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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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March 09, 2012


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Good for you!! Out and about, enjoying some ME time. Can't wait to see the insides of that book. And your reorganized shelves. You go, girl!!


Love the photos and your description of your 'night out'. Looking forward to the Shelves of Hope (?). ;-)


Are you sure that isn't a book about your house? So like your style.


omg. i'm just delurking to say i desperately LOVE that book and really, really want it. :)

i think i'd have to lie down to read it, too.

beautiful photos...and a truly gorgeous blog.


Well done clearing the Shelves Of Doom :) I'm currently working on an entire Room Of Doom... in two years, the room has never been fully unpacked or sorted, and has also become home to my craft stuff, books and fabric... now I'm hoping to move again, so the pressure is on to clear, clean, organise and redecorate before we have viewings on the house! Good news is, hubby has promised I can have some nice shiny new storage for my crafts and books if we sell :)


I was guessing it would be that book! I've just received my own copy, and I am so with you on this one. It's delectable, delightful, inspirational! :)

I love your gorgeous photos--the canal is stunning in the lamplight.


Beautiful photos! Enjoy your weekend and I hope you have plenty of quiet time to enjoy your new book.

penny freshour

Oh my Lucy,
I adore that book! You have a lovely style!
Cozy comforts to you always.


you've captured the Blue Hour most magnificently!

Lisa G.

That book looks very interesting. Your photos are beautiful. Good job on the shelves!


Congrats on the shelves! I did my closet the other day. I keep "accidentally" leaving the door open to get a glimpse of all that neat and orderly closet-y goodness every time I walk by.


Oh, now I have book envy! :-) I always feel weird when I'm out after dark, too.


Good to hear you sounding happier- I think daylight lengthening helps, I've had way more energy this week.
Well done on the shelves,reward yourself by doing a bit of languishing on the sofa with the book ( I think your blog should be in the 'inspiring blogs' list in the back).


What a delicious book!! Yes, this is you all the way!! Enjoy! Personally, I'm jealous of your little town where you can walk your child to Brownies and walk to the post office. ::sigh:: I spent a year living in a small British town (Portishead), and it was the best year of my young life!!


I tend to like things that grow organically as they do in actual homes over years rather than things placed by stylists literally overnight. I mean, the things you create have been done with a view to making your home more beautiful but at the same time expressing yourself. You have done it through your own talents and skills. Many of these books just buy in stuff and have stylists move them around and the lighting arranged just so. I like real homes with real people best! I don't like lifestyle magazines for the same reasons. I realise that many will disagree with that view and enjoy them though.


What a beautiful walk! I can't wait to see the shelves because I have some crying out for help. Amazon just emailed me that my copy is on the way even though they originally told me a couple of months. I can't wait to read your reviews.


Lovely moonlight photos and what glorious places you have to walk by the light of the moon. Well done on the shelves of doom! Can't wait to hear more about the book.


Wishing you the most bookish of weekends :)

idiosyncratic eye

The evenings are definitely still feeling wintry and oh wow, you've cleared the Shelves of Doom! Well done! :)

Rachael Iddon

Looks like a lovely book, and on offer too! For a minute I thought you'd had a book of your own published. Now that would be exciting.


I did take a look at the good book on Amazon. It is fun and I see why you were on overload. But I must say, you have the most wonderful and unique style that is all your own. Be inspired, grow, but don't forget who you are.


I'm not sure how I came upon your blog and all your wonderful creative, fun, colorful, cheerful projects! But I have been mesmerized ever since!! I can't believe you can do so much: crochet, design, cook, blog, photograph, and STILL mother and take care of your family!! You're amazing!! I only wish in my old age, I was so industrious and wrote so charmingly!! Something else lost here in the US!!

And, I must say: I'M DYING FOR THE PATTERN OF YOUR GRANNY SQUARES!!! Yours are so much cuter than the old way!! PLZ, PLZ, PLZ share your talent once again on this one!! THANKS SOOOOOOO MUCH!!

Deco Cat

Hooray! Goodbye shelves of doom! So looking forward to seeing pics of your success.

The pics of your walk look great, it is so nice to just have that sneaky bit of time away from everything.

I love curling up in my reading chair with a good book.


Looks like a beautiful evening to walk. It must be lovely after the cold winter to see a clear sky. We are in Australia and we have had a terrible summer of rain and floods with more on the way. But yesterday and today we have clear skies and just a touch of Autumn in the mornings and evenings. Maybe we will have a late summer. You have insipired me to sort out my "sewing room of doom" and will start today. Just love your blog.


How exciting for you!! That book looks amazing. It is something that you have to go over several times too, as you always find something that you missed! Enjoy your day!

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