Our walk to school yesterday morning was just breathtaking as you can see, with the most incredible, beautiful golden light. I could hardly find the words to describe how it made me feel, I was quite choked thinking about our good fortune being able to witness this sight on an average Monday morning school run. We are so, so, so lucky to live where we do, walking this path every day. I tried hard to convey some of my emotion and gratitude to the Little People, but I have no idea whether they took it in or not. I am often telling them to look at the sky, the hills, the light, the birds, the leaves, etc etc, trying to impress upon them the importance of seeing the beauty in our everyday, but possibly they are too young to really get it. Maybe they do. Maybe they don't.
I get it though, I really do.
Hi Lucy
I love all your patterns, especially the small square blanket featured on pic 22 under Home 2014. can you point me to the actual pattern? I think it would be a beautiful blanket for my daughter who is currently stationed in Germany. Happy New Year from Colorado USA!
Posted by: talocka vargas | January 07, 2015 at 04:11 PM
My father was an art lecturer (and a landscape artist in oils and watercolour) and all our school holidays we're spent camping in the outback while Dad painted. He often sat with us and looked at any fabulous scenery or sunsets and said, "I wonder how you would mix up that colour?" I often think of that, and although the thought never occurs to me (the most non artistic and practical of his brood!) it has made me look at beautiful scenes like yours and appreciate them much more.
Also when my children were at school camps they were given sample tiles of laminex (formica?) and asked to find leaves (in the Australian bush, so no autumn leaves here) of exactly the same colours. It seemed an impossible task, but when we looked it was amazing the different leaf colours we found, all matching the reds, blues, purples, etc over the full colour spectrum. It has made me much more observant of the things we walk over and their wonderful colous.
Posted by: Jo | December 23, 2014 at 02:20 AM
Thank you Lucy,
Such lovely pictures and as others have said, your little people are taking in more than you realise.
You are clearly a wonderful Mum.
Posted by: Jean | December 20, 2014 at 03:16 PM
What an amazing gift that God gave to you on that Monday morning!
Charlene in Texas
Posted by: Charlene Enzone | December 19, 2014 at 10:12 PM
OOOhhhh Lucy what a special moment. Don't think I've ever seen a Golden Light like that before. When my children were young I used to try and make them see the beauty in such things. It's definitely filtered through to my daughter Ruth, but I'm not so sure about my son, he seems to be from a totally different planet!! Mars maybe xx
Posted by: Denise Marshall | December 18, 2014 at 01:18 PM
Yes, Lucy, you are blessed, as we all are, if we just look around . So often, we just rush here and there without having a care for what is right in front of our eyes. I try to do the same, to express to others how beautiful our surroundings are so that they feel blessed, too! Don't worry, your little ones will remember how you pointed out the special things around them and appreciated them. Beautiful post. Merry Christmas to you and yours! xxoo
Posted by: Joanne Retzler | December 18, 2014 at 12:45 PM
Beautiful!! I can totally understand your feelings about the beautiful things around you in our nature. I believe young children will get it what you are trying to let them see and feel. My children are 27 and 25 now and they certainly turned into people who care about the world around them in their own way of course. They are fortunate to have a mum like you. (Sorry if my English is a bit poor, I'm Dutch).
Posted by: annemieke | December 17, 2014 at 10:53 PM
Keep on showing them the bounty of God and they will see. They will also remember their Mammas gratefulness over small things in life as well. It comes across in your very soul when you describe how walking into your studio makes you feel, how you love the colors you work with, how you adore the cute Christmas card you made and want to share your gifts and talents with all us who read your blog. Keep it up, you are shaping the souls of your dear children every time you call their attention to what's beautiful in this wonderful world. Blessings on you and your family.
Posted by: Sherry Maghsoodloo | December 17, 2014 at 10:10 PM
Beautiful pictures and even more beautiful words
Posted by: Sue | December 17, 2014 at 09:28 PM
They do and they will. All of a sudden it will be a little person running to tell you to " look at the sky mummy!" And you will feel that you have given them a forever gift.
Posted by: Gill | December 17, 2014 at 09:23 PM
Beautiful golden silhouettes Lucy. Don't worry your thoughts will sink in and sculpt their minds as they grow older. My two used to complain about me stopping every few metres to take a photo and talk about things but now they do the same and think about subjects they are capturing.
