So today in part 6 of this colourful journey, it's all about creating a gorgeous border for these squares. But before I get stuck in chatting about all things border-ish, I'd first like to say a huge thank you for all the lovely comments you've written about this blanket of mine. It's been such a pleasure to hear your collective thoughts about the blanket in general, but I've especially loved to see that quite a few of you have been inspired to begin your very own Summer Harmony blanket. That makes me so so happy!!
So - it's border time! I always enjoy creating blanket borders and edgings - from a design point of view I love the challenge of coming up with just the right thing for each of my blankets. I really get a buzz out of combining stitches with colour choices until I arrive at something just right. Sometimes (especially with stripe blankets), the border only needs to be narrow to be enough, but I've found that squares seem to appear less "frantic" if there is a nice deep border surrounding them and keeping them all in check.
For this blanket, I thought it would be good to borrow some of the stitch pattern from the Harmony Granny Square itself and repeat it for the border. See in the above picture? I took rounds 3 and 4 of the Harmony Granny square design and had a play with this pattern around the edges of my spare squares to test it out. I loved the simplicity of the design and quickly realised that this would provide me with another fabulous opportunity to indulge in some more colour play.....
.....see what I mean? See how the colours are working, isn't it pleasing to look at?!
This border will be a deep one (around 12 cm) and will use all 17 colours.
If I were to name this stitch pattern, I would call it "Skinny Block Stitch". A normal Block Stitch pattern uses groups of 3 tr's, worked into the chain-spaces between dc stitches in the row below. I'm using skinny groups of 2 tr's, and my chain-1 spaces are small and tight too, which keeps the border quite dense and not too gappy.
Block Stitch is very effective in terms of allowing colour-play, and depending on how you order your colours, all sorts of different effects can be achieved. This blanket uses multiple colours, where as this blanket keeps the treble groups all one colour. And this blanket keeps the dc stitches all in one colour. So yes, this stitch can be used to make whole blankets, although bare in mind that if you are having Blankety Block Stitch Ideas, this is quite a slow-to-grow pattern.
Skinny Block Stitch is a very straightforward pattern to work, alternating a row where you crochet groups of 2 tr's with a row where you crochet (dc; ch-1) stitches. All stitches are worked into spaces rather than into stitches, so you are either passing your hook between groups of stitches, or underneath chain loops.
As with all my patterns, I'm writing using UK crochet terms, as follows :
sl st [slip stitch] :: insert hook, yarn over, pull the loop back through the stitch, then through the loop on your hook.
dc [double crochet] :: insert hook, yarn over, pull the loop back through the stitch (two loops on hook), yarn over and pull through both loops on hook (note :: this is equivalent to the US sc stitch)
tr [treble] :: yarn over, insert hook, yarn over, pull the loop back through the stitch (three loops on hook), yarn over and pull through two loops on hook (two loops left on hook), yarn over and pull through remaining two loops (note :: this is equivalent to the US dc stitch)
Row 1 : Use Clematis. Start in any ch-2 corner space.
Ch 3 (counts as 1 tr); 1 tr in same space; work 2 tr's in each space between 2-tr groups;
When you get to the point where two squares join, work 2 tr's into each of the two corner spaces, then continue to work 2 tr's into each space along the first side of the blanket (as above).
When you reach the first corner, work (2 tr's, chain 2, 2 tr's) into the chain-2 corner space.
Continue around the rest of the blanket edge, working 2 tr's into each space along, and (2 tr's, chain-2, 2 tr's) into the corner chain-2 spaces (as above)
When you arrive back at the beginning, work 2 tr's into the very first corner space, then chain 2 (above picture). Slip stitch into the 3rd chain of beginning chain-3 to close the round. Fasten off and darn in ends.
Row 2 : Use Sherbet. Start in any ch-2 corner space.
NOTE : when working this row, keep your tension a little looser than normal so that the stitches don't pull and the crochet stays flat. You might find it easier to switch to a bigger hook size for this row (eg increase from a 4 mm to a 4.5 mm hook)
Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc and ch-1); 1 dc in ; work (1 dc; ch 1) in each space between 2-tr groups along first side;
When you reach the first corner, work (1 dc; ch 2; 1 dc; ch 1) into the chain-2 corner space.
Continue around the rest of the blanket edge, working (1 dc; ch 1) into each space along, and (1 dc; ch 2; 1 dc) into the corner chain-2 spaces (as above)
When you arrive back at the beginning, work 1 dc into the very first corner space, then ch 2. Slip stitch into the 2nd chain of beginning chain-3 to close the round. Fasten off and darn in ends.
