I'm just taking a little break from work. I've been happily at it for the past three? four? hours, sitting on the floor of Little B's bedroom, sipping coffee, hooking, writing notes, photographing.
It's the best kind of work I can think of. Happy Hooky work.
I didn't have nearly as much difficulty remembering how to create the Happy Flower as I thought I would. It turns out my memory isn't so bad after all, well not when it comes to hooky things.
The stem and leaves took a little more work than the flower, but I got there in the end. I hope I've managed to do a good enough job photographing the step-by-step instructions so that you won't find it too tricky.
So the Happy Flower has been hooked, photographed, pinned and glued. I'll have to wait until tomorrow until I can unpin it and string it all together as it needs a good 24 hours drying time for the glue to harden.
I'm just going to have a bite to eat in a minute, then I'll begin the process of uploading the photographs and writing the tutorial.
It's going to be lengthy as there are ninety pictures. Uh-huh. Ninety.
What I think I'll do is split it and write it up in three parts.
Part I will be the flower head.
Part II will be the stem and leaves.
Part III will be about making the actual decoration.
Watch this space............................................................................
♥♥ IT's ALL DONE!!!!!!!!! GO HERE TO FIND IT ♥♥
10pm, I've finally finished the tute and I am absolutely pooped. Completely and utterly. I wish you a HAppY TiMe giving this pretty project a whirl.
Enjoy! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz asleep now xxx
I absolutely love how everything you make is so colorful. Your blog is brings so much cheer to anyone who reads it! Lovely flower; I think I'll try making one soon. :)
Posted by: Danielle | February 19, 2012 at 09:06 AM
It΄s realy wonderful!!!!!
Have a nice day from Athens-Hellas!!
Posted by: Angela - blegmeno kouvari | February 19, 2012 at 08:33 AM
Wow - you must be exhausted after all that work! I've already seen a couple of happy flowers appear on Flickr so they are already multiplying!
Posted by: Jessica | February 19, 2012 at 08:05 AM
FELICITACIONES LUCY!!! Excelente tu trabajo! Tu FLOR FELIZ es hermosa, maravillosa. Gracias por compartir tu tarea... Un abrazo!
Posted by: Lili Barrera | February 19, 2012 at 04:13 AM
Hi Lucy, love your work. I have all my Summer Granny squares done and ready to join. I have one question, I saw your edging and was quite thrilled as I wanted to give my blanket a nice finish. How do I work the striped border before the edging? I love the colors. I made my squares using Rowan DK hand knit cotton. Please let me know how to work the striped border. Thanks
Posted by: Carmen Driggs | February 19, 2012 at 01:57 AM
Glue???? can someone explain??? THIS IS SOOOOOO cool!!!!
Posted by: Janie | February 18, 2012 at 11:26 PM
You might have seen her already but if not you really should check out Babukatorium. An AMAZING crochet artist. Google her and have a look at her Flickr stream and enjoy!
Posted by: Trish | February 18, 2012 at 11:14 PM
Your blog is one of my main crochet inspirations, thank you! Blooming flower cushion in some lovely murky variegated wools is my next project; via your super tutorial. And then the Japanese flower scarf.
Here's an interesting crochet flower in an afghan/ throw on eBay UK that I thought you might like: Item number: 230745140354
Posted by: rooruu | February 18, 2012 at 08:57 PM
Your work is beautiful. I noticed the crocheted little Russian dolls on shelf. Do you have pattern for them?
Posted by: A Mom's Choice | February 18, 2012 at 08:22 PM
Hey! I have been using your blog for inspiration for the past month. you are amazing. you rekindled my love for crocheting. I learned when i was young (probably 7 or 8) and by the time i was a teen i thought it was lame, so i got rid of all my yarn and needles. needless to say i moved to a new city last summer and now almost 25 years old i am a granny square addict. i started making them from a tutorial i found on youtube but your flower granny square blanket is what made me want to do it! thank you. for everything. i appreciate it so much! i'll post photos on my blog as i continue to work. thanks again! -Courtney
Posted by: Courtney | February 18, 2012 at 08:04 PM
Your site has been an inspiration. I love that you are so willing to share your projects. And your photos are wonderful. Thank you so much!!!
Posted by: heather jolly | February 18, 2012 at 06:00 PM
Obviously we all love the flower, but can I say I love your mugs as well!! They are so pretty. Do you have special mugs for special times of the day? of a special activitiy? Thanks for doing the pictures and instructions. Have a great weekend!
