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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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March 03, 2015


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Lissie, France

Loving the new colours all 3 of them! Are you going to do a blanket in granny squares with the colours you put on your blog earlier in the year? I really fancy another CAL my hands feel empty without a big project going on in the background of my life!!

Arlene Bomabck

Oh yay! I see me entry all the way from Canada. How exciting!!


I'm with you on the new colours. A little too subdued to my liking. But you never know, sometimes when you pair them with more vibrant colours, they might just look amazing! Thank you for the post :)

Pom Pom

That's fun the way people send in all sorts of little bits that show color they love! I DO like the three newbies very much!

Robin Summers

I love the new colors. I am glad to see that none of the new colors are the colors that I have dancing around in my head. Here I go back to the drawing board to see if I can refine the color a bit more. I have to say that I have fallin big time and have a bit of the wantseys for a pair of Wellies. I just love the patterns they have out now. I was seriously thinking of trying to save enough money to try and go to Yarndale. I will have to find a host that can help me with what flight to take and where to stay. Oh wow that would just make my head spin if I could go. That is on my must do list!! :)


Know what you mean about the parma violet, on its own it's a bit wishy washy, but I can visualise it with stronger colours and it will lift them. Thanks to you, Lucy, I really can now visualise colours together 😊. Trying to find just the right colour something to send in. So far, everything I choose is already in the range. Got to keep looking!


Lovely new colours. I think the Parma Violet tones really well with the other colours where you have put it on your shelves. Given me idea for a new blanket.

Val E

I'm wondering if there will be another bunting- or mandala -fest this year at Yarndale???? Hope you don't mind, Lucy, if I mention that Reuseful.UK will be attempting to break the Guinness Book of Records entry for the Longest Line of Bunting (in the world). Details are on scrapstores.org website - closing date 30th April, judging 20th June. Thank you.


I adore this yarn!
But, here in Serbia we don't have it in so much stores :(
I used Special yarn for some hats, but I think it is grat for shawls and baby blankets :) New colors are wonderful!


I really like these new colours. Need to think what to make!

Sandra (Cherry Heart)

You are right, I love them! Especially the storm and sage, obviously ;) Beautiful additions! I'm not a big user of the purples I must admit, and I would of thought they had plenty in the purple range already but maybe that's just me and it does look like a pretty shade. Must enter the competition though, I still think those greens could still use a little more help.. lol!

S x


Thank you for these colours as they will be a help with my 'entry'. I love them and can see myself using them.

Hazel Henry

What nice additions and like your colour line-ups! X


I love the way you are so honest about the colours. Even though you get a lot of Stylecraft wool, I am pleased that you aren't scared to say you don't like Prma Violet much. I really believe you have such a large following on your blog because you are open and honest. Please don't ever change that. I love the new colours. Unfortunately not many shops in Durban (South Africa) stock Stylecraft. When they do, it is usually the most awful colours!


They are lush and I love them ❤️ Xx love Joy ️Xx

Sharon Brown

I am hopeless at putting colours together and agonise for hours when it comes to choosing them for a new project...so much so that I normally end up using just two!

Danna Brennfoerder

Can you send in more than one sample? I didn't see anywhere stated that you could only send 1 suggestion.

Winwick Mum

There's no shortage of colours now for any kind of project, it's great to have such a choice in an affordable yarn. I'm sure you're going to have a great time doing the judging - hope you've put your cake order in already! xx

Gillian McMullen

Those three colours are exactly what I needed, I'm surprised and thrilled. They're not exciting shades, but very useful if you like to work with graduated colours, e.g Emperor-Lavender-Parma Violet-White - I was so frustrated that there was no pale purple until now. Same with the other two. I'm a happy crocheter!

Angela-Southern USA

Lovely, can never have too many colors to choose from. On a different note, I ran across a Perler Bead video and thought of you.(A cookie to hold ear buds/cords.)

Teresa Kasner

I hope they got my fuchsia color suggestion! I like the new colors they have done, having a big color palette to choose from is excellent! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

kathy b

Im not good at color, so I love your yarn color posts!


Lucy thank you for showing them in context - its very helpful. I'm loving the colours and admiring you for your restraint as I know you LOVE stronger colours. I'm looking for a good jade colour or a peacock colour emerald, so will be interested see what the competition brings. You have really got me hooked on colour since I cam across your site and get very excited particularly when I see nature and yarn cohabiting so well together :)


Thank you for showing them the way you have. I was not all that wild about them...a little too gray in them and dull...but they are great mixers! I love your love of color...it is what has drawn me to this site, and through you I have found a new love for yarn, crochet and not knitting!

I am new to Stylecraft yarn and so far have worked with the cotton...I really like it.


I love those new colours! I have almost finished a cosy in coast colours and I want to make another blanket.
In reddish colours but with blue/grey/green too. Sage and storm blue look perfect.

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