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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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December 19, 2014


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Carol Waugh

Hi Lucy!
I'm very late with this (!) but wondered if you knew about this as it seems as if it would be right up your street. I recently bought a Collins Planner (like a Filofax). I loved it, but when I was looking for other inserts for it I discovered a whole new world where people are decorating their planners with washi tape, stickers, post it notes etc. Amazing, and they're so practical too. Google Filofax or planner ideas Lucy...warning, highly addictive!! xx


Hi Lucy, coming late to this post! I never really got into the christmas spirit this year either, until the Saturday before... don't really know why.
Organisationally - I like David Allen's "Getting things done" method, and use wunderlist (although i've lapsed at the moment) and evernote. The last two are programs you can download, wunderlist is for todo lists and evernote's great for storing websites, articles etc. (you can add your own tags and categories to make it easier to search). The first one is a book, the basic premise is to get stuff out of your head and into a system that reminds you what you need to do (and also reminds you to delegate, store or bin stuff that doesn't need you to do it!) and there's associated stuff on the web. The website Lifehacker.com has some great stuff on organisation and "getting things done", too. I don't know if that's helpful for you, it works for me but I'm more of a techy than a creative :)


Hi Lucy,
Hope your Christmas was spontaneous and fun. Sometimes letting go of the planning is most of the fun. I did that this year as we moved house at the same time!
But over a 2 week holiday break I have managed to 'file' and gather all my yarns to one spot. I have even decided to be brave and make a list of the UFO's and tick them off in my diary! now that will be an achievement in itself this year. My own projects often get put aside to make presents, but this year I hope to concentrate on all things crocheted for my clean palette, aka new house! Keep up the lists I say. I love them at New Years, have abandoned them typically by about March!


My secret to sanity is that I designate specific (do-able) tasks to specific days of the week, and it takes an army to derail me. If it is Friday, I am doing the laundry. It's Thursday and you want a particular clean shirt out of me? It'll have to wait until tomorrow. Then I do not, barring an emergency, think about the laundry at all on any other day of the week. I am FREE of laundry until Friday, but on Friday, I am doing the laundry no matter how late I have to stay up finishing it. Each household task follows in the same way--on Tuesdays, I do the shopping; Saturday is bills and yardwork, etc. It works for me. :)


Aside from a regular calendar & notepaper I've found two things that help me. The first is www.flylady.net this is more about keeping the motivation and pushing through when you don't feel like it, the second is www.cozi.com which is an electronic calendar/diary/shopping list/to do list that can be on the computer and individuals smartphones and accessed anywhere.


Since I bought an A1 size magnetic wipeboard my world has changed! I bought a magnetic pink eraser to wipe things off when I've done them and it's v satisfying! You can buy markers all the colours of the rainbow, but some show up better than others. Also, it being magnetic, you can really have fun and save space with magnets and colourful paper notes. It turns being organized into a creative thing :)

Denise Marshall

Another though Lucy, when me and my 2 sisters were at home, from about the age 11/12 we were allotted tasks to carry out on a Saturday morning, one would clean the main bathroom and sweep the stairs, one would hoover and dust upstairs and the other hoover and dust downstairs. This way Mum was left with the shopping/cook, washing and ironing which was quite enough I think. Just and idea, not sure how old your kiddies all are, probably too young yet. b
But something to look forward to maybe.

Denise Marshall

Hi Lucy, sorry to hear you were struggling with your Christmas mojo. I do know how you feel as mine seems sadly diminished since I lost my Mum last November. Hope yours picked up in time for the festivities. I also struggle with being disorganised and clutter which builds up very quickly on the boat. I have actually improved since we moved aboard, mostly cos I have to (limited space). I organise lots of stuff in my diary, have a budget book where I keep track of our finances and a general Note Book for jotting reminders down. Look forward to hearing about your new regime and new work space. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. xxx


With so many people commenting you may not even get to mine. I'm not telling you my organization technique but asking a question of you. Could you explain to all of us non British what Boxing Day is and the origin of this holiday? And, do most folks in England celebrate the 12 days of Christmas and Epiphany? I know a fair number of people in the U.S. think it means the 12 days before Christmas. If you have time to comment on these two things I would find it interesting as I'm sure many others would.
Thanks, and happy organizing!

Marcia Lusk


I hope this works! I hope you had a happy Christmas! It's a embroidery pattern of a little camper and I thought of you! If it doesn't work, email me and I'll try again. It's very cute!


