Three sunshiny yellow things that have made me happy today.......
☀ Thing #1 ☀ in my kitchen ☀
☀ Lemons. I always, always have lemons in the kitchen, I use them frequently in cooking and baking but I also absolutely love the colour of them in my rather drab, umpteen-shades-of-grey kitchen. That shot of yellow is so vibrant, so impossibly full of cheer, how can anyone not want to have a lemon or two to gaze at every day?
☀Yesterday I baked a lemon drizzle cake {recipe on my blog here}, crikey I love this cake. Incredibly easy to make and it never fails to deliver happiness. The kitchen smells heavenly as it's cooking, and there is the rather lovely after effect of having a substantial load of cakey goodness in the cake tin for the rest of the week.
☀ This afternoon I came home from school and took a moment to spread a cloth over the table in my back yard and bring out a little jar of flowers. For no particular reason other than there was blue sky and sunshine and I thought that a hot cuppa and a slab of moist lemon cake would hit the spot rather nicely. It was a delightful little moment of peace and tranquillity at the end of a busy day.
☀ Thing # 2 ☀ on my table ☀
☀ A jug of highly scented narcissus. I picked these up from the supermarket at the weekend for a couple of £'s and they are absolutely bloomin' gorgeous.
☀The smell of these little blooms is incredible. The scent fills the room so that even when I'm sat in the Big Chair over by the bay window I can still catch a whiff of that fragrance in the air.
☀They are very pretty to look at too, all frilly and fancy with such subtly different shades of yellow in each flower. I especially like them in my pink Avoca button jug too, the colours look great together and really brighten the room.
☀Thing # 3 ☀ in my tummy ☀
☀I decided to make myself brunch today as I was at home for a little while before heading to the studio. I figured I could make myself something nutritious and healthy, and was inspired by a recipe I saw recently in the freebie Tesco magazine.
☀I absolutely love a good poached egg {read this easy "poaching know-how" on my blog} and I also really love avocado, but up until today I'd never thought to combine the two. I eliminated the pepper sauce, and with a lack of sour dough bread I had to make do with an ordinary multi-seeded slice, but oh boy, it was really very yum indeed.
☀I buy free range eggs from the local butcher and the colour of the yolks is always glorious - a deep, rich orangey-yellow which makes me very happy indeed.
I wonder what colour has made you happy today? Do tell!
Please may I come for lunch at yours one day! The egg and avocado looks beautiful.
Posted by: Angel Jem | April 21, 2015 at 08:23 PM
Lovely spring photos, I love lemon drizzle cake :)
Posted by: lindsey Toms | April 21, 2015 at 06:32 PM
Yellow is my favorite color - I've always thought it was a happy color and just seeing a yellow blouse, a yellow flower, etc., makes me smile.
Posted by: Jacqueline Strand | April 21, 2015 at 04:33 PM
the colour that has pierced it's way into my head today has to be the sight of my acid greeny yellowy Euphobia Characias wulfeni in my garden in the bright Somerset sunshine. I grew this plant from a friends seedling and it gives me great pleasure every time it arrives in April.
Posted by: Janette Surtees | April 21, 2015 at 04:06 PM
I love your post today. Yellow is just the best cheer everyone up color! The cake looks wonderful and avocados are good with just about anything, in my opinion. I know you've said before where your mug came from but I've forgotten now. Bunting, trailers, and polka dots are some of my favorite things. Thanks for the happy words.
Posted by: Jill | April 21, 2015 at 03:18 PM
I mostly enjoy non-white after a long winter with so much snow! A month ago, we were still blanketed, but now it’s all gone and the ice has cleared off Lake Ontario. So many shades of blue in the water, and the sky beautiful yesterday afternoon after heavy rains. The crocuses and daffodils are barely out of the ground, and yet are blooming: dots of yellow, pink and purple in the otherwise still dull brown-green gardens and lawns. Spring is happening in slow motion here: you can almost see things grow!
Posted by: Monika | April 21, 2015 at 03:10 PM
Looks like a very good day ;)
Greetings from Holland, Wendy
Wendy's Mhaaksels
Posted by: Wendy's Mhaaksels | April 21, 2015 at 02:37 PM
I saw the most amazing spread of pink and mauve flowers on a roundabout yesterday in Newton Abbot (Devon). I wanted to stop and photograph it but I was running late to pick up my daughter. The shades of colour were wonderful and it made me think of you! I may try to pop back and take a picture.
