Hellooooo, me again, the one who is obsessed with colour and yarn and blankets :)
I'm back after some precious time away from technology and have just this evening sat myself down in front of the computer again to catch up with emails. Lots of emails actually, thank you so so much for all your gladness and appreciation and shared happiness over my latest blankie. Such a joy to read all your words, they have streamed into the Attic this evening and wrapped themselves around me and made me feel more than a little bit emotional and grateful. Thank you very much for those words, they are hugely appreciated.
I/we are enjoying having Miss Harmony hanging around with us on the grey sofa, she has entered softly into family life and is already very well loved around here.
Every day I perform a private sort of blanket dance, a careful folding and draping ritual that only I personally feel the need to do. The rest of the family are wonderfully casual with all my blankets, using them, dragging them, piling them, pulling them hither and thither, tossing them from one piece of furniture to the next. It's not disrespect as such (although I do sometimes question this), but more about familiarity. Our many blankets have become a very familiar and ordinary part of daily family home life and I absolutely LOVE that this is the way it is with my creations. I often secretly hope (with a big squeeze of my heart) that my crochet blankets will form part of a happy, lasting memory of childhood for my Little People. Warmth and colour, happiness and love, right there in those stitches. Precious, but ordinary too, it's why I love making blankets so much.
So we were away last week, we hitched up our sweet old Connievan and pootled over to the west coast for a change of scene and some relaxed family time. It was a lovely break, lovely in it's simplicity, with four days and four nights giving us just enough time for togetherness.
We camped at Silverdale (on the border of Lancashire and Cumbria, at the top of Morecambe Bay and at the very bottom edge of The Lake District) - it is sooooooo beautiful there, a quiet, undiscovered gem of a place. Very soothing, peaceful and tranquil, with expansive vistas and wide open skies, a cloud-gazers paradise.
The pace was slow - we lounged about, we swam, we walked, we pootled, we picnicked. It was restorative and I enjoyed the break away very much. I'll show you some more pictures very soon (lots of sand and sky it seems) and tell you a little bit more of our Connievan adventures. She is a darling, honestly, caravanning makes me so happy!
Back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Recently discovered your blog and love it. The cosy stripe blanket is on my wishlist and your idea to use the harmony colours for the stripe blanket is very very tempting indeed. As I am not familiar with the yarn you use, what colours would you suggest for the cosy edging and how much should I then purchase extra. Many thanks
Posted by: Isis | September 15, 2015 at 02:43 PM
I love the reason that you make blankets! I think I do it for the same reason. I also love knowing that the things I have created are being so well used and worn.
Posted by: Holly | September 13, 2015 at 02:45 AM
Hi Lucy, it's me again! lol With another work of art in crochet (flower rug), flowers no less this time. It's in all white, but imagine in a rainbow of colors...
Posted by: Angela-Southern USA | September 11, 2015 at 04:46 PM
Just came across this, art with granny squares and thought of you.
Have a great one!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted by: Angela-Southern USA | September 11, 2015 at 03:02 PM
Filipa, I think the pattern you want is the Neat Ripple pattern. It's on the left of Lucy's home page in Patterns and Tutorials. Good luck with the blankets.
Posted by: Kath | September 11, 2015 at 11:45 AM
Hi, can you help me? :) Sorry my english, but i'm a portuguese mom and english isn't my first language. I want make two blanket's for my children. i like the little waves. the colours are: white, two blues and red. Can you help with pattern simples? thank you :)
Posted by: Filipa Direito | September 11, 2015 at 09:28 AM
Hi Lucy,I just love the harmony blanket you have recently finished. The colours are a beautiful mix and I am inspired to make one for my daughter's double bed. However,this presents me with a quandary! Making two single ones and joining them together would look odd, any advice on how to approach this as designing is not my strong point? That's my daughter's expertise but can't ask her as it is going to be a surprise. Can't wait for your next installment! Hope the little people are enjoying being back at school and you are loving the extra 'crochet' time!
Posted by: Lindy Bryans | September 08, 2015 at 08:03 PM
So good to read your words. It's like that I can watch the landscape.
Nice to know that you are alright and that your family has been together.
It comforts me to come from time to time to your blog.
Happy new week.
Posted by: Gena | September 07, 2015 at 03:42 AM
Morecambe is where my dad last lived as a boy, before the family emigrated to California. A little village called Caton, Brookhouse parish. Before that, they were from Morpeth up by Newcastle for many generations. I so long to see his old stomping grounds.
thanks for sharing, from those of us whose families have ties to the British Isles.
Posted by: Sue | September 07, 2015 at 12:18 AM
So kind AMD beautifull i love THE silene and i lissen to THE sound of it
Posted by: Merckx | September 06, 2015 at 10:18 AM
Oooh, the blankets are so lovely and cosy. And the English coastline *swoon* I'm so in love with your coasts. Never been so far north, would love to visit the region you're at.