Row 3 : Use Fondant. Start in any ch-2 corner space.
NOTE : if you switched to a bigger hook size for previous row, swap back to original hook size for this row.
Ch 3 (counts as 1 tr); 1 tr in same space; work 2 tr's in each ch-1 space along first side.
When you reach the first corner, work (2 tr's, chain 2, 2 tr's) into the chain-2 corner space.
Continue around the rest of the blanket edge, working 2 tr's into each ch-1 along, and (2 tr's, chain-2, 2 tr's) into the corner chain-2 spaces (as above).
When you arrive back at the beginning, work 2 tr's into the very first corner space, then chain 2 (above picture). Slip stitch into the 3rd chain of beginning chain-3 to close the round. Fasten off and darn in ends.
Row 4 : Use Spring Green. Start in any ch-2 corner space. Repeat Row 2.
Row 5 : Use Wisteria. Start in any ch-2 corner space. Repeat Row 3.
Continue repeating Rows 2 and 3 (which alternate dc rows and tr rows), following the colour sequence listed above. There are 17 rows in total.
Download Summer Harmony Border
If you click on the link above, it will give you a 2 page PDF file with the pattern written out and the list of colours to work my 17 row sequence.
In terms of yarn quantities, if you are using my Original colour pack of 17 colours, you should easily have enough of each colour to work up this deep border. I had around 52 g of each colour left to play with after I'd made my squares.
With each row worked, the number of stitches will obviously increase, but as a rough guide I used around 21 g of Clematis (the first row of the border), which increased to 24 g of Wisteria (the fifth row).
And this is where I'm up to right now - pootling happily along with Saffron yellow and love love loving it!
I know there will be a big part of me that will feel bereft once this happy blanket is off my hook, but I'm really, really looking forward to taking it out and about too. Can't wait to see it spread out on the beach, which should hopefully be.....later this week, yipppeeeeeeee!
Have a happy, hooky week my lovelies!
ps here are all the links which relate to this blanket journey. There is also a separate page for this blanket so that all the info is easy to find in one place - it's in my left hand sidebar under my list of tutorials...
Can you please clarify if '1 dc in;' is a typo? Many thanks!
Row 2 : Use Sherbet. Start in any ch-2 corner space.
Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc and ch-1); 1 dc in ; work (1 dc; ch 1) in each space between 2-tr groups along first side;
Posted by: Tracey Sunley | October 14, 2021 at 08:50 AM
Can I have this indication in italian lenguage ? Thanks 🙏😊
Posted by: Loretta Romagnoli | October 10, 2020 at 04:26 PM
Whenever I need a pick-me-up I come to your blog. You are so incredibly talented with your ability to make colour sing. Thank you so much for all of your hard work and willingness to share. The border is absolutely perfect and I know it's going to be absolutely smashing!
Posted by: woolythyme | August 16, 2017 at 02:39 PM
Hi Lucy, I've been following your blog for a little while now and I really love it and all your wonderful creations, they're really inspiring and I'm always really excited to see what you are thinking of creating next. I've only just started crocheting but with your brilliant picture tutorials I have been able to follow them and I made your Cozy blanket and a have had a go at making lots of your other things too. Thank you. For all your effort and thought that goes into your blog, for when you feel like writing it and for even when you don't! it is very much appreciated. I made your Summer Harmony blanket with your CAL ( a little behind admittedly!) and really enjoyed making the squares of the fabulous colours you put together but wondered if you might be able to help me with a colour dilemma I have!! Instead of making the blanket up in the colour wash way, I wanted to do it the first 'random' way you had thought of but now don't really know which colour to use for the sixth round before I do your border colours! I have had a go at trying to put some colours with it but can't seem to get them to go together, but with your experience I thought you might be able to suggest some colours for me please ( I always really like your combinations)any advice would be very gratefully received . Sorry this is so long but I wasn't sure how else to get in touch as it's the first time I've written to you! Thanks once again Lucy and I hope you don't fall asleep trying to read this mahoosive message!!!!! Becki :)
Posted by: Becki | August 14, 2017 at 11:23 PM
I'm sitting this CAL out, out of sheer laziness. I've been working on another very "ends" intensive blanket, so I just couldn't bring myself to join this time. But it's FABULOUS as are all of your blankets Lucy. I love it!! Maybe one day when the dust settles in my life I will attempt it. I do hope you are coping a little better with your loss. My mum has been gone 5 years now and this is the first year I feel I have really reached an acceptance point. Best wishes for you. Off to look through your list of projects to see if you ever wrote a pattern for that lovely little fish needle holder with the beads. I love that thing!! ;)
Posted by: DebW | August 12, 2017 at 01:07 AM
Really loving that border - it will be lovely and wide and will set off the blanket perfectly. The finished blanket will be absolutely beautiful xxxx Kathryn
Posted by: Kathryn | August 11, 2017 at 05:00 PM
Still working on my square but have a question. Do you change hook sizes every other row through all 17 rows of border or just the second row??
