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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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September 22, 2011


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Ooh those Chinese Lanterns are gorgeous!

Melissa P

I'm so anxious for more Ta Dahing! Love all the colorful eye candy in this post.


Oh, beautiful! THANK YOU for sharing the Chinese Lanterns. I love them, and have always wanted to see some in real life but have yet to do so. :D


You know how to bring a smile on my face: colours and beautiful things!

You little April project is W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L!

Have you seen my colourful blanket?

~X~ Karin

debbie@happy little cottage

Know what I love about this picture? Other than the awesome flowers, artwork and crochet? The RAINBOW candles!!!! ♥

Archie the wonder dog

I love your little driftwood cottage - perfect - and I'm really looking forward to seeing your ta-dah post about the Matryoshkas. Oh, and I'm really really looking forward to the yarn post!!


Chinese Lanterns-They are pods, there are fruits (physalis)inside them.
Orange and turquoise is my current hot colour combo.


Lucy, I am so over the top, head over heels, LAUGH AND CRY excited about this weekend that it's a wonder I get through the day. Seriously. I can't contain it. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE COLOUR AND YARN FEST!

ps lovin' the physalis. Lovin' that I knew what they were called when you mentioned them too! xxxx


Amiga Lucy, Sea side motifs and all things nautical are my favourites too! I really love your "Matrioskas"(Matryoshkas), they are adorable. Please let us know how to make them....soon.:o)
There are several reasons why I love fall/Autum such as crisp cold air; red,orange and yellow all around; dressing in layers with scarfs,Family Fall activities; reading wrapped in my favourite handmade blanket; Thanksgiving celebration and off course early Christmas shopping!I'll check about your final yarn decision later.
Cuidate mucho! Hasta la próxima,
Gloria x


I feel so happy when I've read your news. I simply can never wait for the next 'instalment'. Keep up the good work I'm sure you make so many people so very happy.
lol x

Meg McG

I am a hopeless Attic-addict and I will be checking the blog non stop for the next week looking for my happy-hooky fix!!


Oh wow, the driftwood house is wonderful, but the crochet russian dolls are amazing!
I love them, please share more of them.
You have made my evening


Those Chinese Lanterns are incredible! I've never seen anything like them before. I'll have to see if I can hunt some down. What a fun little fall decoration! I'm very much looking forward to your upcoming color and hooky news for the next week or so :) Keep the smiles coming! It's really quite inspiring.

Maria Teresa

Oh Lucy que flores tão lindas, estou mesmoa espera de saber qual vai ser a sua combinação final de cores, estarei atenta e lindas flores.


I adore your driftwood house. The little washing line is too sweet for words. Love those embroidered dollies too.

Take care,


OMG you really did make them, those little matrouskas! They are superbe! I immediately saw them in the first picture and my heart went al skipperdeskip. Lovely!

Regards from Belgium
PS: autumn is my favorite season: beautiful colors, cosy fireplaces, candle light, etc

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