Posted by: Chel @ Sweetbriar Dreams | December 17, 2014 at 08:55 PM
You live in a fantastic spot, that's for sure.
As concerns the litte people.... I can tell you the story of our children, when they were little people (as yours are now) I was always pointing to the sky and the trees, and the flowers and the sunset in the back of our garden. At the time, I didn't think they took it in . But now my daughter (25 years old) is looking for a place of her own and she finds it very difficult to find something suitable. She thinks it is all my fault (me going on about so many beauty in nature) she's desperately looking for a spot that has all of it in one....
So your little ones are certainly taking it in.
Beware of what you say, don't be too emotional or they won't find a place of their own, when the are bigger people. :) (unless you want them to buy the house next door)
Posted by: brigitte peetermans | December 17, 2014 at 07:59 PM
Oh yes, they will get it. Each memory will be locked away safely until a moment in the future when it will suddenly appear and they will smile and say, "I remember". Precious moments xx
Posted by: Winwick Mum | December 17, 2014 at 07:34 PM
Dear Lucy,
Stunning view. Thank You. I get it. Your Little People will surprise you one day. When they bring you a rock, a flower, or stick that seems insignificant remember that is too is a part of what you have been teaching them.
I ooh and ahh over sunsets, Full moons, butterflies, and spring blooms, and just when I think none of that has gotten through to my daughter she will point out a feather in the grass, or a roadside flower or a funny shaped rock.
Posted by: Kim W | December 17, 2014 at 07:15 PM
The seeds are planted Lucy.....
Posted by: Judy | December 17, 2014 at 07:12 PM
I agree, you are very lucky to live with such a view. The canals are gorgeous and I have happy memories of a holiday on a canal boat! As for the children--they will appreciate it when they are ready (like, when they move away lol) but you are sowing the right seeds ;-)
Posted by: Wanda | December 17, 2014 at 06:38 PM
One of the bonuses of leaving home for work at 7am at this time of year is the promise of a beautiful sunrise as I drive through a particularly low lying village.
I have been pointing nature out to my children for years - they do get it even though they may not show it!
Caz xx
Posted by: Caz | December 17, 2014 at 05:16 PM
Believe me...they may not act like they are "getting it" now but one day they will. When my brothers and I were young my father was always telling us to look out the windows while we were on car trips. We did but didn't want to. Now, though, I remember all the trips and wonderful scenery and am so thankful he insisted. Thank you for posting these beautiful pictures of your lovely part of the world! Merry Christmas to your family from North Carolina, U.S.A. May the holidays be filled with wonderful memories in the making!
Posted by: Jo Gaddis | December 17, 2014 at 04:54 PM
What a beautiful view x
Posted by: Michelle | December 17, 2014 at 03:49 PM
Oh, they get it. I know they will think back in twenty years and think about how lucky they were to grow up in such a magical place.
Greetings from austria (we have our share of stunning scenery, too :)
Posted by: nina | December 17, 2014 at 03:38 PM
Yes you're lucky but you appreciate it and you share it with us, thanks.
Posted by: VeroV | December 17, 2014 at 02:57 PM
They may not seem to get it right now, but it's a habit that they will keep as they grow into adults. My dad taught me so much when I was young about appreciating things like nature and good jazz!
Posted by: Laura from beautiful West Michigan | December 17, 2014 at 02:11 PM
I'm sure it depends on the child, but I'm willing to bet they get it. I think kids recognize when something is special even if they can't articulate their appreciation, or fear sounding silly if they do so. I remember being 9 years old when my parents took me to the Swiss Alps, and seeing the sunrise against the Jungfrau from our balcony and I actually cried from the beauty. Other times, we were passing amazing Alpine scenery on the train, and I had my head buried in a book. We're (kids) funny like that. ;-p
Posted by: April | December 17, 2014 at 01:46 PM
in my younger days -i walked very early in the morning and enjoyed the glorious sights.
i think it is the best time of the day
thanks for the memories
xooxoxoxox crafty mema
Posted by: crafty mena | December 17, 2014 at 01:21 PM
How glorious! Thanks for sharing. Even though we may not see signs that they appreciate the things we try to show, teach them, keep faith... They will remember! Have a great day! x
Posted by: Angela-Southern USA | December 17, 2014 at 01:08 PM