
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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« Dorset Spring 2012 :: days 5&6 | Main | Cut and Stitch »

April 21, 2012


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You ma'm are trending in pinterest! I've seen your post and made inspirations out of it.


Buggies are amazing shopping trolleys - I have carried a tree home from the garden centre in ours! My house is in need of a little blessing at the moment, thanks for the inspiration. Rachel :)

Katelyn Made

It's been SO cold and damp here lately too (Toronto, Canada) I've had that "damp to the bone" feeling for weeks...can't wait for some sunshine and warmth!

jan honeycutt

I have accidently missed your site as it is on the laptop and not the phone. Will fix that!
Adoring your work and photography talent. Blessings...

belinda knott

Lucy, would you mind messaging me back, I would love to send you an email but can't seem to find an email address on here. You are an inspiration! Many thanks, Belinda x

Mrs Pearce

Another lovely post full of colour and cheer. I felt I had to warn you about the little greenhouse and the wind and I see a couple of people have beaten me to it. Quite right too. I advise that you place a few large bricks in the bottomest tray and that will hold it in place should a sudden gust come whooshing by.

I so miss my shopping carrier, my buggy. *sigh*.

Have fun planting...


Hi Lucy, I have been following your blog for over a year now. I've never left a comment before on here or any other blog. Not good at trying new things. But I've just bought 'the making spot presents craft and click'(to learn how to do all this on line 'stuff', don't know why I get so nervous!) Anyhooooow I was drinking my brew and having a flick through( so much to learn!) when I suddenly saw a familiar sight...a little picture of YOUR BLOG under 'blog crafters, our pick of the best craft blogs for you to follow' (PG64) I thought there's Lucy, wow. I got all excited, my heart was skipping all hippy hoppy happy and I thought how exciting to be in print I wonder if she knows. I must tell her. So excited for you. Then I realised I can't just phone or pop round. I feel like we're friends yet the reality is you're the one who 'put's yourself out there'. I've been too anxious to leave a comment before but I'm so proud of you and if you can do what you do I can certainly write to let you know your in a magazine! Mmmm you may already know....there's no date....could have come out yonks ago....but these are just thoughts to stop me posting this me thinks so I'll ignore and bravely send my FIRST EVER COMMENT!


Your house looks just lovely! and I'm really admire you and little B, as you're making cupcakes together. I've got a nearly 2 yo that I won't be able to trust around eggs and flour for another 2 years, I guess... Loved your holiday-diary too! Here in Istanbul, summer has finally started with temperatures rising steadily... I'm wondering what I can crochet... something light for the summer evenings?
Summery greetings from over here for your whole family!!


Yep, Back to normal...but it's a lovely normal. Taking care of your family and your home is the best, and a bit of 'you' time too. I love all the lovely colour is your home, you seem to be a very happy person. Take care. x


Just had to mention if you do get a little greenhouse thingy, make sure you get one that you can buy spare covers for, and buy at least one when you buy your greenhouse. I have had one for three years and love it but find the british weather isn't so kind over the winter and I need to replace the cover every year. I bought mine from B&M and at the end of the garden season they sell the covers cheap so I always stock up :) (top tip, hee hee) x


Hi Lucy

These days I am usually in the car running teenagers about, but when the kids were in primary school we always walked to school, and if it was going to rain on any day, you can bet it always rained at 9am or 3pm. The amount of times I got soaked!!! I worked out that I did this for 11 years! But let's not forget there are (thankfully) wonderful blue sky sunny days too. I love the fact that even your washing looks so colourful. X

Sharon Braxton

Your home is so lovely and charming. I love all the bright colors. Fingers crossed here in the US for your basil.

Mónica Grattarola

Hi Lucy

Is nice read about your day and your daily activities, Im at my work right now and I feeling me pretty close to you, on the weekend I was practice crochet with your tuturials Im going to start a huge granny blanked.

Tranks for sharing us.

A hung from Santiago de Chile



Love this post lucy! had to giggle to myself at the thought of you taking your french bread for a ride in little B's pushchair!! So very funny!! Can't wait to see your seedlings grow,and happy spring cleaning! A joy to read your posts as ever! July xx.

Lady Jane

hello Lucy
I really enjoy reading your jolly, colourful blog.
And today I found this:
= crocheted boats = Perfect for you. Apperently there's a tutorial on it's way sooon.


Lovely post again from the Attic :-)
I had similar wind-swept issues with my little greenhouse until I made sure it was snuggled in a fairly sheltered corner and "stored" a full bag of compost of the bottom shelf. Weighed it down a treat!
Good luck witht he baby plants, make sur eyou introduce them to the chilly outdoors slowly xx

Claire (LittleRedDragon)

Hi Lucy,
I always enjoy your posts and photos (and this was no exception) although I rarely comment - but I just wanted to say, I also had a similar greenhouse and found it really useful for bringing on little seedlings - also worked fine for tomatoes, later in the year, with the shelves taken out (I planted the tomato plants in grow bag cut in half round the middle and stood up on their ends, like grow-bag-pots - they seem to dry out less like that). I did find though that a strong wind blew my greenhouse over while it just had my precious trays of baby plants in it -luckily I managed to salvage most of them, and I found a few lumps of concrete/rocks/compost bags/any other heavy thing stored on the bottom shelf made it stable and safe. Just thought I'd pass that on in case my near-disaster helps avert others!

Kate @ UpsideBackwards

I don't often comment, but I do love to read your blog - I always end up feeling warm and cosy! We are just back from a holiday too, and even though it was a warm one, we still got dreadfully wet in autumnal Sydney downpours. Your seedlings look lovely. I'm planning to start some winter lettuce soon on our windowsills too.


I think you did a great job of defeating the post-holiday blues. And the blanket is beautiful...I certainly admire your skill and the length of that blanket. That is commitment!

Rachael Iddon

Hi Lucy, I've been meaning to ask you something for ages. How do you wash your blankets? Are you brave enough to put them in the machine? Obviously you don't want to wreck something that has had such an investment of time and money. I hate hand washing small things so I don't think I could face doing a woollen blanket.

Penny L

Lucy, you make such a difference to my days! Your zest for life and the colour you bring into it never fails to lift my spirits. Am about to embark on a house blessing as it's my only day off this week, and am now feeling quite cheerful about it , so thank you! Love Penny L in Dorsetxxx


Sounds blissful. Best wishes, Pj x


You have finally guilted me.... I have the week off work to clean the house (well, ssshhhhh but I might do a few "me" things too)
I love, love, love that butterfly with your house number. I so need me one of those - with my number obviously! lol. I think I may spend some time making me one for after I clean the windows.


Good luck with the little greenhouse. Our son-in-law has two and he has done really well with veggies and herbs and they have a tiny garden.
My dear Patchwork friend, Sarah, has just found your delightful blog too and yesterday sent me loads of photos and messages about it! She is now inspired to learn crotchet!

angela-southern USA

Yes, some of the same going on here,except(no vacation):( LOTS of laundry,been waiting on the sun so I could hang it on the line,so their was alot to do.Seedlings looking good,I've got tomatoes,peppers and egg plant up in my mini green house and lots of other veggies coming up in the garden,fingers crossed for no more frost.LOVING the ripple.Such a tease with the thread!I know it will be lovely :)Have a good one.

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