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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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« Sunny Blanket CAL :: Part 5 | Main | Winter Skies »

December 06, 2015


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Colourful Cottage

Oooh I love the colours in your sunny granny stripe :) I feel a need to get back crocheting blankets! I've been busy knitting Christmas presents, nearly there, less than a week! Eeek!

Teri Sullivan

Only up to square 6, too many WIP's, As usual thank you for the wonderful tutorials. Get well soon Little B! Huggs from New York City!


Big hugs from Germany. I'm in the hospital right now and think of you, little mouse....

Val Edwards

Many thanks to Carine07 for the link to Drops 'Christmas in Bloom' calendar . I may just have time to make the lovely Christmas in Bloom wreath - probably adding some trailing ribbons and silver bells??


I have succumbed! Ordered the pack to do another stripe blanket. Going away next week to a log cabin in the forest so hoping to take it with me to cosy up with. Big hugs to Little B. Hope he heals quickly and gets better soon. xx

Jill. Somerset

Hi Lucy. I'm with you on the edging. I think it's the best bit of a blanket and makes such a difference to the finished look and the bit that I really look forward to working. I have not long finished your cosy stripe blanket using the colours of your coastal blanket and I am very pleased with it.
Wishing Little B a speedy recovery.


Get well soon little B xx


I had an ill girl on Monday for one day and I was so bored I cleaned the oven so I am with you on a weeks worth of intensive mothering. Keep it up! Jo x
http://[email protected]


Prayers for little B's healing. I am not a very fast crocheter so I am plugging along on my gorgeous granny blanket. It will be awhile before I finish it as the holidays will probably interrupt it's progress BUT I will get it done. I had never seen an edging on a crocheted blanket till I saw yours and fell in love with it. Now I am edging all my blankets. It really does give it a finished look.


So glad to hear his surgery went well. Lucky lad to have his mum to stay with him and keep him occupied. Bless you both.


I'm sorry to hear about your little one. Crochet is good therapy, and that blanket is absolutely beautiful. I LOVE those bright colors! I hope a speedy recovery for Little B, and a less stressful week for you.

Iris White

I love your patterns and colors.

My 54 year old daughter was just diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

I sent her the Granny Stripe blanket and told her it is a big hug from me. She loves it and wraps up in each for each of her cemo sessions. We are determined that this is just a hick-up in her life and she is going to kick cancer's butt.

The blanket brings her light and love and happiness and what else can one wish for from a blanket.

Thanks for being you.

Robin Summers

I have to say these two blankets have really rocked my world. The colors are just fabulous! I love the edging. It is so bright and perfect. I hope Little B recovers quickly! It is really nice he has mom for snuggle time to make him feel better. Take care Lucy. Thank you so much for all you share. XXXXX



Big hugs to your little one....children seem to bounce back so well, he'll be fine. I think I must be a slow crocheter as I'm still way behind so please don't worry on my behalf if you don't make it to the edging stage until next year! The way I'm going it might be Easter for me!

Ali Dufty

Aww hope your little fella makes a rapid recovery , what a worry ! bless him !
Perfectly lovely blanket edging ,btw, so pretty :))

Angela-Southern USA

It's coming along fabulously Lucy! Sending big hugs and speedy recovery wishes to L.B. I'm sure he has gained great comfort snuggling with mum on the sofa, and remember that the most. Hope this week will be filled with easy breathing and sunshine!x


I must be insane - this year I have completed both the coastal and Cosy ripple blankets. I have also promised to make another coastal one as a present. However, I note desperately want to make a granny stripe blanket! It is summer here in Australia and I desperately need to use up my existing stash but this blanket is calling me.


Poor Little B. But happy, cosy, blanket time together.


The blanket seems very vivid; a touch of colors in this gloomy weather/season.
Just in case you do not know: have you seen the advent calendar for crochet/knit lovers from Drops http://www.garnstudio.com/christmas-calendar.php ? I may start crocheting some mittens (this pattern http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/vargavinter) now because of it ;) (my knitting skills are poor).


Have switched in mid stream and am now doing the granny strip.. Did the original granny strip. Wishing Little B quick healing. Like the service from Wool Warehouse to the US. Thanks for a great CAL.

Jenny B.

I'm so sorry that Little B had to have surgery! My 6 year old had trigger finger a couple of years ago, and it was upsetting for sure! His was not congenital, and we were able to get it unlocked, wear a splint, and do a couple of months of occupational therapy exercises to fix it, so he did not have to have surgery (though we were worried he might). I hope Little B heals perfectly and can get back to doing all the things he loves very soon!

Val Edwards

I'm with the 'edgers' here - 'no edge' is, to me, a bit like a skirt without a hem, and the edges keep the blanket in shape. However, it's a long, long way round a full sized blanket, and I've only attempted baby size up to now .....

Rose from Happy Ramblings blog

Dear little B, I hope he gets better soon especially in time for Christmas. I hope that you are enjoying your break :)

Rose x


Hope little B is going on ok and healing nicely. Lovely cosy colourful post Xx lots of love Joy Xx


So many pretty blankets! I am glad that your little man is through the surgery and recovering well x

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