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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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February 05, 2012


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idiosyncratic eye

I want your wellies! ;)


What a lovely winter day, tobaganning with children!

I'm off for a skate on Ottawa's Rideau Canal, the world's largest skating rink and a UNESO World Heritage site. Lots of snow here, but cold!! Hmm, staying indoors with some hot chocolate & knitting sounds better. ;-)



I was just reading about your morning on Heather's blog too... I do love snow! My middle son wouldn't put his feet down on grass for the first 2 years... Our snow is already melting...maybe you will get your wish :)x

Rachael Iddon

We had a similar day here (just written my post about it). My Babykins is almost exactly a year younger than your Little B. He took it in his stride but I think he's too young to really be scared. The only tricky moments we had were when he insisted on taking his gloves off. It took a few moments, but after he had been touching the snow, he cried, as if the cold was just too much for him to understand. Poor thing. At least it didn't take much to cheer him up, just ramming the gloves back on again did the trick.

Deco Cat

Sounds like a wonderful day!


Looks like fun. I think it's time I had some little ones so that I'm forced out to enjoy the snow. X

ktmade blog

Children are scared of the funniest things. I was terrified of the ocean when I was little. Even if the water touched my dad's feet while he was holding me up in his arms, I would scream hysterically. What goes on in those little minds?!


My two year old had a similar reaction...I had to clear a path through the snow to the snowman so he could help. He was terrified of the stuff. But lovely photos!

Just Gai

My older daughter didn't like sand either. She had to be carried across the beach to the sea! Funny little things.

happy little cottage

Hi Lucy! Poor Little B!! I can't say that I blame him :) Sending warm weather your way! xoxo Debbie


Glad you all had fun. We woke up to snow this morning down here in Brighton which caused much excitement. Little b made me smile as one of mine doesn't do snow either. So funny. A bit of sadness too down here because my oldest, now 14 used to be crazy about snow, first out and last in, even last year. Today he didn't even mention it and not a snowball was thrown. Maybe if we get some good white stuff he might be tempted. I'm secretly with little b and kind of hope that's it though! X

Julie Clay

You have a lovely way of telling a tale of your days. I loved yesterdays, it was so cosy, could just jump right in, I must, must learn how to crochet again, can't seem to pick it up, and you make so many lovely things!

Melissa Graham

I have an award for you on my blog. Please visit the following link to see it. http://lazydaisycrochet.blogspot.com/2012/02/versatile-blogger-award-x-2.html


Hi Lucy,
I have quite recently come across your blog which I want to say is absolutely delightful. I love reading your posts and looking at the beautiful pictures of your cosy, colourful home.
I do envy you the snow that you have, none in my part of the country, but keeping my fingers x that tomorrow I might wake to a winter wonderland, when looking out at the white serene countryside is a treat when comfy and warm indoors.


Eeee it were good.


We had about 4 inches but I was not able to go sledging due to some facial hospital treatment on Friday. I'm supposed to avoid cold for a week or so but I did wrap my face in scarves and build a quick snowman though - you have to make the most of the snow while it lasts!! I'd really like another load of snow for a day off school tomorrow!

Poor little B, but at least the others had a great time!


Love your snowy pictures, we had lots here in the Midlands too but it has mostly melted away now.

LOL @ Little B not liking the snow - reminds of me the first time we took our two to the beach only to discover they really didn't like sand. Or the sea. Or suntan cream.

beach bungalow

Looks like fune; we haven`t had much snow here!



It looks so beautiful when it snows. We went sledging too but I would be quite happy if it all melted now. Lovely pictures.


Aaaah, your blog posts bring such joy with your sharing :o)

Alas, our 'snow' fell as 'rain' :o(

Have a happy week my lovely and take care.


We've not had any snow here in our little bit of Scotland yet! Can't wait for the snow fun to begin when it eventually does decide to arrive though :O)xx


I've enjoyed the snow today too - but like you I'm hoping that it will all go away tomorrow! I love your boots btw, they look so cute and perfect for this weather!

Louise m

I'm jealous,we haven't had snow:(


Indeed. Perfect weekend.

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