Gosh, such gloomy grey, and cold wet-wet-wet we've been having here this past week, I've really struggled getting back into routine in this awful weather. Nothing worse than coming home after getting wet through and knowing that in 1.5 hours you will need to put on a still wet coat and go out and do it all over again. I've felt like I haven't warmed up all week, have been perpetually cold and damp.
It's not so bad though, I've been making a conscious effort to rise above the gloom and shake off the post holiday blues. I'm almost there with it. I've worked my way diligently through the gazillion loads of laundry that always materialises after a week away, and it's felt remarkably comforting to be busy doing domestic things.
On Friday morning when Little B was happily at playgroup, I put on my apron and whizzed around number 24 with the vacuum cleaner and floral duster. I sang to myself. I picked up and tidied away many, many stray objects, emptied bins, folded laundry and straightened out the sizable textile element of the living room (currently five blankets and a whole gaggle of cushions). And when it was all done I felt relief and happiness flood through me. I am Blessing my Home, doing my job, getting Back To It. And it feels right and good. Hoozah!!
I also made a wondrous discovery on Friday, you will probably laugh at my stupidity actually, giggle at how long it has taken me (many weeks) to work this one out. On Friday mornings after I've dropped Little B at playgroup, I wend my way home across town via the shops and market. Buying groceries, fresh fruit and veg, bread, flowers, toiletries, whatever we are in need of. I always end up struggling with very, very heavy bags, arriving home all hot and sweaty and exhausted. But yesterday, I had a light-bulb moment and I thought :: hang on a minute!! Why struggle carrying hideously heavy bags when I have a set of wheels at my disposal? Why leave Little B's pushchair at playgroup when I can use it to transport the shopping? So now on Friday's, Pushchair will magically become Shopping Trolley, how marvellous!! I did get a great many odd looks pushing a pushchair full of blanket-wrapped food around (I think it was the long french stick in place of the child that did it), but I care not. My arms and back were so thankful!
This weeks floral extravagance from the market comes in the form of three bunches of "cheerfulness" for £3. I can't tell you how much I love love love that these narcissi are really actually called CheeRfUlness (like officially really that's their proper name), how sweet is that?? They smell divine, and looked super-cute wrapped in my ripples as they rode home in the pushchair. Looking (and smelling) pretty good on my table too.
Part of Friday's Home Blessing also involved a clean up of my mantel as I packed away all the Easter decs. I've left the blossom flowers on the twigs, and Miss Fleur could in no way be packed into a shoebox, so it's still looking very pretty and Springlike in here.
Hmmmmmmmm? You've spotted the little vintage dish full of embroidery threads????? Ah yes, those. Well that's the subject of another post entirely, you'll have to wait for the low-down on those balls of gorgeousness.
Cheerfulness and sweet mushroomy goodness has made it's way up into the bedroom as the Home Blessing activity isn't confined to the ground floor. One of the things that I most love about coming home from holiday is that I get to fall in love with my bed all over again. Gosh, I do adore my bedtimes, such simple, pleasurable bliss to enter the land of nod between crisp cotton and plumped up feathers with a bit of hooky goodness thrown over the top.
I baked with Little B on Thursday morning, always a good plan when the weather is yuckity-yuck and the heart is still a little achy. Helping a 2 year old to crack eggs, play with an electric whisk, dollop mixture, then lick out the bowl is a wonderful thing. Add to that the warmth of the oven, the delicious smell of baking that fills the house, the fun of icing and decorating with newly purchased sweet-hearts and the satisfaction of eating a homemade bun with an afternoon cuppa, well, it all adds up to something simple yet marvelous.
What else....oh yeah, my windowsill seedlings really grew a lot whilst I was away, just look at them go! I'm planning on seeing to them tomorrow, they need "potting on" now before they get too leggy and weak. I'm treating myself to one of those small portable greenhousey type things, you know the sort I mean? Like a bit of metal shelving with a clear plastic rain mac that zips up over the top to keep the chill off.
These cute little basil seedlings were given to me by TF (Talented Friend), she has green fingers as well as stitchy ones. These weeny seedlings already smell so lovely and the scent of them instantly transports me to Summertime. I am desperate not to kill them (my fingers are not green), I talk sweet nothings to them daily and do not ever want to report news of their demise to TF. I want to see them grow into strong mature plantlets so that I can proudly talk tomato-mozzarella-basil salad on a warm summers day with TF. Fingers and toes crossed, I'm going to pot them on tomorrow with the rest of my seedlings and settle them into their new greenhousey home.