Posted by: Charlotte. | August 10, 2017 at 04:51 PM
Thank You, Lucy ♥︎ You are an inspiration!!!
Posted by: Annie Brodrick | August 10, 2017 at 05:32 AM
Love it 😊
Posted by: Lindsay | August 09, 2017 at 05:28 PM
Bellissima, complimenti! Grazie per la condivisione.
Posted by: Ileana | August 08, 2017 at 12:52 PM
Love it Luce, your colour blending is beautiful. I have bought the pack & my 1st go at making one of yours ... can't wait to start, wish me luck!!
Lots of love from your stitchy friend,
Katie B x x x
Posted by: Katie B | August 07, 2017 at 10:27 AM
nice one amazing blog
Posted by: news | August 07, 2017 at 09:18 AM
Oh my I really have taken on a big big task but am determined to see it through. The blanket is just so lovely how can I not. Just 14 of the first two colours finished still a long way to go, I'm pleased to say they are pretty even in size, quite an achievement for novice. Like Nichole Mays patchwork quilting is my thing, however it is having to play second fiddle for the time being. I will continue to follow you Lucy even tho your blanket is nearly finished you bring such pleasure with each post.
Posted by: Denise | August 07, 2017 at 08:46 AM
Lucy as always this blanket is beautiful. Cheers for Sydney
Posted by: Clair | August 07, 2017 at 08:06 AM
That is one eye-poppingly gorgeous and colorful blanket! And what an amazing border! It must surely be one of the biggest ones you've made! Bravo, my friend! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Posted by: Teresa Kasner | August 07, 2017 at 02:25 AM
Thank you. I am a little slow but still going. Too many family commitments to keep up this week, but haven't stopped. As always a great border for a blanket.
Posted by: Charlotte. | August 07, 2017 at 01:42 AM
Now that is looking absolutely cracking. You get the squares joined so nicely. I'm joining squares at the moment & they are higgledy piggledy, but I hope that the border will make it look OK & a good press maybe. Love seeing how you work through your pattern designing. Thanks, have a good week & take care.
Posted by: Susan Smith | August 06, 2017 at 10:25 PM
It's lovely, just perfect for a summer day on the beach, I shall look forward to seeing in situ. Have a wonderful time. CJ xx
Posted by: CJ | August 06, 2017 at 09:21 PM
Looks lovely. Beautiful colours as always. Cathy x
Posted by: HooksandNeedles | August 06, 2017 at 08:19 PM
I am really enjoying this project. It is so happy and fun to do. I learned to crochet many, many years ago and made a lot of items. Then I learned to knit and that took over. Then I learned to quilt and that is my current and main passion, with some knitting thrown in once in a while. I've been following you for a year or so and have been drooling over the beautiful blankets and other items you've been making. When I saw you start this project I finally broke down and ordered the yarn and like I said, am having the greatest time. Thank you for this fund project and all you do.
Posted by: Nicole Mays | August 06, 2017 at 07:06 PM
I agree with Jan I would love to see what you see when you come up with something either a border or a new project. Well done Lucy thanks
Posted by: Miriam Ayala | August 06, 2017 at 02:25 PM
Love the deep border! I agree, with colorful squares a deep border sets it off nicely. I look forward to seeing photos of it on the beach.x
Posted by: Angela-Southern USA | August 06, 2017 at 01:57 PM
Stunning as ever - looking forward to seeing it finished. Hope you get some sun to use it in.
Posted by: Daffy Suburbia | August 06, 2017 at 12:45 PM
You are amazing! I would love to see the colours you see through your eyes just for a day! This blanket is just stunning and your borders look truely scrumptious!
Posted by: Jan Legge | August 06, 2017 at 12:38 PM