Oh my goodness me, I've been so unwell! Such a wicked virus, it took hold of me very fast and for forty eight hours I was held in it's mean, unforgiving grip. I woke up this morning, moved myself ever so very, very gently and realised with a huge sigh of relief that I wasn't hurting anywhere much. Thank goodness. I still feel quite drained, but I am SO glad to be able to move about normally and not be either shivering or sweating or hurting anywhere. It was pretty wonderful to emerge out of the house this morning, breathe in the fresh, still air and realise with a leap of my heart that March is here.
Hello, March, how good to see you again!
How lovely to walk under your fresh blue skies and feel a little bit of warmth from the sun at last. It's been far too long.
This glorious crocus patch is planted just to the side of a main road leading in to the town centre. It stopped me in my tracks this morning and as I suddenly felt in need of a breather, I took the opportunity to sit myself quietly on a sun warmed wooden bench to rest and gaze.
The stripy purples are my favourites, although the juicy yellows are pretty wonderful too.
Back home, and all was quiet. Ahhhh, I have so needed this little bit of quiet time, it's quite tricky being poorly across a weekend when you have three Little People (with visiting neighbours children added) and your hubby is out for the day. Not that I did much childcare as I pretty much spent the entire weekend laid on the sofa shivering under a blanket. But oh I did wish for silence from time to time!
Inside the warmth of home, my pink tulips are beginning to flounce and dance. Lovely, sweet things.
I snipped some marigolds from my back yard pots today to bring inside. March marigolds, how unexpected! They are lighting up my desk in such a simple, wonderful way, I really love that particular bold shade of orange.
The sun has shone all day and it's been such a treat. I keep telling myself that Spring isn't officially declared sprung until the Spring Equinox on the 20th, so not to get too excited just yet. I remember last year only too well.....but ooooooo it really did feel more than a smidge springlike today, it really did.
My daily routine is so much more pleasurable when the sun shines, as I do a lot of walking throughout the day. Today the air was also very still, which made for beautiful reflections in the canal.
This isn't my back street, but it's one I stroll along each day with Little B and is typical of the many back streets here in my town. I love rows of Victorian terraced houses with their wonderful old cobbled back streets. A place for rubbish bins and back-yard-access, but I really love their charm and character all the same. When I next have a spare sunshiny morning I'll take a walk around my neighbourhood and show you some more streets, there is lots to love about them.
I haven't had much appetite these past few days, but today I craved something fresh, tasty and healthy. Colourful too, yes it does you the power of good to eat colourful food you know. Avocado, tomatoes, cucumber and sweet red peppers with a splash of olive oil and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Lots of salt and pepper. It was really good.
I finished up my Rainbow Raindrops cushion late this afternoon. Stitched it and buttoned it and plumped it and tossed it on the sofa for approval. Little B road tested it straight away and said it was Nice. Little Lady said it's very You, Mum. Not sure if that means it's good or not, but the important thing is that I like it. I like it a LoT in fact. The colours are happy, the stitches sort of dance a little jig and the buttons....ooommmm, the buttons really do give me heart flutters. It was too late in the day to photograph it as the light was already fading when I finished it, but tomorrow I will. I've made a start with the Raindrops tutorial too, so that'll come tomorrow as well, all being well.
Bouncing back, see? No stinkin' virus is going to keep me from my happy hooky work for long!
ps so happy that March is here, aren't you?!
So glad you are feeling better! Thank you for these beautiful photos of your garden! Spring is a beautiful season and I like it! Love all your work !
Posted by: Anna Maria Q. | March 09, 2014 at 11:17 AM
Glad you are feeling better! Oh those crocuses!!! Can't wait to see them around here - once the snow melts - once the temperature gets above freezing... Yes, so happy March is here - that much closer...
Posted by: Lizy Tish | March 07, 2014 at 11:58 AM
Glad to hear you are feeling much much better. Salad looks lush! Karen xx
Posted by: Karen@Mix•Ture43 | March 06, 2014 at 10:46 PM
At home, the crocus are growing as well and the sun shines.
Your post and your créeations are very nice.
Posted by: bluettine | March 06, 2014 at 12:38 PM
YES! I really love march too! Bye winter, hello SPRING!! Hello SUN! Have a nice day :) .
Posted by: Jacomien | March 06, 2014 at 08:25 AM
Oh Lucy! I was thinking about you yesterday as I treated myself to a bag of Hama Beads and a round support thingy! I was wondering if you'd seen Hopscotch Lane's BlogSpot? she has done some lovely things using Hama Beads and cross stitch charts from Cath Kidston's Stitch book! they are really great and would make lovely brooches or whatever! Check it out!!
