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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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August 13, 2014


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Lynn Dee Butler

Lucy, I just saw the most darling crocheted caravan. You really must go see it on Greedy For Colour: My Vintage, Crochet Caravan. It is so you! I thought of you immediately. It's the cutest thing and there is so much itty bitty crochet work that went into making it. Enjoy!

Anna-Marie Field

It all looks really yummy and fresh!!!!Can't beat that!!! Have a happy weekend!!!!
AMarie xxx


Have you got guinea pigs? did I miss something?


lovely fresh fruit and veggies ... you can't beat them Xx Joy Xx


Indeed it is dahlia time! They're blooming in my garden and I love them.

Sue Rostron

Meanwhile here in New Zealand where I live it was icy cold, hailing, snow up in the hills... A day to be glad I worked in an office job. With central heating.


Juicy nectarines and peaches are delish, and so often come from the supermarket hard like bullets. Glad you enjoyed them!


We don't have a market here but we have a lovely selection of local shops. I am off to get bread and fruit this morning in fact - when I can wrench myself away from blogs!! Jo x



Yes this is a great time of year for produce. We popped into our local farm shop to pick up some sweetcorn yesterday and just the anticipation of biting into those lovely yellow squares of delight all drenched in butter is killing me .....roll on lunch time!

Jan Quigley

Thanks for the little taste of Summer, it's been a long, cold, wet winter here in Melbourne (Oz). Spring is less than 3 weeks away, but I doubt it will warm up here anytime soon.

Taciana Simmons

It's amazing how the freshness of summer makes us all smile. I'm so glad you got the carrots you wanted and a little more happies. Makes it for a better day :)


Looks so yummy! I haven't been to the market for some weeks because of our trip to Canada but iam looking forward to go on saturday! 😊

Take care Anne


So jealous! I saw nectarines here in northern Japan for the first time this year, and joyfully went to put some in my basket. Until I saw that they were £1.50 EACH. Nearly cried as I put them back. Might have to buy one anyway, just to say I had one this year.


Gorgeous photos! We have the guinea pigs from school staying with us for a few weeks over the summer holidays - they are sooo adorable! They like parsley I but hadn't thought of trying anything stronger. They are incredibly greedy though - piggies by name and piggies by nature :)


Lots of yummy treats
Clare x


I love your colander! Where is it from?


Mmmmm I can smell all these tasty treats from here! That fruit looks amazing!


Hurrah for dahlias - they're one of my favourite flowers. Hopefully our market (I live in the smallest market town in England) will still have the flower stall once I get a chance to visit in September (there was some argy-bargy, small-town political stuff that went on between the person who runs the market and the person who has the flower stall).


Coriander for piggies, that's a new tip, I shall try it on ours, I like to give her nice treats, especially now that she's on her own. I love the fruit at this time of year as well, it's perfect isn't it. CJ xx

Angela-Southern USA

Nothing beats fresh! Here it's peaches at the moment, yum. My dad has some of the loveliest dark pink dahlias blooming at the moment six plus feet tall. I may have to sneak a few home the next time I'm there.lol Have a great day Lucy!


There's something about brown paper bags full of fruit - scrumptious and sort of homely. It's dahlia time in our garden - I've had a lovely red one in bloom for a couple of weeks. Won't be long - what colour are you going to choose first????


Those nectarines look absolutely gorgeous. Enjoy. :-)

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