
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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March 14, 2014


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Hello, I have tried several times to subscribe to your blog ana I am unable to. When I click on the link to do so, the page comes up worth script or html coding. It won't allow me to do anything. Thank you for your prompt attention to help


Congrats, Lucy! :)
I wish you all the best and more years of crocheting and tutorial sharing too. I have been visiting your site for the past two years and I have enjoyed soooo many information you had shared. Come to think of it, you made a change in my life, in my crocheting life. I remembered the first time I came here to the Attic and I rekindled my passion of colours and crochet again after quitting for some years. But YOU & The Attic helped me find my way back to this type of art.

big hug from rainy Indonesia.

Martha Frye

I love all your work. Thanks for sharing your work with us. I have been crocheting for 32 years and love it.


Ilove looking at all your beautiful colorful pictures & crocheting projects - always makes me smile - Thank you Lucy - you do indeed brighten many days - keep being you!


que de jolies modèles de réalisations superbes et colorées bravo a bientôt biz

Terra Wawrykiw-Mueller

I LOVE LOVE LOVE That Lamp Cover! Is there a how-to on that or link! I am an amazing Crocheter but lol I cannot make anything with out a patter or at least basic how-to....seriously, I'm that bad. :D Thanks!

Andrea Haywood

Congratulations Lucy! I have enjoyed your blog, your amazing photos, and your sweet family so very much. Let's raise a glass and look forward to six more wonderful years! xoxoxoxoxo


Congratulations! I only started to crochet 3 months ago, but I sincerely hope that in 6 years I am where you are today! I adore your blog! Keep up the good work en most of all, continue to enjoy it!

Angie Knott

Oh Lucy,
We here in the United States so wish we could come to visit with you and spend an afternoon crocheting. I love your attic space and all the beautiful items you have decorated it with. You have such a good eye for color mixing. Also I think the wool yarn you use makes a big difference in the look of finished items. My finished items often pill and get fuzzy. But that does not stop me from crocheting more blankets and all kinds of stuff. Anyway I love your blog!!! XXXX


how completely thrilling! what a spectacular gathering of photos! you are an inspiration lucy, really!

Maureen Anderson

It appears we share a birthday together Lucy, so Happy Biirthday. xxxx Love looking at all your wonderful creations and I think it may get me back in to crocheting a bit. Hugs Maureen xxxx


Happy anniversary ! All those years, i followed your blog and found lots of inspiration. I can't write very well english but i wish you will be here for six years more !!!


Congratulation! I love your blog. So much color, fun, inspiration. One of my grand daughters and I are having fun buying yarn, hooks, and learning to crochet. Thank you for sharing pictures of your home, flowers and crochet projects. Everything.

Lizy Tish

Congratulations and here's to many more years! I'm just a novice crocheter but I love, Love, LOVE your blog - your color sense, the beautiful colorful projects, your decorating, and wonderful pictures of your town. Your enthusiasm is contagious and I love how much you love crochet. Thank you so much for having a wonderful blog to look forward to!


Hi Lucy, Love, love your blog!! You impress me over and over, being a lovely wife and mother and allowing us to share your life and one would think that's enough!
Not so, there is the hooky bits, I really get so many ideas and the colors, who knew!!
Wish at 71 I had your color mixing talent, been crocheting for 61 years and you make me keep trying. Can't thank you enough, have turned a couple of friends on to your site and we love you!!!!!! (6) years thanks Luv.


feliz aniversario!!
6 años bien aprovechados, gracias por compartir tu crochet y tu vida con nosotros, por muchos más!!


Thank you Lucy for all the inspiration, colour, tutorials, magic and happiness you bring! My crochet journey began just over two years ago, right here with you, and now I've got my own blog and finished projects to smile about. Keep on doing what you do, we love you!

Ellen Brugmans

And thank YOU so much, Lucy, for sharing it all and making me fall in love with crocheting. Cross stitching and knitting used to be the standard here, and I can hardly believe how much I've been crocheting since I started reading your blog :-).
Wishing you lots of hooky fun in the years to come!

Caroline Palmer

Congratulations on 6 years! I want to personally thank you for sharing you are life and love of crochet. I LOVE reading your blog, and hearing about your adventures. Your blog has really meant a lot to me this past year. I have taken an "involuntary" break from crocheting. I so enjoyed living vicariously through your projects and posts. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I am yearning to start a new project.


Take my breakfast, see the weather report, prepare to go towards my job, GO TO THE ATTIC TO SEE WHAT LUCY POSTED... part of the routine since I entered the attic for first time. Your blog "me puso las pilas" (put me the batteries), as we say around here. I proposed myself goals with my crafts (I had started dozens of projects waiting to be finished). I remember thinking "if I had a blog, it would be like this". Finally, I started a blog myself ... which is actually quite different, but hey, you've been an inspiration to me. Happy birthday, and my eternal gratitude. VERA


Dear Lucy, thank you! For sharing all the crochet moments and all the other inspiring and happy posts. Kind regards from Holland, from Sandra


well done Lucy - You have brought colour and fun to our lives and I thank you for that - the blog is a joy to read - all this and being a mum and wife too - my goodness I think you need to write an e-book on time management!!
Looking forward to seeing many more posts

Terri Lemons

I just found your blog less than a month ago and it is amazing!!!! I'm trying to go back and read all your posts. You are ...just amazing...I can't think of another word!


Oh Lucy, such a spectacular little summary of your lovely projects.......there's so much delight and whimsy to it all. It plants joy in my heart to see your creations and read your words. Thank you for sharing yourself.
Cheers on 6 years!

Grace Christian

I don't normally comment on the internet, preferring to read and learn and be taken on a journey but I wanted to tell you Lucy, you have gotten me through a very rough patch. I was working in a job I hated and every night I would come home and read your blog, I started from the 2008 posts and read and read and read and for a few minutes each day, I was transported reading about how much you loved life and staying home and looking after your home and family and creating and enjoying simple pleasures and finally I made the decision to resign from my horrible job and be a stay-at-home mum again, at least for a while. Life is short and while money can buy "stuff" it can't make you happy, so only 5 days to go until I am free. Free to cook, create, keep house, finally attempt all those fantastic patterns you create, take long walks, laugh with friends and be my self again. Thanks Lucy, xo

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