Ahhhhh, it's Friday morning, and doesn't it feel good?! I really, really look forward to our Friday catch up here in the Attic, it gives me a tremendous feeling of joy to think of so many of you from all over the world popping in to chat and crochet. I love to think of us all connected by our yarn and stitches as we gently journey through our blanket stripes, it gives such a deep and pleasurable feeling of belonging don't you think?
I dug back into my photo archives and found a whole slew of Moorland images from the summer of 2012 when we caught the heather right at it's peak...oh the colours! I'll share a few more throughout today's post, just so you can enjoy feasting your eyes on the inspiration behind the stripes you're hooking and (hopefully) loving.
I wonder how you are enjoying your blanket journey two weeks in? Did you rejoice just a little when you landed on the first purple plum stripe? The subtle colour shifts within this blanket are just sublime, and I can't wait to show you how this week's section looks. It's goodbye Lime green, and ooooo helloooooooo sweet Violet!!!
Before we do that though, I want to show you some more images that were shared to my Facebook page this week. I've been so inspired seeing my Neat Wave pattern worked in some truly delicious colour combinations......
Catherine is using my Moorland colours but working them in a random stripe order. I'm hoping to be able to see more of this blanket as it grows as I've been wondering myself how this would work out - it's looking lovely so far.
Penny has chosen to work the same colours in an ordered repeating stripe which shows you just how beautiful the Moorland palette looks as a whole.
Monique is using my Coast yarn pack to create a delicious sea-inspired blanket - the Neat Wave pattern suits these colours extremely well doesn't it?
Tracy is using my Cottage yarn pack, and following the same random colour order that I used in my Cottage Ripple blanket.
Sue is using my Cupcake yarn pack to make a very pretty wave blanket.
Sally has based her colours on her local hills in New Zealand. She says "it's not too different from your moorland colours yet, just a wee bit of brighter green and rocky outcrop sneaking in, but soon it will be all golden and rusty orange" - sounds lovely!
Sandra has picked out a striking palette of "hedgerow colours".
Veronika's wavy stripes are singing a beautiful and sweet song...
Ellie has chosen to mix shades of purple and mauve with some lovely subtle, natural colours..
Petra is taking herself on a stroll along the beach (I love this!)
Diana is working with some stunning colour combinations inspired by the sunset..
Hazel is making waves inspird by the subtle shades of sea glass..
Murphy is making this super sweet cot blanket for one of her twin grand daughters..
Adele has chosen to mix some soft, solid colours with some very pretty variegated yarn with stunning results.
Thanks so much to everyone who has taken the time to share pictures of their blankets on my Facebook page, it's been wonderful to see all the happy creativity emerging and taking shape this week.
For part 3 of the Moorland CAL, we'll be working on stripes 41-60 (there are 115 stripes in total). Once this section is completed, we'll be just over half way, doesn't it look fab?! You should start to feel less overwhelmed by all those greens down at the bottom now as the heather really starts to come into bloom.
At this half way point you will also be able to feel the lovely drape and texture that the Neat Wave pattern creates - I am thrilled with how closely this really does mirror the gentle waves of colour and texture seen in the Moorland landscape......
.....as the hills roll away softly into the distance. I've been thinking a lot this week about the pleasure of walking in the countryside, specifically hill walking and the joy of long distance views. I do feel very, very blessed to have this on my doorstep, and I try hard to never take this for granted.
I hope that as you sit quietly and crochet your waves of colour, that somehow the essence of the lovely Moorland landscape will ebb into your stitches and inspire some lovely feelings. I hope that doesn't sound too fanciful or stupid, but I do really believe that in crocheting a blanket we are doing so much more than just producing a piece of yarny textile. We are creating memories of time and place, preserving all sorts of emotions and thoughts in each and every stitch. Precious indeed.
So lets get down to the stripes for this week - your last stripe from Part 2 should be Walnut - that was stripe number 40.
And here is the colour information for Part 3 : stripes 41-60, working from the bottom upwards.
Remember each stripe is worked in two rows, so 20 stripes = 40 rows of crochet.
*Please note - stripes written in *red text* are additional stripes to be worked only if you have 2 yarn packs and are making a double bed size blanket. If you have one yarn pack, please ignore the red!
