In the seven years that I've been crocheting, I've made fifteen blankets using a variety of yarns. I've used pure wool, pure cotton, pure acrylic (if you can call acrylic yarn "pure"?!), cashmere/merino blends and cotton/acrylic blends. I've used eye wateringly expensive designer yarns as well as cheap and cheerful budget yarns. And without exception, I've always chosen my blanket-making yarns based on their colour credentials. For me to love a yarn enough to use it for blanket making, it has to exist in a range of colours that make my heart happy.
The above yarn colours are all Stylecraft Special DK yarn. Since I made my first blanket using this yarn almost five years ago, I have grown to love the glorious range of colours (SiXtY to choose from!), the durability and washability (essential for camping/outdoor blankets) and the price (unbeatable good value). It also happens to be soft and non-splitty, making it a pleasure to crochet with. Truthfully, it's not my number one most favourite yarn (that spot goes to Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino), but really it's a pretty great yarn for blankets. My Little People love them and currently Little Lady and Little B both have Stylecraft ripple blankets on their beds (the Cottage Ripple and the Coast Ripple). But most importantly, when my Stylecraft blankets get dragged across the beach or used to make a den over a picnic table at a camp site, my blood pressure remains stable. They are great family blankets and are much loved and well used here in the Attic.
But anyhow, aside from the fibre content and the durability - we need to talk about the sixty colours! In my studio I've got two shelves stuffed with Stylecraft Special DK, that's 55 out of the 60 available shades. The five that are missing from my shelves are :: white and black, plus the three neon shades (fiesta, bright green and jaffa).
Last October when I began my Cosy blanket Crochet A Long I hit on the idea of winding lengths of yarn onto wooden clothes pages. I found this a really useful way to plan the random colour stripe order for this blanket, it's much easier to line up 15 pegs than 15 squishy big balls of yarn! However, since then I've used my yarn pegs as a nifty way of creating groups/palettes to inspire future projects. I keep my yarn pegs in a shallow ceramic bowl on my work table and find myself constantly playing with them, trying out ideas and taking photographs, creating little visual "colour notes" to be stored away for future reference. Vintage kitchen colours, Spring flower colours, Fairground colours, Beach Hut colours, - all sorts of images, memories and emotions can be harnessed and translated into colour palettes. Colour underpins every creative thing that I do, that's for sure.
Now then - the title of this post, did you notice that? Did you clock that I am supposed to be talking about a Colourful Competition? I've been bursting to tell you about this since last year, so here in a nutshell is the low down - this is a competition organised by Stylecraft Yarns in conjunction with Lets Knit magazine. The idea is that Stylecraft are asking yarn lovers to help them choose the next new shade for their Stylecraft Special DK range.
Entering couldn’t be easier - all you need to do is send a sample of your favourite colour to Stylecraft by 31st March 2015. The sample can be anything at all - photographs, pieces of fabric, scraps of paper, a sweet wrapper, a postcard, a child's toy, a sock - all acceptable forms of entry! Stylecraft will be able to accurately replicate the winning colour using an amazing gizzmo that analyses colour and produces high tech info to enable accurate reproduction.
What do you think? Does this sound like fun or what?!
In April, a panel of judges (of which I am one) will work with the Stylecraft team to select a shortlist of 10 colours, which will then be put to a public vote. The new colour will be launched in October at the Autumn Knitting and Stitching Show in London, and the winner will also receive a whopping 100 balls of Special DK to add to their stash (yes, One HUNDRED squishy, colourful balls!) The 9 shortlisted shades will also receive a superb Stylecraft goodie bag containing a key ring, a new fringed shade card and 5 balls of Special DK.
Post your colour idea along with your name and contact details to:
Stylecraft Special Colour Competition
Spa Mill
New Street
Alternatively you can email your entries to [email protected]
There are two more things you need to know ::
1. If you aren't already familiar with the complete range of Stylecraft Special DK, you will need to have a good look at the sixty colours that already exist in order to decide which colour might make a good addition. The very best way to do this is to locate your Local Yarn Shop to have a look at real yarn balls (a list of stockists can be found here). Wool Warehouse also go to a great deal of trouble to photograph their yarn colours accurately and their listing of Stylecraft Special colours gives a great on on-screen representation.
