We are Home Again and I would love to tell you that I am happy to be here, but truly I would rather still be sitting beside the sea. We got back late on Friday night and I'm right bang in the midst of the inevitable post-holiday slump. Surrounded by mountains of mess, piles of dirty clothes, demanding (overtired) children and a grumpy (back-to-work-tomorrow) husband.
Ah well, it'll pass. It WIlL PaSs. At least this next week will be a quiet one at home for me and the Little People and I might be able to sum up the will to start sorting things out around here. I will attempt to perform some heavy duty Home Blessing, pull my heart and soul away from the seashore and fall back in love with my home and it's place amidst the hills of Yorkshire.
I transferred all my holiday snaps from my camera to the laptop last night and was amazed to find 447 of them! Gosh, what a lot of visual memory making I performed last week! I'm really looking forward to sharing some of them with you during this next week, but in the meantime, here are a few random pictures.........
As you can see, we were incredibly blessed with the weather last week. It was absolutely beautiful with day after day of deep blue skies and hot summer sun. It felt like we had been given a precious gift, a perfect week of High Summer and oh we did appreciate it! It was a wonderful holiday, truly wonderful. Looking forward to telling you all about it.
Back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello, love reading your blog came upon your site from Pinterest. I came from the Northeast of England and am now in Ontario Canada. I grew up in Whitley Bay. Loved the pic of Craster remember the kippers and the smell as you came up to the village. Happy memories. Thanks for an entertaining evening. Jackie
Posted by: Jackie | September 17, 2012 at 02:43 AM
I hadn't visited your site in a long while. I couldn't remember the name, and I hadn't bookmarked it. I'm very happy I found it again. What a treat it is! The visuals and stories could keep me here all day. Beautiful photos and entertaining stories. Someday I'll visit England, and I know where I want to start :)
Posted by: Maria Vazquez | September 16, 2012 at 07:45 PM
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Posted by: Leather Laptop Bag | September 10, 2012 at 07:18 AM
I love love love your blog! Thanks for posting all those wonderful tutorials too - I just finished a granny square blanket and I used your marvellous edging - I blogged about it and have credited you in the blog http://chingypingy.blogspot.com.au/ hope that's ok!!
Thanks again :)
Posted by: ChingyPingy | August 12, 2012 at 12:25 AM
Hello Lucy, My name is Carrie Bathurst. I would like to subscribe and have been trying for two days. The subscribe button isn't working. Will you please do it for me on your end?
Thank you!
Posted by: Carrie Bathurst | August 01, 2012 at 02:08 PM
Your photographs focus in on such beautiful colors. Hope that you will do a post in the future about how you choose color schemes for your crochet projects.
Posted by: Julie2 | July 31, 2012 at 07:09 PM
Hi Lucy,
Lovely to see you back. The photos are breathtaking, just lovely.
Love Carole from Rossendale xxx
Posted by: Carole | July 31, 2012 at 10:28 AM
SO glad you had a wonderful time! Looking forward to the pics.I always need a vacation to get over my vacation ;0
Posted by: Angela-Southern U.S.A. | July 30, 2012 at 08:24 PM
Welcome home Lucy. Your photography is amazing. I missed your blog this past week, x
Posted by: Cockney Blonde | July 30, 2012 at 08:00 PM
Hi Lucy, I love your blog. Presently, trying to make a baby ripple blanket. If you have time, would you write about how you block a big blanket like the ripple pattern one?
Thanks for your time. I know you are very busy. Sorry, if I bother you.
Posted by: Bindhurani | July 30, 2012 at 07:33 PM
Such lovely photos... Don't you just hate the first few days of return to normal? All the clean-up and grumpiness.
Posted by: Michelle | July 30, 2012 at 05:27 PM
We missed you, Luce! I had grand visions of bumping into you round Bridders on Saturday. We came back today but I do miss my kittys when I'm away. That's the only thing with holidays: having to leave them. A few days and you'll soon be back in the swing of things.
Hen x
Posted by: Hen | July 30, 2012 at 04:41 PM
Lovely to have you back. So glad you had a lovely time and good weather.
Posted by: Val | July 30, 2012 at 04:33 PM
Hi Sweet Lucy, So happy you had a wonderful and beautiful holiday. It looks so relaxing and perfect, the weather really helps so much to put you in that holiday mood. Just a note: I always read your blog, just so you know, but I don't always comment, you are still one of my all time favorites and first!!
Posted by: Robin | July 30, 2012 at 04:00 PM
Great pictures!! I also love the pebble one with your hooky goodness in the background. Glad you had good weather!
Posted by: Taylor | July 30, 2012 at 03:42 PM
Glad you had a good time away. I love reading your blog. You have given me so much crochet inspiration! I got back into crocheting a few years ago after seeing your blog. Thanks.
Posted by: Trisch | July 30, 2012 at 02:10 PM
Beautiful photos as always, especially the cricket one, I love crickets :o)
Posted by: SarahT | July 30, 2012 at 01:03 PM
Hi Lucy, Welcome back. I am pleased you all had a lovely time. Can't wait to see your catch up posts this week!!
Posted by: Louise | July 30, 2012 at 12:18 PM
Hi Lucy glad that you had a good time, but I’m also glad that you are back home, I missed reading your blog. I look forward to all your news, and your creations. I collected some sea glass myself last week, but it was on a cool windy day, I hope we get some more warm days before the summer is over.
Posted by: mary. D. | July 30, 2012 at 11:28 AM
The weather makes such a difference and last week was particularly good. Our visit to Lyme Regis in June was very wet, but we enjoyed the area. Do a little bit at a time and if you can get the holiday washing dried and put away that will make you feel better.
Posted by: Elaine | July 30, 2012 at 10:26 AM
Hi Lucy, thought I'd let you know that this winter (southern hemisphere!)I have now completed both a blooming flower cushion (for my niece) and a ripple pattern cushion cover (for my Mum)! I've got pictures of them on my blog. Thanks for your great patterns and inspiration!
Posted by: Rel | July 30, 2012 at 07:57 AM
The rocks and the sea glass are very interesting. What comes first, the snail or the hole in the rock? We don't get sea glass on the beaches where I live.
Posted by: Carolyn | July 30, 2012 at 04:58 AM
Welcome home Lucy! Hope you feel better about being home soon. I think those rocks with the little pebbles stuck in them are really pretty (as is the sea glass) - did you bring them home with you?
Posted by: Seaweedandraine | July 30, 2012 at 03:37 AM
Hi Lucy, Great to read about the next 'chapter' in "The Life of Lucy". Missed your cheery chats last week, but glad you had a lovely week beside the seaside! Post holiday blues - yes can relate to that too. Aah well! things will get back to 'normal' soon enough. Enjoy the memories. Love your photos, you certainly have the knack of capturing the moment. Love Bev from Denmark Western Australia
Posted by: Bev Farrall | July 30, 2012 at 03:23 AM
Welcome home - the photos were beautiful! :O)
Posted by: Bari Jo | July 30, 2012 at 03:14 AM