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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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« Autumn Blues | Main | Festive Crochet Decorations »

November 22, 2017


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What a glorious sight that sky was and I loved that your little boy (and other children) noticed and appreciated it. That's the "you" in them.


Lucy, as you know, I'm a faithful follower of your blog. Love everything about it. I wanted to tell you that as of today, the Web site formatting has changed for me, and it looks VERY strange and difficult to read on my computer. Please note that I do not own or use a Smartphone. I only use a desktop computer and large monitor. Does that have something to do with it? Just wanted to let you know. Until today, everything looked fine.


I love the reflected trees. Try turning the picture upside down, that looks amazing too.


Another lovely post Lucy especially the crumpets evoking memories from childhood.
May I be a bit indulgent and have a mini ta da moment. I have finished all my summer harmony squares I am a little bit proud of myself its taken 5months but been well worth it. Now to put it all together oh scary!! Denise

Em Medland

I love the little houses in the photo with the hyacinth. Please could you show them in more detail .

Lee bowers

Love your blog for years. Everytime I run into someone who crochets I always tell them about your blog.
I was in England this summer and ate porridge. I looked for it when I returned home to the states....North Carolina. I don't think it is oatmeal...so can you help me out here.
I had a lovely time and walked the Cotswolds and explored London. Ready to return.
Blessings, Lee


you capture the seasons so beautifully lucy ;)...love the red sky at night...beautiful moorland views and the canal. Although we live in very different parts of the u.k its very similar to here with the moorlands and canals. The 'making winter' book by emma mitchell is wonderful i bought it a month ago and dip in and out of it~ she's very talented like yourself with crochet and beautiful landscape and garden ...ive always loved capturing the seasons. Ive just got back into blogging as instagram never feels like a proper posting. There are so many blogs that i loved but have stopped and i miss that sense of community and glimpse into their lives...thanks for sharing your beautiful surroundings and makes ;)

Willy Beerepoot

Beautiful photo's Lucy, Thanks,Willy

sal ward

Great photos. I've really enjoyed the contrasts this week. Sun on the remaining autumn leaves but against very dark stormy skies and even rainbows today, just 3 miles away from you here in Draughton. So much variation! I even like to hear the wind and rain when I'm in bed at night.....as long as I'm cosy in my flanalette sheets!
Looking forward very much to more photos!


Here in Norway hyacinths are definitely festive and most people buy them for Christmas. I love the smell and have to have them all of December. :-)

Kathy Bryer

Another wonderful blog. Your writing is as beautiful as your blankets. The photos are amazing. I especially enjoyed the cloud photo. As I started reading your blog about the grey and gloomy, I immediately thought a blanket with shades of grey and pops of color should be considered. These gloomy days make our sunny days delightful. Looking forward to the Woodland CAL. I have ordered my yarn and my fingers are itching to get started.

Angela-Southern USA

All lovely autumn moments. We've been enjoying them here too and wondering how much longer they can last before all the grey sets in. Enjoy!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Little Quiltsong

What a wonderful post again. Always love your pictures and the stories behind them. I just have to tell my husband - Attic 24 sent more pictures, and he is right beside me peeking over my shoulder. Thank you Lucy, for capturing all these special moments in time for us all to enjoy with you!! So Lovely!


Ain't we lucky our children are as alert as we are for beauty. You may drown me in your pictures any time Lucy. I enjoy it so much.Cherish that special time with your partner, the feeling you two steal moments together only adds at the fun.


I loved reading your autumnal musings, Lucy, and looking at your beautiful photos. Nature is just wonderful and in our busy lives I admit to not taking notice of its beauty as it certainly uplifts you when you do stop to look and admire.

Susan Smith

Another lovely post Lucy. I still eat porridge 4 to 5 times a week, even now in our muggy summers. I love it & especially with our own blueberries or any other sort of fruit. Thanks for the great photos & think I know where that canal boat is, although I don't think it was the one we went on last year. You are lucky living in beautiful Yorkshire. Take care.


I just love every blog you write thankyou x I have woken to beautiful skies today love them so like you got my camera out and windows open awwww


Ahhh! Love the photos... love the post...it's a real feel good one!
Thank you

Susan Kostyrka

What a stunning sky in the last photo, you have your little ones trained well! Last Sunday we walked along the Wharf near to Grassington in beautiful sunshine, then Monday all dull and wet, how quickly the weather can change! We are back home safely in Suffolk now but it was so lovely to meet you Monday evening at the Learn to Crochet session, what a fun night we all had! I’m still working on my Autumn leaves 🍁, might have them finished in time for Christmas ha ha ha! Take care, 🤗

Lin Tarrant

Beautiful post - thank you. xx

Heather Coady

Lovely photos! I love hearing about your walks etc!
I’ve had a halt in my crochet as just adopted a 6 month collie so lots to do!


Gorgeous photos! We are lucky to live in a country with such different seasons to keep the variety up - I think I would get bored in many other parts of the world xx PS I’m loving Emma’s “Making Winter” book too - the lemon, thyme and ginger cake bars are to die for.


Another lovely walk with you . . . thanks for sharing the beauty and inspiration. I especially loved the narrow boat; I read a series of mysteries where the chief detective, a woman, lives on a narrow boat. :-)
Thanks again, Lucy. ~ Linne


Like many other readers, I loved this post! The last photo and story are priceless. As I prep for Thanksgiving in the US, I am so thankful for all the joy you bring to the world dear Lucy! I look forward to your blogs and wish you & your family all the best. From Sue in Akron, Ohio


It says a lot about a mother when her children know what she loves and your little one certainly knew what you would love. That sky was magnificent. A gift from God, I would say. Wonderful post. Wonderful pictures. Thank you.

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