Hi Lucy - I have an office wall planner on the wall of my study (ha! ha! Box room which the computer is wedged into) as I have the job of sending birthday cards to all the members of our WI. Last year I made all the cards but this year I think I will buy them! I make lists and find that the act of writing things down does keep it in the forefront of my mind for a bit longer, then when I go back to the list again I can cross things off which gives me a feeling of having done stuff. I do nothing electronically. I don't like the feeling of being at the beck and call of some gadget or other.
Have a Happy New Year, try not to do too much and thank you for all those inspiring blog posts.

carol partridge

Just read what a bullet journal is.Isn't that just one more job to do? Examples of everything to take note of,right down to which books you intend to read.....WHAT ! Talk about hamster on a wheel. I laughed my head off. Do people really take any notice of these nutters? Or is this the latest "thing"to be seen doing. "Oh my bullet journal fell out of my bag when I got off the train in N.Y. eeek...luckily it was returned to me".(presume she couldn't live without it,ha ha.)

carol partridge

Hope your mood is picking up as we get nearer to the New Year. The fact that you haven't wished your readers a Happy Christmas shows me how fed up you are. To you guys who think this times blog is about books calendars and being organised, read between the lines! Lucy you need to get your a.se into gear and learn how to say no. Keep your info in one place, then you won't overbook your time.Easy to say, I know. Best wishes to you. I really like your normally cheerful blog.


Merry Christmas!! I enjoy your blog - don't remember where I even saw it first - because I just get happy looking at your colors! I live in the American Wild West and really like the peek into your world. I also love to crochet.
For organization, I love love LOVE the FlyLady... flylady.net, maybe you haven't heard of her. Too many good things to list, go check her out!!


Saw that article and thought of you, Lucy! Merry Christmas :) http://elitedaily.com/money/entrepreneurship/psychology-behind-messy-rooms-messy-room-may-necessarily-bad-thing/708046/

Gayle jones

LUCY, Please try Flylady.com
Some of her pearls of wisdom are;
You are not behind just jump in
You can do anything for 15 minutes
Finally Loving Yourself = FLYing
Her advise works.
Her book is called Sink Reflections.
I am from Aus and have no connection with Flylady except admiration.
Regards, Gayle.
P.s. Because of you I taught myself to crochet and although it's hot hot summer here I get a few row s done everyday. Love it.

Penny L

Have a lovely Happy Christmas Lucy. Enjoy a peaceful family Christmas Day ! Thank you for all your lovely posts and for all the love and joy you give the world. Lots of love Penny L xxxxx


Hello Lucy!!! Merry Christmas to you and to your family! have a cozy Christmas Eve, all the best! :-)


Google Bullet Journal- it is a lifesaver

Virginie Homemade

oooooh I love your monthly stickers ! ! ! where do you find them? I've never seen this kind in France...


I think, it's common to feel a little bit melancholic at the end of a year and to ponder over all the things that happened in the past year. I am a bit weary myself after attending and singing at a funeral of a former choir member; she only reached the age of 48 and has left two children and her husband behind.
But when the new year begins and the sun starts to shine, although it can be freezing cold outside, I am always looking forward, almost craving for spring to come. To see the trees being filled with new leaves and see nature find her way trough al the old leaves and broken branches on the floor.
Nevertheless I love being together with my family during the Holidays and we make the most of it, organized or not (I'm not most of the time). The most important thing to do, is to show your love to the ones you love and to the ones you encounter and who need a hand, smile, hug.

I wish you lots of warm, creative, loving, sharing and shining days, not only for Christmas, but for every day in 2015!


Hi Lucy - I feel I should say Snap! I have been just the same as you, usually I love getting ready for Christmas but this year it all seems such a drag. I have been feeling down after getting through one of the many nasty bugs that my grandchildren keep bringing to our house. I, like you, just can't seem to get motivated and hope that the new year will bring a new outlook! I find that my most efficient way to keep me on track is the wonderful calendar in my windows phone (which also syncs with a Microsoft computerised diary), as an ex-business woman I began using it when I worked and now use it to keep track of my babysitting duties and voluntary work for 'The Princes Trust' and our local Rotary club (which I have spent a long day assisting Santa at a local garden centre where we have raised £7,000 for local charities).

Monique Seymour

I'm like you, and like to fit sooo much into my busy days... Being organised does take up a certain amount of time, and so making little rituals of planning, checking and updating the diary, etc, are critical to maintaining any organisation routine.
I use:
1) online family calendar for all repeating events and children's activities and family events. I use automatic reminders with that calendar that come to my computer and phone, so I can't miss them.
2) I use a diary for all of my tasks and to- dos, because then I can schedule them to the appropriate days, or block out days for packing before trips, or make sure we don't over schedule in school holidays, by blocking out 'at home' days.
I tried having lists, and I also needed up with many lists, and some jobs staying on their for too long.... By writing them in a diary, it just helps spread my work over each day, week, month, etc...


Well, it can seem a bit odd, but i recently read a book called Small Move, Big Change that could help you... it's about taking micro resolutions and keeping them. It kind of helped me!
Thanks for your lovely blog and you may feel disorganized, you're still an inspiration for lots of us!
I wish you a very happy and relaxing holiday and i'm looking forward to discovering lots of crocheted beauties in 2015!

Jude Pearson

I write lists for EVERYTHING ,keep a journal for holidays and definitely do not use anything remotely connected to a computer or smart phone ! I am getting slightly nervous because my daughter persuaded me to by a turkey on line (she actually did the ordering ) but it hasn't arrived yet !!!!Could be just pigs in blankets for Christmas dinner !!!

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