Posted by: Anne | April 21, 2015 at 01:24 PM
The fresh, bright green of new leaves against the cloudless blue of the sky, trees full of white blossom and the bluebells in the dappled shade of the woods.
Posted by: Hannah | April 21, 2015 at 12:38 PM
I love the yellows too. My forsythia is booming here in Ohio and my red bud trees are getting ready to pop. My grandson cut some of my daffodils and one purple hyacinth and made a bouquet for my table. Spring is so nice when the weather cooperates.
Posted by: Dee | April 21, 2015 at 11:14 AM
I loooooooove yellow in the spring ,i think after the drab winter we need colour,daffs are my favourite flowers ,and always have lots around the house in spring,and the glorious weather makes such a difference lucy ,i might make the lemon drizzle cake later ,you,ve inspired me ha ha x
Posted by: michelle smith | April 21, 2015 at 10:53 AM
Well I will share with you my happy colour experience today. Sitting with my knit and natter group outside in the sunshine. One of us had a coastal blanket(Attic24) and one of us had a cosy blanke(Attic24) thank you Lucy for our colourful afternoon. There was also a completed coastal blanket folded up in a basket. Your name crossed our lips several times during the nattering. Xx
Posted by: Sue Beard | April 21, 2015 at 10:33 AM
I had colour overload yesterday I visited Liberty of London AMAZING the fabric the building everything!!
Then onto a great pub for an early tea before diving into sensory overload that is "CATS" the musical wow wow wow so I can't pick 1 colour just now only colour full stop.
Posted by: heidijo | April 21, 2015 at 10:26 AM
Guess what I'm going to have for lunch today now! Great blog as ever, and I'm definitely going to try J's poached egg system!
Posted by: Annie | April 21, 2015 at 10:01 AM
GREEN, My grass is a lush green for my rabbits to hop around on.
Love that caravasn mug.
Posted by: Dawn | April 21, 2015 at 09:48 AM
Yellow for me too.... the abundance of narcissi, daffodils, tulips, forsythia all around the village in gardens, hedgerows, verges... and lots in our own space too. Slightly better on a rather dull morning I think, when the colour really zings and sings to you.
Posted by: Grace | April 21, 2015 at 08:16 AM
Sorry Lucy, yellow is my least favourite colour except daffodils at this time of the year. Pink, red, mauves are my colours.
Posted by: Carol | April 21, 2015 at 07:53 AM
Much of our house is painted yellow (outside walls all are) and inside too, as it faces east so can be a bit gloomy. Like you I always have lemons in and adore Lemon Drizzle cake. You have made me hungry now! Cut flowers like your Narcissus give so much pleasure and for a modest cost. Lovely post.
Posted by: Jennie Craine | April 21, 2015 at 07:31 AM
I love yellow! I keep adding more yellow throw pillows to our couch. :) That pound cake has my mouth watering so much I can almost taste it!
Posted by: Jenny B. | April 21, 2015 at 05:35 AM
Lemons are probably the most used fruit ingredient in our house! We add it to everything for a bit of extra *pang*
Posted by: Positive K9 Training | April 21, 2015 at 04:53 AM
Turquiose is my favorite. I have a collection of vintage art deco vases on my mantle so they are always there to brighten my day! We love avocados in our house too!
Posted by: Leah Lynch | April 21, 2015 at 03:33 AM
I see a fellow Aussie beat me on mentioning that Avocado smash with poached eggs is a staple in Australian Cafes. Often with a tomato salsa. I love it myself. Lovely colours Lucy, yellow makes me happy too. Though I'm pretty content with the Autumnal leaf palette here in Canberra.
Posted by: Spikeabell | April 21, 2015 at 02:54 AM
Posted by: ANA MARIA MILANESI | April 21, 2015 at 02:24 AM
Pink blossom and blue sky... Loving looking up at the moment! :0) Sarah xx
Posted by: Hula Loop | April 21, 2015 at 12:04 AM
Avocado and poached egg - I MAY try. Unsure.
Green has made me happy today - sitting in my garden in the sunshine after school for the first time today on our 'new sofa for the season' - a sofa that someone was chucking out!
Posted by: Claire | April 20, 2015 at 10:50 PM