
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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December 17, 2014


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Can anyone help me get the pattern please? A friend went to UK and thought she had bought for me but was the wrong issue, I ordered it online and they sent issue 26 not 25 a cross about that so £15 later I still don't have the pattern. A photo'do and emailed version would suit me fine and I can work from my iPad. Thank you everyone


I love this poncho. When I finish my cosy Blanket I'm gonna try this one. Thanks a lot and have a Happy New Year!!!

Lynn Dee Butler

I really like how this fits you. The one on the model looks too big for her. Your cowl is not to big and the sides fit your arms perfectly. I'm sure you are going to get many compliments on it.


defo wanna try out this poncho, I have to say im totally loving your blog. if you ever have spare time. ive recently started a blog on crafts, arts ect. id love any feedback youd have :) www.lbotatb.blogspot.co.uk


Hello, I read regularly your blog and I would kike to realise Cowl-neck Poncho but I don't know Where I can buy the Simply Crochet issue 25 (november 2014).
Please could you tell me how many stitches I have to rise to begin ?


Dear Lucy,

when I saw your poncho I had to order the wool exactly in the colours you did your Poncho. Now I am trying to get the magazine, but I don't know, how I get it her in Germany. Maybe I can crochet it my own way.

Thank you for all your lovely Pictures, you are amazing.

emily buckley

I would like to obtain pattern for cowl neck poncho from issue 25 simply crochet. Cannot find path to buy that magazine. Help.


Absolutely gorgeous. The colours work really well.


I adore your poncho! It has turned out really well!! :) The poncho is on my list for 2015... I am thinking about making it in red and cream. :)

Take care

Carol aka Dansnan

Looks fabulous.
Carol xx

Anne Marie

I really love this poncho, and it will be so warm in the yarn you've used.

Why on earth are you apologising for your appearance? You look great and I particularly love your charity shop cardi and crinkled linen tunic (as you say) as I love wearing charity shop clothing, it's so exciting not knowing what you will find, and I love linen tunics too, one of which expensive and a couple of charity shop ones.

I really see the need to make one of these myself!!!


Wow! This is beautiful - you did a great job - thanks for sharing pictures!


Well done Lucy as usual and yes it is very much better than the one published in the magazine. I have been following your colorful blog waaay from Istanbul for sometime now. Thanks alot for all your heartwarming and inspiring posts and kind generosity for sharing the valuable tutorials as well. I am an old knitter (since age8) but I started crocheting just five years ago which I am truly addicted to, especially crocheting blankets, believing and practicing its tranquilizing affect. I will certainly try this lovely poncho as I did many of your other lovely patterns. Wishing you and all your loved ones merry Christmas and a very happy and fruitful new year. XXX Arzu


I love your shappy style by the way ! - you are so good in creating beautiful modern looking designs - and warmheardet surroundings - Thank your for the almost daily dose of inspiration you provide. This poncho looks absolute fab! --- love Sonja

Lily Davies

Feeling inspired! Ordered the Drops Nepal (first time using this yarn), sorted the hooks and getting ready to hook my first full sized garment. Feeling ridiculously excited!


Love it so much <3


Just finished a baby blanket in your Granny Stripe style. Don't know now to contact you other than through your blog. So if you would like to see my blanket please look at my blog: linda-koshka2quilts.blogspot.com
I'm thrilled with it and have a lady started another in"boy" colours.hank you for the inspiration.


Beautifully made Lucy, but I'm not keen on the colours or the neck I must admit!!! I love your more vibrant 'makes' and feel the roll-neck overwhelms the poncho a bit. Much prefer your gorgeous colourful poncho you made before.

Mon jardin en couleurs

Il est vraiment magnifique !
Un grand bravo !!!


Thank you very much for taking the time to write all of this up, it looks stunning and I'm looking forward to making one too. Hope you feel better soon. Love Sarah

Nadine G

Bravo à vous, votre poncho est magnifique et vous tiendra chaud fer hiver, les coloris sont beaux. Bon week end à vous et votre famille.

Kate Beverley

Wow, lovely colours, I'd like to make a blanket using this colour scheme and yarn......a new year project, I think :) Your poncho has turned out so lovely. I'm thinking I could use a poncho for myself!

Jo Navin

Your poncho looks gorgeous! I really like the red/pink/orange combo with the cooler colours and the trim is perfect. I think you look v pretty in your pics, isn't it funny how we can perceive ourselves? I do the same thing! I've wanted to make a poncho since you created your "indoor" one last year, so I can't wait to get my hooks into this pattern. I'm going to use the left over stylecraft chunky from my jolly chunky bag as I have zero tolerance to tickly wool :-( it's a great idea to make some wristwarmers. I recently made a Winter shawl using some stunning hand dyed yarn I bought at Yarndale, and I plan to make some warmers for my arms too with the left over yarn. Do you have a pattern in mind or will you pull a design out of your creative mind? :-) I really hope you feel better soon, lots of love, Jo xxx


Dear Lucy,
Your poncho looks super! I want to crochet it as well, but with less colours. Can you tell me the weight of it? So that I can calculate how many balls of yarn I need.
Like to wish you and your familly a relaxed Christmas and a very happy 2015.
Xxx Astrid


I think this is quite possible the prettiest thing you have ever made. The colors are wonderful and I love how it looks being worn. Gosh, I wish I could crochet. I really need to learn.

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