
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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January 29, 2015


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My friend and I have been working on a wreath, using your patterns, they are very clear and the pictures easy to follow, we understand the Robin isn’t your pattern, but thought we’d say that it’s almost impossible to follow, My friend has won awards for her crochet, and even she couldn’t make heads or tails of it, we would love to make birds like this, but not if we loose the will to live in the process😊 lol,
Maybe you could come up with something similar, in your style of pattern, sure would make things easier.
Thanks, love your work,

Margaret (Meg) Robinson

Lucy, I've just got to sew everything on my winter wreath (or should I say your winter wreath). I was wondering what type of hanger did you use for the wreath? I had to order the wreath from Australia as the Styrofoam wreaths in the US didn't seem dense enough. Thanks for any info on hanging it. Love how cute it is!!


Hello Lucy! What a lovely story and what a cutie of a crochet bird! I did purchase the pattern from Etsy but haven't gotten around to try it yet. After seeing your post I definetly have to give it a try just hope I can manage the pattern. Currently working on the coastal blanket which is hard to put down! Also have been making the snowflakes for the garland as seen on your blog. Love it! Well, I can hardly wait to see your wreath. Have a lovely weekend!


Love the Robin


Dear Lucy, as always, I'm charmed by your creations ... I immediately felt like crochetting my own cute little robin and bought the pattern from little conkers. I've been crochetting for a while now and I find that your patterns are soooo much fun and well explained that they are quite easy to follow. But this one, the little robin, is a nightmare ! I've been trying five times already and the red and white never come as it should ! How did you manage to do it !!!
xxx Cathy

Gena Resende

"You gave me", correction of my previous comment,
I don´t know the north of England. Who knows....

Lots of success fot you dear Lucy!!

Gena Resende

I love your bird, the winter Robin.
You have such magic hands.
And you make poetry with your fabulous photos.
I was never in up England and you game me wish to go.

Gena Resende


Love your robin. Are you going to design one that is knitted.


Isn't he the cutest? We were followed by a Robin yesterday on our walk. He expected some food I think.

Astrid Jansen

Hope you are okay , after silence for a week.


To all those worried souls. Check out the attic24 facebook page and you will see updates on there. Last one posted 04/2/15.


Echoing others-keep checking and no updates. Hope you're just busy/resting and nothing untoward keeping you from blogland. We all miss you and are looking forward to the next reveal. Love and hugs, Kath x


I adore robins. And yours is lovely - way beyond my capabilities though! I make do with a little ceramic one with a glued-on tail...


Greetings from the Basque Country! I love your blog. Your little robin is so sweet! Here, are called "Txantxangorri" I can't wait to make one!:)
Thanks for sharing!


Hi Lucy, keep checking in to see what you've been up to and no updates has me a little concerned. Please don't think I'm pressurising you in any way, just letting you know that we are missing you here in blogland and hoping you and loved ones are well and safe.


Hoping all is OK with you Lucy
Thank you for being a bright spot in my day!


Hi Lucy hoping this finds you not snowed under in any way. Whilst looking on your site have happily visited your past posts and really enjoyed them, recipes visits photo's projects wool etc take care love Jenny x


Hoping that all is well with you Lucy xx


Hi Lucy
Hope you are okay, keep checking in and no updates.


Hope you and your loved ones are all okay, i've been looking forward to another blogpost from you for almost a week now...


It's so cute! I do love robins too!


He's a cutie! Can imagine you having lots of cheerful chats with him!!


I have learnt something new today-I didn't realise robins symbolised postmen! How very cute! I'd always thought it a bit odd that they appear on Christmas cards when we see them all year round but now I understand why! Thank you!

Your robin is all the cuter for his quirks-I was compelled to wave back at him! I'm looking forward to seeing this wreath when it is completed!

Ali Whale

I laughed out loud when I saw your waving Robin, he's lovely. I actually waved back - well why wouldn't you!


What a cutie! Also, I nominated you for the infinity dreams award, if you're interested!

Carys x

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