenly felt inspired to go out and walk in the woods. Yay for sunshine on a grey Winter's day!! J is home with me on a Monday so after lunch we jumped in the car and went for a short walk at Bolton Abbey.
There isn't a lot of colour in the woodland at the moment (which makes me LOVE my Woodland blanket more than ever with it's colourful Autumn memories!), but I was overjoyed to see some greenery poking up through the earth. These are very early bluebell shoots, and the sight of them made me shriek with excitement ever so slightly (sorry J).
I wanted to stand and soak in all that pale winter sunlight, absorb it into my very soul. We've seen the sun so rarely this month, so when it has made an appearance it's been beautiful.
I know you must be wondering what on earth this has all got to do with being creative and celebrating the seasons......well it's this :: I find that when I'm out walking amongst nature, my mind often spins into creative overdrive. I had some of the most FABuLous ideas for future projects on Monday whilst I was strolling slowly along those grey stone pathways through the bare trees. It was really energising, and made me so happy! I came home and scribbled my ideas down, drew little sketches of how I imagined things might look, and generally felt full of creative buzz. Sometimes I think it's enough just to feel alive with creative energy and make a few plans, even if you don't have the time or desire to actually physically make anything right this minute. Yes, I think that creative thoughts are a very good thing to have in January.
In Emma's Making Winter book, one of the things she suggests is keeping a nature diary - little sketches and notes to record things seen on a walk. I love this idea, although in reality I would tend to use my camera to capture and record things here on my blog rather than attempt it with a pen. Mind you, I do often feel like scooping up handfuls of moss to bring home and study, oh the moss is looking fabulous at the moment, so full of itself in all this wet weather! I love moss so much, but I imagine it'd be a devil to sketch.
I did see a whole tree full of catkins in the woods on Monday, but was too busy trying to breathe and move my wooden legs to stop and capture it with my camera. They were spectacular though. Catkins and pussy willow are those bits of nature which happen in winter but bring the promise of Spring, and I love them for that. My mum loved them too and I remember that we often had little jars of them in the house at this time of year when I was growing up.
I've popped a little jar of pussy willow on my mantel, foraged from the supermarket rather than the woodland, but I'm OK with that. If I venture out to the woods again soon, I might try and find some catkins to bring home, or maybe a sprig of berries would be nice too.
Do you remember my first "Making the Seasons" post back in November, when we had a chat about Craftpod? I really love these little seasonal boxes, and was delighted with my Winter Craftpod which arrived last month. There are two craft projects in the Winter box (you can see the contents here), but I was most drawn to the embroidery. The simplicity of Jo's Winterberry design is absolutely spot on for this time of year, and I've been looking forward to the challenge of it. I found a little nook of quiet time at the weekend to sit in the light of the bay window and make a start.
Oh this photo did make me laugh, I love how it looks as if she's reading the instructions! Typical of Tilly to be so front and centre of everything too.
This is delicate, precision stitching using just one or two strands of embroidery thread and a fine needle, so you really do need good light to work by.
I found the low, late afternoon light wasn't quite enough at the weekend so I wasn't able to finish my berries, but I'm really pleased with what I've done so far. The berries are pretty small and use weeeny stitches so you do need to focus and pay attention to the precise ins and outs of the needle. I just love this sort of quiet, rhythmic creativity - the sound of the needle and thread pulling in and out of the taught fabric is incredibly soothing.
My berries look a little messy, but I love the way the raised satin stitch makes them so tactile and bobbly. I'll show you when I've completed it - I can't wait to see it on my (currently rather bare) Winter mantel next to my jar of pussy willow and possible future foraged catkins.
And in other Creative news, I couldn't help myself a few weeks ago and indulged in a real jolt of Spring colour to chase away the Winter blahs, oh it was fun! A quick little bit of decorative hooky to lift the spirits and and deliver a dose of colour therapy.......I'll show you what I made with these colours very soon, it needs it's very own blog post!
✿ All my Making the Seasons posts have their own category so you can find them easily - {Making the Seasons}
✿ I'm loving that Gillian is also joining me with a spot of seasonal creativity each month- you can find her January post {here}