
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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June 30, 2011


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Just finished my snake last night! I love completing a project but then start to hyperventilate thinking about what to crochet next......so many ideas, so little time!

Jill Saunders

Just got my book in the mail........Can't wait to start Mr. Snake!


Oi. Can't believe I didn't think of ignoring all the difficult bits in the pattern. My 'Baby Crochet' snake is still lying in my WIP bag (since last year). So half is going to be gappy bits and the rest full stripes. I think I actually might finish it now!


Hiya Lucy,
You have made me jealous looking at the pics of your beautiful snake, I have started to make him but cant get my head around the chaning of the 5,10,15 etc.. stitchs as it ends up making my snakey with big holes in, do you put the dc into these stitches or back into the loop, hope this makes sense??

Janice schaub

How do you manage to do so much. I mean, do you ever sleep? You have little ones and travel but yet you have such lovely projects. You inspire me.

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Really The face of boys are very comic and also so quit. I have watched your given videos. Its a lot fascinating and enjoyable. I hope you will upload more pics.

Molly B

this might be a silly question but what kind of yarn do you use? because I love the colors of everything you make! and you didn't weave in the ends of Mr. Snakey! that is soooooooooo awesome. I hate that part. I love, love, love all your crochet work and you have inspired me to get hooking again.


i love the snake. trying to finish my other projects so i can start new ones like yours. so keep the ideas coming and eventually i will catch up.lolol

Michelle Kingsley

Your snake is sssssstunning! His eyes are brilliant!


You inspired me to make my own (wall mayby not my but my son's) snake. Thanks!



Hi, I've just come across your site, I love it, and the snake is spectacular!

Janet Sutton

I really wish I could Crochet - I want one of those gorgeous snakes!

Judging by the number of comments, you could go into business selling them - they're gorgeous!

I'm not crafty myself, but someone posted a link to your blog and I have to say it's wonderful - I love, love, love the beautiful colours - it's made my morning! :)


Love the snake. Remembered it when I looked in despair at my stash and realised I had no more than half a ball of any of my yarns and was stuck in a cottage in deepest darkest rural france, in the rain, miles from a wool shop. Perfect. Stitched a bell (v securely, bien sur) into the tail and presented it to my son as a rattle snake rattle. Made my older by a monkey in a similar style too.

Now, question.... do you have a source of good patterns for boys? Desperate for a nice, simple jumper or tank top pattern. Something like the Debbie Bliss ones for knitting. I seem to be able to find babies' stuff in lemon with shiny ribbons through and crocheted sailor suits. I thought if anyone knew, you would...?

Loving the blog, by the way. I live in Brussels so it's nice to have some colour on tap :)

Captain Shagrat

Blimey Iv'e just read the other blogs after I posted and it looks like everyone else is in love with snakey chops.....

Captain Shagrat

Omg my Harry lab would have gone gaga with that amazing snakey.... If only I had a smidgen of your talent, Don't you have a shop or something because I would have loved to acquire such a fun looking thing?


Hmmmmm I know you have a lot going on at the moment....but....... I have taught myself to crochet using the Attic (thank you SO SO much)and I am currently in the process of making myself a bag- which is rare as I NEVER make anything for myself. Anyways, I cannot find this baby crochet book anywhere and I have just found out my cousin is expecting her 1st baby- which should give me time to make a sssnake-is there any way if you found any time that you could post some quick instructions?? x ps this is the 1st time I have ever posted to a blog so I hope this is ok.


Oh wow that snake is amazingly cute!!! I really have to make one too and get me that book! Pity it's hard to get in the Netherlands... Will go hunting! :D
The extra tips on not weaving in ends an filling as you go are great too for a lazy crocheter like me ;)

Hugs, Carolien

anne riccioli

Hi Lucy, I have started this snake so many times and I am having such a difficult time getting the beginning going! I too am not used to working in 3d. Will start again tomorrow, any tips? Anne


I love your blog! The colors are amazing! I made a snake once, and stuffed it with dry beans. Not good for tiny babies, but it has a nice weight to it for older children. Love your stuff. You are an inspiration!

Deanne Stewart-Mills

Oh No!! Now I have to get that book!!!

I love your rainbow snake. He is gorgeous. I must make me one of those, as soon as I visit the Book Depository and get the book.

THanks for sharing. I love your colour choices - they are so like mine and one of the reasons I adore your blog so much. I am loving the giant flower thingy you are making too. Can't wait to see it as it gets larger.
Glad you mum is out of hospital too - no wonder the sun is shinging :)

Cheers for now,
Sydney, Australia


Hi Lucy.
Wanted to write you for a long time- i started crochet again after so many years i havn't - thanks to you, your charming blog and your exellent tutorials.
your work is so beautiful, the colors are so happy..



Hi Lucy, Just popped by to see how you are... thinking of you... I just made my very first teddy ok it's knitted but NOW I'm going to crochet one so I'm off to hunt for a scrummy pattern. Take care, lots of love xxxxxx


Sssssuper sssstunning and sssstupendous!!


Love the snake, very colour-tastic as usual! Just started up my first blog and have linked your website and a tutorial in my first post as a nod of thanks for starting me on the path. Hopefully you'll be warmly pleased and not weirded out and reaching for the restraining order!


I adore this book and your snake came out wonderful. May I ask what yarn you use for your colorful crocheting? I admire your work so much and adore the vibrant colors. Please do tell what brand of yarn you use most for your lovely creations?

Thank you - Alice

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