
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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April 01, 2014


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Angela-Southern USA

I run across this video, and thought of you. These would be great to hang in your studio, and for the kids to help make for the holidays, parties.


Spring is here at last!! Will the Bower Bird tutorial be making an appearance in the next quarter? ;o) xx


It's definitely a brilliant start if the first quarter of the year was so colourful!! Looking forward to the rest of it :-) xxxx

Taciana Simmons

Lovely, colorful post Lucy. I love all the pictures and how you displayed them.
I was so very surprised and honored that you came to "visit" me. Thank you for your kind comment and for taking the time to check do my humble blog. I feel very special.


Colour, soooo much colour, tis glorious :) Thankyou Lucy!

Shirley Flavell

A wonderful colourful mosaic Lucy, time is passing by too fast.So much to do and create and it always seems time to prepare a meal! Shirley N.Z.


I was just thinking today how light the days are at the moment. The year is indeed flying by.


Those little pink blossoms (cherry tree?) just make me so happy. We're still a couple of weeks away from such, and it feels like decades.


Beautiful pictures!


What a beautiful array of colour :)
Karen x

Matilda Archer

Ok so you have inspired me to have a go. Just popped into local market to get some wool and a hook. Can't wait to get home to start. Before children I used to sew, mainly patchwork and then made my girls some outfits when they were little. I like the idea of crochet as I can do it in the lounge while watching tv instead of going off to a different room and getting machines and all sorts out.
Thanks xxx


I love your colour choices and your cheerful blog posts. Thanks for sharing.


I'm generally a very "soft-coloured" person, but I'm always fascinated by your colorfull world"


Just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.

Kim W

This made me smile. Especially when I realized you were right a whole quarter has gone by and it doesn't even feel like Springtime yet where I am! Must take more picture!

Angela-Southern USA

A color feast, beautiful.Yes! Bring it on! Wow, already a quarter gone?!Forecast for sunny and 80F here today, outside here I come! The housework will just have to wait. ;) Happy day Lucy.xx


Forgot to write that your world full of colours makes me so happy!


May this new quarter be full of happiness and creativity for all of us! Have a nice day! Evelyne

Winwick Mum

It's been a colourful quarter, hasn't it? It seems like everybody is experiencing the "blink and you've missed it" phenomenom of time - all the more reason to take photos to remember! xx

Jenny Hanlon

Beautiful, cheerful, colourful, full of everything! Xxxx

Cockney Blonde

This is what I so love about your posts....COLOUR, x

Mitsa   Xida

All photos Lucy you are fine!Each time,day,week,month,year!Our travels everywere in your parties!!!

Silly Little Sheep

Time flies so fast... I say make every moment count! :)


I agree Lucy- it's hard to believe these photos contain a whole lot of Winter. Very uplifting :)


I can't believe one quarter of the year is gone already. It's been a jam-packed 3 months and I've loved my time.

I always love your picture collages...so much color and awesomeness. Can't wait to see what the next quarter has in store for you. :)

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