Posted by: Kathy, FRANCE | March 05, 2014 at 08:00 PM
So nice to read about and view your photos of spring flowers. What a lovely crocus patch! We are still knee deep in snow here in the U.S. Midwest as Winter is loathe to give up it's grip. May your health go from strength to strength!
Posted by: Libby Parker | March 05, 2014 at 07:58 PM
March came in here the rain until today!But i do not mind at all, because the spring came!!!
Posted by: Malama Xida | March 05, 2014 at 07:50 PM
Sounds grim Lucy, I've been suffering alongside you. Hacking away! Glad you're on the mend, beautiful pictures xxxx
Posted by: Steph | March 05, 2014 at 07:43 PM
Aloha from Hawaii, Lucy! Today is the first day I have seen your blog, having followed a link from my digital subscription to Simply Crochet. I just want to say that I think you are A-DOR-ABLE! Your photos and words make me smile, and I feel so inspired by your crochet journey. I, too, am a color girl, and appreciate your unabashed use of beautiful bright colors. I am hooked (pun intended) on your blog! Mahalo & a hui hou (thanks & see you soon!)
Posted by: Carolita Crochet | March 05, 2014 at 07:26 PM
I absolutely love your photos and your life and your style. I am also glad that you are feeling better :) March is wonderful, apart from a bit of gardening, there are croccuses and other plants out here that really warm the soul. Not to mention the weather is finally nice enough for long weekend walks :)
Posted by: Silly Little Sheep | March 05, 2014 at 07:00 PM
You post so many beautiful projects with such lovely color combinations. On the days that you might ache, know that you are appreciated in so many places and ways.
Posted by: Ellie B. | March 05, 2014 at 02:30 AM
It amazes me how different March looks in different places...you have flowers popping up there and where I am we just got over a foot of snow.
Posted by: Cassandra Tennant | March 04, 2014 at 08:15 PM
DEAR March, come in!
How glad I am!
I looked for you before. ...
-- Emily Dickinson
Posted by: EL | March 04, 2014 at 07:46 PM
Glad you're on the mend Lucy. Just booked onto your Bower Bird Workshop and I'm really looking forward to it! xxx
Posted by: Amanda | March 04, 2014 at 07:37 PM
Glad you are feeling better.
Here in Michigan U.S.A. we still have a least 2 feet on snow on the ground and today it's 16 F.
It may be March but it's still winter here. Love all the color in your posts!!
Posted by: Reneelynn | March 04, 2014 at 05:58 PM
ssssssssssooooooooo glad you are feeling better Lucy and had a nice March day .... take things easy and get back to full strength soon. Lovely colours as always in your beautiful photos xx lots of love Joy xx
Posted by: Joy | March 04, 2014 at 05:40 PM
Oh my, I'm so sorry you had such a terrible virus. So glad you are feeling better. I wish we had crocuses in March here in the US!! That would be lovely. Take care, Heather
Posted by: Heather Estudinan | March 04, 2014 at 04:09 PM
You are just wonderful.
Quite a lot of greetings from Bavaria
Posted by: Brigitte | March 04, 2014 at 04:03 PM
Glad you're feeling better Lucy! Today I had some time for myself and decided to finally have a go at your lemon drizzle cake... just had some: yummie!! Thank you for sharing, love, Barbara
Posted by: barbaraschaap | March 04, 2014 at 03:13 PM
Hi Lucy,so sorry you have been so unwell and glad to hear you are on the mend.We are still having rain,rain and more rain here in Cornwall.LOVE your blog.Hugs
Posted by: Lee | March 04, 2014 at 02:49 PM
It's good to have you back in the land of the living.
Posted by: Marijke | March 04, 2014 at 02:43 PM
Oh my, the crocus are lovely! Makes me long for spring. Still lots of snow outside my windows.
Posted by: Sweet Posy Dreams | March 04, 2014 at 02:42 PM
I'm glad you're feeling much better!
Posted by: Valerie | March 04, 2014 at 01:36 PM
Oh Gosh, I bet you're glad to be rid of that horrid bug! How nice for it to be such a lovely day, too - just what you needed. I had to let you know that I was smiling from ear to ear this morning as I received my first ever Stylecraft Attic24 colour pack through the post and OMG!!! What a riot of colour! Utter, utter, joy and what a fabulous idea to put them all into a pack. It is going to take me AGES to figure out some sort of colour order, but I can't wait to start on my first ever ripple blanket. Hee! Thank you so much for all your inspiration x
Posted by: Bridget | March 04, 2014 at 01:13 PM