2. There will be THREE NEW SHADES of Stylecraft Special DK launching in early April, and I can tell you they are beautiful additions to the range. I'll be able to show you the colours early next week, although they're not due to launch until early April. You might want to see these colours before deciding on your competition entry, or you might already know exactly which colour you simply can't live without (!)
I am very excited to be involved with this competition, I can't wait to see what you come up with. Wishing you lots (and lots) of colour-filled inspiration, here's hoping your yarny colour-wishes come true!
EDIT to add :: GREAT news my lovelies, Lets Knit magazine and Stylecraft Yarns have agreed to open out the competition world wide so that everyone who loves colour and yarn can enter no matter where they live on our beautiful planet. Now get those colourful thinking caps on, send in your dream shade and you could have 100 balls winging their way to your door.......
Thanks for sharing this. I have the perfect picture in the most perfect color. I am def going to enter. Fingers crossed. Hey, can you share some of those 50+ yarns to a poor crocheter who lives 2 hrs from any yarn and crochet is my passion and I cant get any yarn to work with, and cant afford it anyway. LOL It could happen.....;-)
You blog is my favorite. I am making your wreaths now. I say wreaths because I am taking little pieces from here and there. They are just gorgeous.
I just wanted to thank you for telling me about the contest. I have my entry ready.
Thanks again,
Crochet A Day In The Life
Posted by: Crystal Wall | February 25, 2015 at 12:10 PM
Love the idea of this competition and I would love to win the prize, but not sure if I can come up with the right colour. I am a pink/purple/blue person so it has got to be something different. Thinking caps on.
Posted by: Carol | February 25, 2015 at 09:25 AM
I am not eligible to enter the competition (I'm in Canada).
I would like however, to join with Marijke and others who would be happy with some better shades of GREEN. Lucy - please pass it on to Stylecraft.
And to Sheila - work on your grammar for your next silly post.
Posted by: Judith - in Ontario | February 24, 2015 at 09:54 PM
Now this is a wonderful sounding competition. I am going to try and enter with crossed fingers and toes that I win. I will have to read your post again so I have all the rules down pat. I would love to win 100 balls of yarn. Now that is divine. Thanks Lucy for all that you do for all of the yarn addicts!
Posted by: Robin Summers | February 24, 2015 at 02:17 PM
I love this yarn too but I've been really missing the perfect duck egg colour from their range... now I just have to find an example and enter! Exciting competition, can't wait to see what they choose! xx
Posted by: Elsie Pop | February 24, 2015 at 01:39 PM
Agree wholeheartedly with Marijke, a range of 40 shades of green, reaching in all neiboured directions would be amazing. What a beautiful and inspiring post Lucy! Love it!
Greetings from Austria
Posted by: Elisabeth Firsching | February 24, 2015 at 12:31 PM
Love Colour wheel.
Posted by: Jaimie | February 24, 2015 at 10:28 AM
Butter yellow, a colour that was in the 70's. Have a pattern for a crocheted poncho with butterflies and the main colour is butter yellow. I am guessing this competition is in the UK only? I can think of a few colours to add.
Now making your Coast blanket. My husband's choice from three pictures I showed him. I wasn't keen on the grey and dark of that first part but like the magenta spinning its charm, so did the grey. :0
Love your beach house colours.
Keep well. A Canadian follower.
Posted by: Sharon | February 24, 2015 at 08:41 AM
Love the clothes pin idea! Great, as you said, for coming up with color families for inspiration.
Posted by: Toto | February 24, 2015 at 08:26 AM
I wrap my yarn round bit's of card but round pegs is a much better idea Lucy, you will have set a trend now I he you realise that haha. I will be entering the competition but I will wait to see the new shades first just in case my favourite shade is amongst them. :) xx
Posted by: Linda | February 24, 2015 at 07:38 AM
A request to anyone taking part in the competition and Stylecraft: I would love to see some better, more natural green colours (springtime beech leaves, holly leaves, reeds). (I cannot take part myself as I live outside the UK)
And Lucy: thanks again for the wonderful dose of Vitamin C (C = Colour)!
