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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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October 31, 2011


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The real supermum

Happy Halloween ( even though it has passed),A wonderful carving on the pumpkin x


Happy halloween! :)
ps I opened my Etsy shop, and would love to know what you think! :)

kay hammock

What great looking cupcakes - love the spiders! It sounds like you and yours had a wonderful night.


I can't wait to read about your Halloween day!
You must have had tons of fun...

Archie the wonder dog

Sounds like a wonderful Halloween!

angela-southern USA

Love your decorations.Hope the Little Ones had a blast:)Mine are too old for trick or treating anymore,Boo-Hoo.Teenagers...Made costumes ALL weekend but not for Halloween,school play.My youngest volunteered me!!Then tells me THREE DAYS BEFORE THEY ARE DUE!!!!!!Needless to say I'm nearly cross-eyed today:P Happy hooking:)

Emma (silverpebble)

Those spider cupcakes are fantastic - their fangs!

A little bat you say? Last night I took a very very small witch dressed in red (complete with red spotty tights) round our village.


Although it´s not a traditional Spanish festival, I love to celebrate Halloween. Boooooooooooo! Happy Haloween


I love it. Especially your archived post being so very similar! You at least can take comfort that you have much loved family traditions!

Snapshots and Snippets

I love your spooky pumpkin!!!!


Oh my gosh...I would love to say someday, "off to the pub for hooky with friends"...that sounds wonderful!


happy hallows eve!!!We had tons of visitors and we only live live in a tiny cul d sac!!!!! Our house was decorated to the nines, even if some of the dads we knew who were taking their kids round, ended up looking at our new car!!! MEN PAHHH!!!! no it was a lovely night had by all!!!! not many candy bars left for me now sob :{{{{{

Anne Marie

Halloween was never celebrated when my son was little so we never got into the habit. I suppose kids love it. I did get in some sweeties etc if any of them knocked on our door, as they really do make such an effort.

I received a text from my friend wishing me a Happy Samhain, as she follows the natural world etc. She sends me messages on all those relevant parts of the year I always have to look up to know what they mean.

I love your little cakes.




Fortunately we don't get any trick or treaters in our corner of the village so it's always a peaceful night, thank goodness.


Halloween isn't a big thing in Australia but I had a dozen or so Trick or Treaters. I can just imagine your two little ones as a cat and a bat. So cute!


Happy Halloween Lucy! It was oddly quiet for us this year - strange. Hope Little Man has enjoyed his trip too - it really changes the dynamic having one of the chicks away from the nest, doesn't it?


happy halloween to all, i am a bit late... please excuse! oh how i love the pumpkin, hope he isnt as mean as he looks LOL! yummy cupcakes, the spiders are a blast!!! have happy hooky time... xoxox


The pumpkin is cute <3

Barbara Moore

We didn't have a single trick or treater here. We live too much in the country I guess. Your decorations looked great and I'm sure the children looked fabulous. I got an early birthday gift and dinner this weekend, tomorrow is my birthday, the 1st. Happy the children got a lot of nummy goodies to eat.


Happy Halloween. Loving that pumpkin :D
We had no trick or treaters, not a one! Good job I bought sweets that I like ;D

Teresa Kasner

Hi Lucy, what an excellent Jack-o-lantern! I'm glad you had a fun time with the kids.. hope LM gets some candy too! I remember great fun when our kids were little. Today was not a fun Halloween here as we had to get up at 5 am and take hubby to get hernia surgery, where they found three of them! No pumpkins carved here, just poor hubby!
Hugs from Oregon.. Teresa


Like that here too- I baked 60 biscuits, ALL gone....


It sounds like you've had quite the evening! Your little ones sounds absolutely adorable :) Happy Halloween!


Happy Halloween to you :-)

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