Posted by: Sara-Jane | February 18, 2012 at 12:53 PM
Really pretty. Just got a look at your tute. Easy to follow. Thanks for all the photos.
Posted by: Donna | February 18, 2012 at 12:13 PM
Hi! I have found your blog accidentally while searching crochet patterns. The things you make are just amazing! Looking so bright and cheering up! Keep on doing more flowers so that we can please our eyes with them!
I'd be glad to share my crochet ideas later on, when I gain enough mastery in knitting :)
Posted by: Anna | February 18, 2012 at 08:30 AM
Your pictures and crafty inspirations are so therapeutic. It makes my winter days so much more cheerful when I can click on your site and see these beautiful pieces of happiness. Thanks
Posted by: Verity | February 18, 2012 at 04:13 AM
Now look what you've done, you clever, clever girl!
How can I possibly finish all my knitting projects when I have to learn how to make a Happy Flower?
As I sit here on the other side of the world with my iPad on my knee I am astounded by your generosity. Thank you from one chuffed Happy Grandma who has this week learned to crochet Granny Flowers from your marvelous tute.
Every photo is worth it - sensational.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Posted by: Helen | February 18, 2012 at 03:35 AM
**** Hi Lucy. Was browsing in the 'Inside Crochet Magazine' today and saw that you came first and were voted No 1 blogger for 2011. I hadn't noticed you mention it in previous posts so can I just say 'Well Done'
You totally deserve it. Your posts are soooooooo inspirational! x x ****
Posted by: PoppyBee | February 17, 2012 at 11:27 PM
Wonderful creative crochet..definitely you should get all those into a book....please do it because 20 years from now you will be disappointed by the things you didn't do...(Mark Twain - rearranged by me!)- anyhow I am delighted for those who want to crochet it. Could I ask you a question? My sister in law wants to start crochet - I came to your site to look for a dc tutorial but I couldn't find one...do you have one somewhere tucked away in that list or would it be part of some of the projects? I did a chain for her with big wool and a big hook and she's off home to try but your tuts are so specific it would help her....when you get a moment (I know you don't have many except today) I'd love to know the answer...have given her your site anyway to encourage her. I have given her a you tube tut but yours would be far better. Thanks for reading this big long post!
Posted by: Joyce Stewart | February 17, 2012 at 10:07 PM
thank you soooo much for taking the time to make, photograph, & write up the tutorial - you are a great source of inspiration & help to so many of us! I love reading your blog - no surprise you won the best blog award from Inside Crochet! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Helen
Posted by: Helen Welsh | February 17, 2012 at 08:23 PM
Happy wishes to you Lucy for all the nice things you do for others like sharing your wonderful crafty things. I have been following your blog for a couple years now. And thought it was time I pop in again and say hello. I love your wonderful flower. Changing the size of the yarn, this would make a beautiful happy flower bookmark for someone. I enjoy your blog so much, looking at all of your amazing photos takes me to happy places I could not visit if not for you sharing your talents. I hope all of the beautiful things you share come back to you ten fold Lucy. Blessings to you and your precious family.
~Pam L.
Posted by: Pam L. | February 17, 2012 at 07:33 PM
Thank you so much! Now for finding some fun colors for this out of my "stash"--should not be a problem. Thank you again for sharing all of your creative skill with the rest of us, and for all the time you give to these projects. So inspiring, truly! We are so lucky!
Posted by: Vegan Thyme (Kelly) | February 17, 2012 at 07:24 PM
it's gorgeous! Makes me want to head home and pick ip a hook. So glad to have found your blog!
Posted by: Valerie | February 17, 2012 at 07:01 PM
what a lovely flower:-)
Posted by: birgit | February 17, 2012 at 06:32 PM
You are absolutely AMAZING!! Thank you so much! Being a knitter...I need good tutorials when it comes to crochet....and yours is wonderful! I need to get some bright colored cotton together to make this!! Thank you again...I LOVE your blog.....
Posted by: Susan | February 17, 2012 at 06:26 PM
I was just going to say - how do you make that happy flower? :-) Thank you for developing the tutorial. I just love what you do! Coming to Englnad in May to visit friends - so excited about that as well. Peace.
Posted by: Karen L. | February 17, 2012 at 05:19 PM