Something else that I really do want to get back to is my ripple, it's been a tad neglected of late. I sat and worked a few rows this morning, then had a little ponder about the dimensions and where I'm at with it all. I laid it out on top of ripple number one to check on the length and I'd say I've maybe only got ten more colour changes to work through. I feel a bit like I don't want it to end, but at the same time with the weather being still so chilly I'm really looking forward to pressing it into service. It's taking on a delicious weight, quite a substantial blankie this one. I really do adore it.
Well, I think that's about all the news from the home front that I can muster at the moment, thank you as always for bobbing by. I love that you visit and stay a while to chat.
Much love to all, see you again soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You ma'm are trending in pinterest! I've seen your post and made inspirations out of it.
Posted by: castors | September 09, 2012 at 12:16 PM
Buggies are amazing shopping trolleys - I have carried a tree home from the garden centre in ours! My house is in need of a little blessing at the moment, thanks for the inspiration. Rachel :)
Posted by: Rachel | April 29, 2012 at 10:32 PM
It's been SO cold and damp here lately too (Toronto, Canada) I've had that "damp to the bone" feeling for weeks...can't wait for some sunshine and warmth!
Posted by: Katelyn Made | April 27, 2012 at 03:36 PM
I have accidently missed your site as it is on the laptop and not the phone. Will fix that!
Adoring your work and photography talent. Blessings...
Posted by: jan honeycutt | April 25, 2012 at 06:45 PM
Lucy, would you mind messaging me back, I would love to send you an email but can't seem to find an email address on here. You are an inspiration! Many thanks, Belinda x
Posted by: belinda knott | April 24, 2012 at 09:21 PM
Another lovely post full of colour and cheer. I felt I had to warn you about the little greenhouse and the wind and I see a couple of people have beaten me to it. Quite right too. I advise that you place a few large bricks in the bottomest tray and that will hold it in place should a sudden gust come whooshing by.
I so miss my shopping carrier, my buggy. *sigh*.
Have fun planting...
Posted by: Mrs Pearce | April 24, 2012 at 06:24 PM
Hi Lucy, I have been following your blog for over a year now. I've never left a comment before on here or any other blog. Not good at trying new things. But I've just bought 'the making spot presents craft and click'(to learn how to do all this on line 'stuff', don't know why I get so nervous!) Anyhooooow I was drinking my brew and having a flick through( so much to learn!) when I suddenly saw a familiar sight...a little picture of YOUR BLOG under 'blog crafters, our pick of the best craft blogs for you to follow' (PG64) I thought there's Lucy, wow. I got all excited, my heart was skipping all hippy hoppy happy and I thought how exciting to be in print I wonder if she knows. I must tell her. So excited for you. Then I realised I can't just phone or pop round. I feel like we're friends yet the reality is you're the one who 'put's yourself out there'. I've been too anxious to leave a comment before but I'm so proud of you and if you can do what you do I can certainly write to let you know your in a magazine! Mmmm you may already know....there's no date....could have come out yonks ago....but these are just thoughts to stop me posting this me thinks so I'll ignore and bravely send my FIRST EVER COMMENT!
Posted by: Caroline | April 24, 2012 at 02:51 PM
Your house looks just lovely! and I'm really admire you and little B, as you're making cupcakes together. I've got a nearly 2 yo that I won't be able to trust around eggs and flour for another 2 years, I guess... Loved your holiday-diary too! Here in Istanbul, summer has finally started with temperatures rising steadily... I'm wondering what I can crochet... something light for the summer evenings?
Summery greetings from over here for your whole family!!
Posted by: Marleen | April 24, 2012 at 02:05 PM
Yep, Back to normal...but it's a lovely normal. Taking care of your family and your home is the best, and a bit of 'you' time too. I love all the lovely colour is your home, you seem to be a very happy person. Take care. x
Posted by: Val | April 24, 2012 at 01:27 PM
Just had to mention if you do get a little greenhouse thingy, make sure you get one that you can buy spare covers for, and buy at least one when you buy your greenhouse. I have had one for three years and love it but find the british weather isn't so kind over the winter and I need to replace the cover every year. I bought mine from B&M and at the end of the garden season they sell the covers cheap so I always stock up :) (top tip, hee hee) x
Posted by: Valerie | April 24, 2012 at 12:59 PM
Hi Lucy
These days I am usually in the car running teenagers about, but when the kids were in primary school we always walked to school, and if it was going to rain on any day, you can bet it always rained at 9am or 3pm. The amount of times I got soaked!!! I worked out that I did this for 11 years! But let's not forget there are (thankfully) wonderful blue sky sunny days too. I love the fact that even your washing looks so colourful. X
Posted by: Daisylovesknitandstitch | April 24, 2012 at 09:04 AM
Your home is so lovely and charming. I love all the bright colors. Fingers crossed here in the US for your basil.
