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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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February 16, 2017


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Hello! I'm wondering if you have a pattern posted for that LOVELY Granny triangle bunting on your mantle? I've tried searching your links but didn't see it. Thank you!


I buy myself flowers too, £1 bunch of daffs at moment opening on windowsill, total get hubby thing but mine does other stuff so as you say after 24 years no big deal.


I have loved every Japanese crochet book I have ever seen. The attention to detail is fabulous. I have never had a good source for them but now you have told me, I fear that I will also venture into dangerous territory, just to get a glimpse!
Beautifully inspiring photos and colours as always.
May your summer blanket reveal itself soon!
Have fun.


Crocheted blankets for Elephants: I kid you not! I've just come across this project in India to protect elephants from the cold http://www.top13.net/indian-shelter-knitted-giant-sweaters-for-rescue-elephants/
It would be a great project for Yarndale this year!


Thank you for the gentle reminder to slow down and appreciate those special moments! And YIPII to flowers indoors!! I think I need to head out to the flower shop :)

Katherine of Kitten's Lost Her Mittens

Love how colorful and cozy this is! I have a tortoiseshell kitty too, and they are just the best!


A summer bright floral folksy blanket sounds like Just The Thing 😊 ...especially if the folk art pins you've been pinning on Pinterest are anything to go by! I noticed because I've been busy pinning them too, for furniture painting inspiration.

I'll look forward to seeing what pops out of your head!!


I already have a serious Anna Maria Horner fabric habit and mustn't allow myself to got down the Japanese crochet book rabbit hole.... it is tempting though. Your Tilly looks a lot like my Pippin, except that Pippin is a bit darker overall. Love the purr of a cat, so very relaxing. Enjoy your weekend. x

Judie Loveday

Tilly is gorgeous! Torti cats are very affectionate. I remember our torti, Possum, loved to perch on shoulders too. She died at 18, and I still miss her over 10 years later.


Your blog is such an inspiration! I love reading your posts. I have started collecting Japanese crochet patterns as well and using the charts. They have so many great patterns!

Love your kitty. What a beauty :) Crochet + cats is perfect.

Please keep the Tulips out of her reach (they are poisonous to cats) Just found out myself, as I also like tulips! One of my cats is extra naughty about trying to bite plants, especially air plants. Have a wonderful weekend Lucy!


Japanese crochet books haven't been on my radar. I shall have to go and have a look down the rabbit hole. I love the colours of the blanket you're working on.

Angela-Southern USA

Yes, I spotted that blanket right off. Those Japanese books always inspire! I've just finished a rainbow butterfly bunting for a new baby, may just have to make myself one too. lol Enjoy your new book!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Looking forward the Hydrangea Blanket!! :))
Best wishes!

Lesley Bland

Oh dear straight down the rabbit hole I went 😀

Heather Harkness

My Winter days have been brightened by your Cosy Stripe Blanket kit. I am new to crochet and am loving the wonderful colours. I sit under the cosy warmth of the soft wool as I hook my way along stripe after stripe and feel so satisfied! Thank you for your inspiration!

Carol sewell

Love to read your posts I love spring flowers carn,t wait for your next blanket


oh love, i've been having such a grey old week but with just a few words and a couple of pretty pictures you sparkled into my life and made me smile. thank you honey xxx

Rowena Corlett

Love the glimpses of the hydrangea blanket - looks like it will have great texture too! Still immersed in the moorland blanket so won't be ready for another for a while but as it looks like stripes again I will probably be doing it at some point! I think you are so talented especially with colour combo's Thanks Lucy x

BettyAnn Chavez

Love your flowers :) and they brighten everything up! I have just started buying myself flowers regularly too and am really enjoying them. Looking forward to hearing all about your new blanket.

Suzana Behmer

I think that you and your husband walking around very lovely places just by yourselves is quite romantic ...



Loved the flowers in this post, my mom absolutely loves having flowers in the house.


Eeeeeeeeeeee! oh wow Lucy, those colours on your new blanket are STUNNING, I can't wait to hear more about it. Now this is one I think I'll be doing, 2 blankets on the go already or not :D


Oh yes, I like the look of that new blanket, such gorgeous texture. No Valentine's gifts here either, you have made me think I should buy myself one next year. Because I'm worth it. Your afternoon hour sounds absolutely blissful. I've spent about eleven hours at skateparks this week, either sitting inside or in the car, and that's been pretty excellent as well, just me, a good book, a hot drink and a chocolate chip cookie. I honestly think I might have cracked the whole parenting thing. CJ xx


You bring "cheerful" and "relaxation" back to my day to day existance. So easy to let them slip away.
Thank you, again.


Am I allowed to say Issuu.com has all Japanese crochetbooks? I love to scroll down and fall in love with them all and made loads from it yet. So for all the people who are not able to buy them, give it a go, it's free. My grandmother used them so I learned to read a graph as a small child. Nothing more comfy then crochet and a cat. They make me incredibly happy with their warm sweet bodies.

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