41. Mocha
43. Violet
44. Khaki
45. Mocha
*Walnut* (optional for large size)
46. Meadow
47. Plum
48. Violet
49. Cypress
50. Mocha
51. Walnut
*Sage* (optional for large size)
52. Violet
53. Meadow
54. Cypress
55. Plum
56. Violet
57. Khaki
58. Mocha
59. Plum
60. Sage
Here are the links you might need ...
❤ Moorland Blanket CAL : Part 1
❤ Moorland Blanket CAL : Part 2
Have a fantastic week with yarn and hook, Part 4 (stripes 61-80) will be here on Friday 27th January.
Hia Lucy
I love reading your blog, hearing about your family and trying some of your lovely patterns. I started The Moorland Blanket when you first released it, but I was having problems getting the ripples to interlock correctly, so I put the blanket away. After a number of attempts (I am now on repeat 55), just when I think I’ve sussed it, I go wrong. I wonder whether you could please help me - am I right in thinking that the two trebles sit above the 2nd and 3rd double of the previous row? I’m sure I remember you saying that, when you started this pattern, you had to pull back a few rows, so I’m sure you will be able to explain how I should get the pattern to line up.
I really would like to complete the blanket this winter. I look forward to hearing from you, many thanks and Happy Crocheting, Love Carol xxx
Posted by: Carol Ingham | November 13, 2019 at 09:08 PM
I'd love to see more of Sandra's hedgerow blanket, the colours look beautiful.
Posted by: Mandy | February 28, 2017 at 09:19 PM
Ellie's colors are wonderful - any chance of sharing?
Posted by: Cherry | January 29, 2017 at 08:15 PM
This is my first CAL and my first pattern of yours. I love your moorland colours so much I couldn't resist. I started a week late and was so slow to start with I thought I would slip further behind but the pace has really picked up now - only 2 more stripes until part 3. I am so excited about working towards the halfway point this week! Thank you so much for this lovely pattern and tutorial, it is giving me so much pleasure and satisfaction :0)
Posted by: Vicki Clack | January 28, 2017 at 08:50 AM
I have just finished week 1 so 3 weeks behind. My sides are straighter but my patterns do not align going up they are a little more random. I don't know why? Anyone?
Posted by: Carolyn | January 26, 2017 at 09:46 PM
Still way behind and still loving it and getting faster and more sure of the stitches each row!I wanted to say how well my tension is working with a 5mm hook and how I was really concerned that the 5mm was going to produce a too loose fabric but I trusted you and I am so glad I did!! Thanks Lucy.
Posted by: Rowena Corlett | January 26, 2017 at 08:32 AM
Charlotte, thanks so much for the information about the yarn.. I have never used this particular yarn and can't wait to see the colors. They look beautiful on my screen and want to get started on the blanket. Husband really likes the colors of the blanket so he has already claimed it as his own Lucy.LOL
Posted by: Jennifer | January 25, 2017 at 09:06 PM
Hello Lucy, I love your Moorland blanket but would like to change colours like Petras stroll on the beach.
For I never have worked with the recommended wool I hope you can give a tipp which colours are used.
Posted by: barbara | January 25, 2017 at 04:56 PM
Have ordered fro, WoolWarehouse several times and it is usually 8-12 days. Last time was 2 weeks but it was Christmas. I am in Florida.
Posted by: Charlotte. | January 25, 2017 at 12:24 AM
all the blankets are beautiful...wish my yarn would get here so I could start mine :( I live in the US and sent off for it Jan 11, checked my orders and said it was dispatched & was going to be sent by royal post? or royal mail? does anybody have an idea of how long it takes to ship to the US? thanks for listening and hope to join y'all soon with my blanket.
Posted by: Jennifer | January 24, 2017 at 10:16 PM
Just lovely to see a bunch of crochet pictures lucy
I blog crochet as you may know as part of my blog -it's becoming rather a large section now with the blog CAL
Posted by: Zozie | January 23, 2017 at 02:15 PM
Just finished Part 2 - have cracked the problem with alignment - perseverance paid off! Hurrah!
Posted by: Anne-Marie | January 23, 2017 at 01:29 PM
Hi, Lucy - I am running behind because of unforeseen incidents that came up, but I am determined to get caught up. This blanket is so beautiful and I am looking forward to using it once I get it finished. Your color choices are amazing. I'll let you know later how I am doing on the blanket.
