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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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February 02, 2017


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Hi I am having problems understanding the cosy stripped blanket pattern. I have been to the website and still do not understand row 3. If you begin with chain 3 & a treble in the first stitch, skip 2 stitches & continue all the way along, you only end up with 2 stitches not 3. As this pattern is worked in multiples of 3, the trebling in the first stitch plus skipping 2 stitches equates to 3. Therefore the 2 stitches you have left are the skip stitches so how do I end the row ????? Please help as this is driving me nuts.



I don't know if you read the blog I've linked to but I've just been reading about Fika - the art of the Swedish coffee break. There is a delicious looking book on the blog with very nice looking cakes on it. I love apple cakes, so I might be buying this book!


Do you have a pattern for the little mat under the vase of flowers? It's really cute.


Try listening to an audio book while you knit. That might help you relax while you knit.


I forgot to say "Greetings from Columbus, Ohio" :)
I love all things British!!!!!


Hi Lucy, I loooove this post!!!!!!! I actually love Winter because I can curl up and knit or cross-stitch with my kitties :) And I don't have to worry about all the yardwork that I have to do during the other seasons.
I've never learned to crochet but I do love knitting. I'm also a quilter. Your post made me smile :)


HIbernating is the best thing about this time of year, especially in rainy England. Make the most of it while you can <3

mrs. smythe

I take such comfort in these kinds of posts - the ones with the everyday sorts of things that are so simple and special. Thank you! Also, I understand about the tension during knitting. I tend to get that with certain kinds of projects. I find knitting while watching a movie or something else distracting helps me to relax and not focus so much on the stitches.


Hope some sunshine returns soon Lucy. After 25 years I still miss the Yorkshire landscape and the people but not the winter weather. Keep warm, keep hooking, knitting and cinnamon whirls are practically essential.

Anne Kennerley

Dear Lucy, I feel the same way about crochet as you do about knitting so I'm really happy to be keeping up with the blanket. Don't worry about these quiet days,someone as busy and creative as you needs some down time to recoup.Just enjoy it.


Hello Lucy, I always find my energy flooding out of me when the days become shorter and the autumn weather sets in. A couple of years ago I started using a daylight lamp, basically a very bright lamp that you point at your face. I use it daily for about 15 minutes, or if I can manage a little longer. It actually makes my winters a little less draining and it helps me getting a little more active. off course I don't know if it works the same for everyone, but it can't hurt to share stuff like this. I hope you will be getting some sunshine sometime soon. Btw I'm loving your moorland blanket!

Maureen V Champion

Not much sun here on the mid-Atlantic coast, either. I have a four year old tortie named Josephine -after Josephine March in Little Women. When we brought her home as a semi-feral, injured, withdrawn six month old, my friend said, "You didn't get a kitten, you got a PROJECT!" Oh so right she was. Like your Tillie, she is a demanding, meowy little thing as she races from room to room literally bouncing off the walls. And, like you, I couldn't live without her now!
Regarding crochet, I am sewing together strips of a king size blanket and guess where she MUST be the minute I sit down to sew? Yup.
Love your blog!
xo, m & jb


Hi Lucy. Just thought I should warn you that cats are fatally allergic to many flowers. Lilies especially are totally fatal to them along with amaryllis plants. Please do not let your cat anywhere near them or she may die. I don't keep any flowers or plants indoors anymore as don't want to risk things. Sorry if you have been bombarded with this advice already but thought it important to tell you as the supermarkets just don't bother to put warnings on their flower packs which I think is disgusting. Sorry to hear the winter is getting you down. You'll be fine. It's so easy to get into comfort eating but not so easy to get out of it. Try some healthy warming soups instead of cakes if you feel the need. Love the blanket.


Finding comfort in the grey days is so needed.

I used to knit with my shoulders at my ears, too, until I started listening to audiobooks or classical music when I knit. Roald Dahl is still one of my favourites :)


Finding comfort in the middle of winter is entirely needed. I always say the extra squidgy body bits is just the bodies way of staying warm in winter -so quite necessary too. Your daffodils look lovely in their bright rainbow jug! I've just bought a potted hyacinth which I'm watching eagerly, waiting for flowers

Rowena Corlett

Hi Lucy - lovely post. I think we were meant to semi- hibernate at this time of year and as I have got older I have learnt to enjoy it. It's a chance for your body to rest and recuperate and,as I know you have been anaemic, it will do you good! Love xxxx

Susan Smith

Lovely post Lucy with lots of gorgeous shots of your area. Enjoy each season as it comes along as I'm trying to do, even though we have another hot one tomorrow, which I don't like, but will get crafting inside trying to work on some UFO's. Love how the Moorland rug is growing. It's beautiful & you'd not believe how hard it is trying not to want to get the wool & start one. Enough other "stuff" to do, except you get me thinking about socks for next winter. I've never tried knitting them, but should give it a go. Have a good weekend & take care.


Yes lots of gray days here in the Midwest of the US. It becomes easy to find comfort somewhere when the skies aren't co-operating. I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. Sometimes we just need things that are better for the soul than for the waistline.


Here in Australia it is HOT, clear blue sunny skies. Would love some rain!


Washi tape makes me so happy! I so hope you enjoyed your sunny day, we're in the middle of a rainy patch. Enjoy your comfort food, I'm feeling the same way with donuts before work.


What a lovely post, thank you. So glad your daffodils are inexpensive. They are at least $8 a bunch where I live, if you can find them. I am waiting for my hyacinths in the cellar to be ready to come up into the light and bloom. I should have started them forcing much earlier!

nancy bucciarelli

Hi Lucy...
I have been trying to get ahold of you as I have a gift to send to you.. It does not seem that you are seeing my requests. Perhaps I am not doing it correctly so I will try posting here. Could you please contact me at my email: I have been following you for years and would like to send you something!



What is the sock yarn please - lovely jewel tones!

Katherine, NZ

At least your grey, wet days are in winter! It's supposed to be summer here in New Zealand but we've seen very little of it!! Today the sun is shining though so maybe that's a good sign for a late summer at least. I love the colours in the socks on your needles at the moment - can you tell us what the yarn is. Thanks 😊


What a treat.know what you mean about the grey skies.I made marmalade to help bring some sunshine in😊

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