Posted by: Marijke | February 24, 2015 at 07:38 AM
What a great competition! Unfortunately being in Australia I can't enter but hopefully someone will suggest a fresh leafy grassy green! Often hard to find but would look amazing in a spring inspired blanket. Xox
Posted by: louise in Melbourne | February 24, 2015 at 06:06 AM
I love your "colour wheel". Gorgeous!
Posted by: Mira | February 24, 2015 at 04:57 AM
I love the idea of wrapping your yarn around labelled pegs, but how do you get them so tidy? Do you clip both ends? Tell me more please!
Posted by: Kim Bos | February 24, 2015 at 02:40 AM
I am really enjoying the color therapy from your blog (as well as my current granny stripe "Lucy pack," during the many winter storms we have been hit with. I love the clothes pin idea, and was wondering if you would share your pattern for your color squares as we..
Posted by: Michele | February 24, 2015 at 02:30 AM
Love the clothes pin idea! Great, as you said, for coming up with color families for inspiration.
Posted by: Lizy Tish | February 24, 2015 at 01:06 AM
Sorry to hear it's only for UK folks, I sent mine in the mail today from Canada but I guess I will be disqualified.
So sad :-(
And I don't think anything was meant by the comments about the yarn or where the blankets end up. I certainly consider dragging a blanket through the sand a positive testament to the yarn itself and not an insult.
I have ordered about 60 balls of this colorful yarn all the way from UK to me in Canada and I plan on using the blankets at the lake. Not because it was cheap yarn but because it is beautiful, colorful yarn.
Posted by: Arlene Bomback | February 23, 2015 at 10:38 PM
Sorry to disappoint foreign readers but Let's Knit magazine says competition is open to all UK residents aged 18 or over.
Posted by: Denise | February 23, 2015 at 10:10 PM
Hmm, I'll have to have a look at this one! It is difficult to find another colour as they seem to have them all!
I bought some dolly pegs the other day to do the yarn thing, I thought they looked nice and I could draw faces on them. Not sure if they will work without having the snap clip on.
Posted by: Anne Marie | February 23, 2015 at 09:48 PM
Dear Lucy,does it have to be a solid colour Regards jeanenne tassie Australia
Posted by: Jeanenne | February 23, 2015 at 09:41 PM
How exciting, what a great idea for a competition. I can think of a couple of colours I'd like to see. I love your idea of putting the colours on labelled pegs, it makes them easy to arrange. Really great value yarn, I shall have a look at the shades that are already available. CJ xx
Posted by: CJ | February 23, 2015 at 09:31 PM
Exciting! And I love your photos, so scrummy :)
Posted by: Jill | February 23, 2015 at 09:24 PM
Love your post, I did adopt your peg idea and it works so well! Haven't done all the colors yet but seeing your pictures I have to do every color soon. What I do with my colored pegs is pinch them to the side of a low rectangle dish and as I want to change color sequence I line them up in that order. Plus they remind me when I am doing other things " hey, we are waiting for you to get back to fun with us"!! Little color soldiers!!
Posted by: Patricia | February 23, 2015 at 08:54 PM
Hi Lucy.. fun fun fun.. I already sent in 2 colors and CC'd to you so you can see what I sent. I think getting 100 big squishy balls of Stylecraft would be so great. I look forward to watching this evolve. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Posted by: Teresa Kasner | February 23, 2015 at 08:25 PM
Oh, Lucy! one post so cute today! a competition very witty, I think! I always work with the Stylecraft Special DK, always in winter! I love the variety of colors and softness! These wools are so sweet! It would be wonderful to get 100 skeins of this yarn! It would be paradise !!!! A big hug from Catalonia!
Posted by: cristina | February 23, 2015 at 08:15 PM