Posted by: Sharon Braxton | April 24, 2012 at 03:11 AM
Hi Lucy
Is nice read about your day and your daily activities, Im at my work right now and I feeling me pretty close to you, on the weekend I was practice crochet with your tuturials Im going to start a huge granny blanked.
Tranks for sharing us.
A hung from Santiago de Chile
Posted by: Mónica Grattarola | April 23, 2012 at 08:40 PM
Love this post lucy! had to giggle to myself at the thought of you taking your french bread for a ride in little B's pushchair!! So very funny!! Can't wait to see your seedlings grow,and happy spring cleaning! A joy to read your posts as ever! July xx.
Posted by: july | April 23, 2012 at 03:26 PM
hello Lucy
I really enjoy reading your jolly, colourful blog.
And today I found this:
= crocheted boats = Perfect for you. Apperently there's a tutorial on it's way sooon.
Posted by: Lady Jane | April 23, 2012 at 02:06 PM
Lovely post again from the Attic :-)
I had similar wind-swept issues with my little greenhouse until I made sure it was snuggled in a fairly sheltered corner and "stored" a full bag of compost of the bottom shelf. Weighed it down a treat!
Good luck witht he baby plants, make sur eyou introduce them to the chilly outdoors slowly xx
Posted by: Diane | April 23, 2012 at 02:00 PM
Hi Lucy,
I always enjoy your posts and photos (and this was no exception) although I rarely comment - but I just wanted to say, I also had a similar greenhouse and found it really useful for bringing on little seedlings - also worked fine for tomatoes, later in the year, with the shelves taken out (I planted the tomato plants in grow bag cut in half round the middle and stood up on their ends, like grow-bag-pots - they seem to dry out less like that). I did find though that a strong wind blew my greenhouse over while it just had my precious trays of baby plants in it -luckily I managed to salvage most of them, and I found a few lumps of concrete/rocks/compost bags/any other heavy thing stored on the bottom shelf made it stable and safe. Just thought I'd pass that on in case my near-disaster helps avert others!
Posted by: Claire (LittleRedDragon) | April 23, 2012 at 01:04 PM
I don't often comment, but I do love to read your blog - I always end up feeling warm and cosy! We are just back from a holiday too, and even though it was a warm one, we still got dreadfully wet in autumnal Sydney downpours. Your seedlings look lovely. I'm planning to start some winter lettuce soon on our windowsills too.
Posted by: Kate @ UpsideBackwards | April 23, 2012 at 12:27 PM
I think you did a great job of defeating the post-holiday blues. And the blanket is beautiful...I certainly admire your skill and the length of that blanket. That is commitment!
Posted by: Mary | April 23, 2012 at 12:25 PM
Hi Lucy, I've been meaning to ask you something for ages. How do you wash your blankets? Are you brave enough to put them in the machine? Obviously you don't want to wreck something that has had such an investment of time and money. I hate hand washing small things so I don't think I could face doing a woollen blanket.
Posted by: Rachael Iddon | April 23, 2012 at 11:38 AM
Lucy, you make such a difference to my days! Your zest for life and the colour you bring into it never fails to lift my spirits. Am about to embark on a house blessing as it's my only day off this week, and am now feeling quite cheerful about it , so thank you! Love Penny L in Dorsetxxx
Posted by: Penny L | April 23, 2012 at 11:34 AM
Sounds blissful. Best wishes, Pj x
Posted by: Pj | April 23, 2012 at 08:38 AM
You have finally guilted me.... I have the week off work to clean the house (well, ssshhhhh but I might do a few "me" things too)
I love, love, love that butterfly with your house number. I so need me one of those - with my number obviously! lol. I think I may spend some time making me one for after I clean the windows.
Posted by: Jude.x | April 23, 2012 at 07:30 AM
Good luck with the little greenhouse. Our son-in-law has two and he has done really well with veggies and herbs and they have a tiny garden.
My dear Patchwork friend, Sarah, has just found your delightful blog too and yesterday sent me loads of photos and messages about it! She is now inspired to learn crotchet!
Posted by: Linda | April 23, 2012 at 07:21 AM
Yes, some of the same going on here,except(no vacation):( LOTS of laundry,been waiting on the sun so I could hang it on the line,so their was alot to do.Seedlings looking good,I've got tomatoes,peppers and egg plant up in my mini green house and lots of other veggies coming up in the garden,fingers crossed for no more frost.LOVING the ripple.Such a tease with the thread!I know it will be lovely :)Have a good one.
Posted by: angela-southern USA | April 23, 2012 at 12:17 AM