
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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November 30, 2014


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Andrée van Amerongen

I want to have the patron in Duch.
What is the name from this nice blanket?
Thank you so much.


Can your yarn package for these pattern be bought in USA. What is L in comparison to American $



This might be stupid question, but I would like to know how you would figure out the width(stitches) for a baby blanket? I made this pattern for my son for a gift, it is an easy pattern to do, I love it.


Hello Lucy,

Greetings from the USA. I so love this bright and cheerful blanket. May I please purchase the patter? I’ve just begun crocheting again, and this is the inspiration I need to keep it up. Thank you so much.

Bernadette Princiotta

I love your blanket. Where can I find the pattern?

thank you!


I'm was looking for a new pattern to try.A friend at work is adopting a baby and she asked me to make her a blanket .Could you please send


Looking for an afgan that is crochet 10 dc and then crochet sc10 and repeat.
I think it's called "the no brain 10 afgan

Debbi duckworth

I love your pattern. Can you tell me where to get it? Thank you for any help.

Marion Nash

I would like the instruction/ for this pattern.

Brenda N

Would love to do this blanket as a baby blanket. How do I get the pattern please

Pamela Page

2711 Whatley Ave

Mary Lu Schmidt

I would like a pattern of this blanket,from beginning to finish. Thank you


Ijust already have bought the pack. I adore crochet and I am looking forward startng my blancket. Than you very much, Lucy, for sharing yours ideas.

My nick name is Lala

Dawn Zukas

Where can I get the pattern for this?


Hi there how do we get this pattern please

Cheers Lisa

gayla torres

i love this blanket, i would like the pattern

alix coralie

Hi Lucy I like you blanket and all crochet works...thank you so much for sharing


katherine edgar

Just starting part 5 really enjoying this as its the first thing I'm making for myself so glad i learnt this hobby so many fun things i want to make x x


Even though I'm way behind I'm loving this project and seeing everyone else's photos. Here's a link to my Cal 5 : https://daffodilwild.wordpress.com/2015/01/25/cal5/

Mary Parris

I had to rush ahead with my blanket as it's a Christmas present that needed to be posted. I had to create my own edging - will be interesting to see how different it is from the offical 'Lucy' one!


Hi Liz, you should have 66 clusters in each. Are you going into the last stitch on the first single row and then the last of the chain 3 when you finish the second single row? (I hope that makes sense?)

Annette D.

This is my first attempt at an afghan and I also have wobbly edges and I have the directions right by me!! I'm not sure what I've goofed. It's getting frustrating but I love it so much and it's for myself so trying to let go and hope I get it figured out as I go along. I did a test small piece and it seems to work and my numbers seemed right. Very confusing :(


My edges are wobbly too. I've already had to rip out 5 rows and do them again, now I'm just doing it by sight. If it doesn't work I'm afraid I give up on this one. A shame because it's a lovely effect.


I've just received the dispatch note from the Post Office and it seems too long waiting till tomorrow morning and pick up my expected balls. Yesss!!!


Just about to start colour number 14 so only at CAL one stage so far....hubby thinks it's a scarf! I am trying to sew my ends in every few rows (not sure if I'll keep that up though)really enjoying the colour changes and also loving the pictures of the other CAL blankets......Thank you Lucy for sharing.

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