We went to visit the Welsh coast this summer, so my blog is now full of Pembrokeshire coast photos. My gosh that's beautiful as well.
We Dutchies have beautiful beaches and dunes, but the wild rocky coasts of the Atlantic just - I don't know, touch something in me.
Posted by: Nienke | September 03, 2015 at 01:07 PM
I'm into the harmony thrill... Harmony blanket that is. Just finished adding the second strip and looking good. It really is fun interchanging those glorious colors on every round, the combinTions are so pretty. What can I say Lucy, you did a marvelous job on the pattern and color selections. I can honestly say that your instructions/pictures have been the best tutorials I have used. Thanks again! If I may say, the picture of the blanket doesn't do it justice; it is way prettier in the real!
Posted by: Estella | September 02, 2015 at 03:53 PM
You're such a good mum. Your kids might take your beautiful blankets for granted now (as they should) but they'll look back and remember them warmly when they're bigger. Those blankets will be heavy with memories of love and home.
I hope the Yarndale preparations are going well. And good luck with the back to school transition and the change in routine that brings. x
Posted by: Gillian | September 01, 2015 at 11:13 PM
Looks like you had a lovely break and the blanket looks beautiful as always :)
Posted by: Lindsey Toms | September 01, 2015 at 02:34 PM
Starting my new blanket today and looked here for inspiration. Thanks Lucy!
Posted by: Arlene | August 31, 2015 at 07:34 PM
I had a crochet querie, so looked on your patterns and sure enough there was the answer I was looking for. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge ,Lucy. Also I've never found clearer instructions than yours. I know you want us to "get it", ha ha.
Posted by: carol partridge | August 31, 2015 at 07:01 PM
Lovely pictures!
Posted by: Lucie | August 31, 2015 at 02:39 AM
We have a blanket an elderly neighbour crocheted about 50 years ago from new and recycled yarn lovingly known as the 'sick' blanket. It's taken me and my children through many colds, coughs and various illnesses over the years. Recently my daughter said if I was thinking of getting rid of it, could she have it even though she has some beautiful ones she has crocheted herself. Although associated with feeling unwell, it gives a cozy safe feeling to be snuggled under it (well that and a bowl of Heinz cream of tomato soup!)
I've just taken delivery of the 'Harmony' pack from the Wool Warehouse - beautifully packaged and arrived next day - can't wait to get started.
Posted by: Sharon Inglis | August 30, 2015 at 01:56 PM
Hi Lucy, I'm trying to order a blanket pack for my mother who is 84 years old. In Simply Crochet Magazine Issue 34; page 34 bottom left hand side, the centre blanket. That is the one she wants to re-create and I'm not sure which blanket pack to order. Is it just the DK Special Style Craft one? Also will the pattern for that particular blanket be inside. She quite likes the tiny squares too. She has crocheted since she was ten years old and is still learning! Many Thanks
Posted by: Pam Richardson | August 30, 2015 at 12:23 PM
There is nothing better as a nice soft and fluffy blanket for the coming winter. Everybody loves blankets :D
Posted by: Jessy | August 28, 2015 at 10:28 PM
Caravanning makes me so happy too! At my caravan, here in Portrush, I have a little corner seat where I love to sit, watching the sun set whilst hooking myself some squares for your colourblock cushion. School is back here on 1st Sept & i'll miss this easy way of life. But my colourblock cushion is nearly finished, my momento of the carefree caravanning life this summer, & it's been soooo enjoyable to hook - my 1st project....1st of many (I'm hooked!). Thank you Lucy x
Posted by: Gills | August 28, 2015 at 10:08 PM
I just came from a one week vacation on the beach, and the first thing I found me looking to was if you had a new post. This is the Attic effect. Thank you for that and for all the cosyness(a new word I just made) you bring to us.
Posted by: Delfina | August 28, 2015 at 07:16 PM
Your children will remeber those blankets with such fondness I'm sure. I grew up with many crocheted blankets that my grandmother made. I used them and used them, played and just simply loved them. One in particular stands out but I loved them all. Love your work by the way.
Posted by: Amy Sandwell | August 28, 2015 at 07:15 PM
I'm a fan of your work for several years and I congratulate you.
I just created a new blog, I think you'll find a bit of you in !!!
You can go here: http://latelier149.canalblog.com
Thank you for inspiration.
See you soon
Posted by: Corinne | August 27, 2015 at 08:22 AM
Lovely pictures & crochet galore - what a joy! I'm sure your wonderful blankets will be a big part of the happy childhood memories-in-the-making for your Little People.
All best - xhaafner
Posted by: Haafner | August 26, 2015 at 10:41 PM