Posted by: Mary Polensky | January 23, 2017 at 12:14 AM
Hello Lucy, thank you so much for this wonderful pattern, the clear instructions and these wonderfull colours. It's hard for me to wait until next friday!
Posted by: Kerstin | January 22, 2017 at 05:28 PM
Lol am I the only Yank here from the USA?
I haven't started yet- reading and doing my swatch- which I never do normally!! Started with a G hook then found the waves didn't look much like waves so I'm down to a 3.75 F hook!!
Not liking the feel of it but the yarn looks better. I guess I crochet rather looser than I thought I did.
Loving to colors here.
Is there a Facebook page for this CAL? Does anyone have a link?
When I'm done with this I'm making one in the coastal pack. Such amazing colors!!
Thank you so much Lucy.
Please make a PDF for us US crocheters as I converted yours but at times I'm worried I got one stitch wrong or missed one.
Thank you!!
Posted by: Jana | January 22, 2017 at 06:02 AM
Socks finally finished and sent to my sister-in-law for her birthday. Now on to your beautiful blanket.
Posted by: Charlotte. | January 21, 2017 at 06:31 PM
love all those blankets and seeing the colours that others are using. so much creativity.
Posted by: Brenda Cupryna | January 21, 2017 at 08:24 AM
I'm so glad I'm not the only one that is behind. I started late and I haven't been able to catch up. I finally got the rhythm of the stitches so maybe I'll start to crochet a little faster. I was excited to reach the first purple row! It really seemed like I made it to a milestone! I love the colors and the blanket is just getting to the stage where I can have the warmth of it on my lap. My six month old kitty, Annie, loves it too! Your Tilly has some of the same expressions as my Annie does. Having fun making memories with my blanket. Off to get a little more done before bed.
Posted by: Lynn | January 21, 2017 at 04:27 AM
Hi, my name is Rod and I would like to tell you a little about myself and the reasons I have bought the moorland wool packs. When I was young I lived in Sheffield and my dad and I used to go rambling every weekend we could, he even used to put me in the top of his rucksack before I could walk. We would go to the Peak District National Park which is mostly moorland but I have not been able to walk there for many years due to disabilities. The colours could not be more accurate, thanks for the happiness success.
Posted by: Rosamund POTTS | January 21, 2017 at 01:30 AM
As I am knitting a Fair Isle cardigan for my small nephew's birthday next month as well as working part time, I am almost a week behind. However before your lovely colours inspired me I had been 55 years a knitter but thought crotchet not for me. I have followed your blog for years just for admiration of your homemaking and colour sense. I also had never tried to work out a colour scheme. I retire in the summer and, inspired by you and the other blankets you show, am already planning more blankets inspired by Dorset and my own living room colours. You have added a new dimension to my life. Thank you so much
Posted by: Gee | January 20, 2017 at 06:10 PM
I am really enjoying making the Moorland blanket, it's just so soothing after a busy day at work. The colours remind me so much of Dartmoor and Bodmin. I'm getting more and more behind now but I can see it's going to be worth it. I have some time off soon and I saw there's a catch up week in the schedule too, so maybe I'll not be too far behind at the finish.
Posted by: Michele Morris | January 20, 2017 at 05:03 PM
I am having trouble too. Not sure what I am doing wrong.I put the blanket aside lest I become frustrated and quit. The 10 stitch pattern is easy enough but my ends are having some serious issues. (self-taught youtube video crocheter - this may be the reason why)
Posted by: Charity | January 20, 2017 at 04:35 PM
So far behind after struggling with this pattern and the ends of each row. I have it now but I am not even done week one. So much ripping out it makes me sad. Very disheartening for my first CAL. Not going to give up though.
Soldiering on in Canada ~ Arlene
Posted by: Arlene | January 20, 2017 at 03:31 PM
So much inspiration! I love all the different takes on it. One of the things I love most about crochet, you can take an idea and make it your own. Have a great weekend Lucy!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted by: Angela-Southern USA | January 20, 2017 at 03:04 PM
I've been waiting since Sunday for the next slice.....lovely!!
Posted by: Karen Bowland | January 20, 2017 at 02:47 PM